Worried Invisalign will be painful? Tips on managing this aligner by Clear Braces Direct
If you are an adult considering cosmetic braces, you probably don’t have the time to mess around.

Growing up, you may have heard that traditional, metal-based braces caused discomfort and were difficult to eat with. While cosmetic aligners offer somewhat of a reprieve from these issues, you may have been told that even the most famous of invisible braces, Invisalign, has been linked to discomfort whilst being worn. And as an adult, who really has time for that?
While there are many obvious advantages to wearing the Invisalign brace, it would be fool-hardy to assume that it is purely plain sailing. This brace will test your resolve, your determination to achieve a gorgeous, straighter smile and will also impact on your day to day routines. Is it all worth it? Yes, it is.
At Clear Braces Direct in London, our team are experts when it comes to the Invisalign brace and can provide you with tips and advice on how to make your journey with Invisalign a bit less taxing. We have helped thousands of patients achieve a straighter, healthier smile using this aligner and we are certain that we can help you too!
So, what advice and tips do we have to help you as you wear your Invisalign aligners? Read on to find out!
OK, we will start with the most unpleasant one first.
Our team at Clear Braces Direct in London is aware that in the first few days of wear, it is likely that you will be in some discomfort with the Invisalign aligner. As you have to wear it for a minimum of 22 hours per day, it is important that you keep it in your mouth to achieve the desired long-term effects.
At Clear Braces Direct in London, we recommend taking over the counter pain-killers, such as Ibuprofen to help with potential swelling and we also advise that you eat softer foods until the discomfort subsides.
Bad breath
As unpleasant as it sounds, if you are prone to snacking and then putting your aligners back in, you may find that your breath begins to smell a bit off, alongside your mouth tasting bad. This is due to the particles of food being trapped against the gum line.
A way to avoid this is to improve your dental hygiene, and brush your teeth every time after you eat and drink. If you are unable to do so, rinsing your mouth with water will do the trick.
With something new in your mouth, your body’s response is to create excess saliva to aid digestion. Of course, as you aren’t going to eat your aligners, this is a rather embarrassing issue, but not often talked about.
Luckily, you can minimise your saliva and associated issues by practising talking when you are alone. How does this help? It will allow you to manage your excess saliva production without discomfort, meaning that you can talk around others without feeling worried about this particular side effect. Trust us, this irritating issue does resolve itself fairly quickly!