Wondering if you are suitable for Invisalign? A brief guide from Clear Braces Direct
In the modern world, dentistry has evolved far beyond a biannual check-up or a scale and polish.

Indeed, many adults and even teenagers are becoming aware of the cosmetic advantages of regular visits to the dentist; everything from a simple whitening to having veneers fitted are now commonplace at many dental surgeries. While it may seem odd to categorise braces as a cosmetic dental option, if you have a slightly crooked smile or are fed up with gaps, then there are many cosmetic aligners that can help you get the straighter smile you deserve. Perfect!
However, before you rush in to book a dental appointment, it is worth noting that, like most things in life, some of these braces are not suitable for everyone. While the list of exclusion criteria is short for many adult orthodontic treatments, it is worth having a rough idea of what type of brace is best suited to reverse your misalignment prior to booking a consultation.
At Clear Braces Direct in London, our team of cosmetic dentists is proud to be able to offer our patients one of the most popular invisible braces available, Invisalign. An invisible brace that offers an accelerated treatment time, Invisalign is an effective brace that reverses a wide array of dental misalignments and is discreet enough to not affect your confidence. Brilliant!
So, what are some of the inclusion criteria for Invisalign at Clear Braces Direct in London? Read on to find out!
Oral health
Of course, before you can undertake treatment with this invisible aligner with our team at Clear Braces Direct in London, you will have to have the green light in relation to your dental health. Any underlying issues that you may have, such as tooth decay or gum disease will need to be treated before any cosmetic treatments can take place, so best to make sure that your pearly whites are, well, pearly white!
Clinical presentation
While Invisalign can help reverse the majority of minor to moderate dental issues, it is more suited to treating some over others.
If you have a smile that is full of gaps or is overcrowded, then our team is more likely to suggest Invisalign to correct these issues. Similarly, malocclusions such as over or underbites can be reversed with this brace, but it will depend on the severity of the condition presented.
Invisalign is a versatile brace, but in order to benefit from it, you have to be committed to the treatment.
Invisalign braces are removable, so you can remove them as and when you desire. If our team is concerned that you are unlikely to wear it for the required time per day, then you may not be suited to them; this is a primary reason why this particular brace is not recommended for children.
Of course, the only way to know for certain if you are suitable for treatment with Invisalign is to undertake a consultation with our team. We have helped thousands of patients straighten their smile with Invisalign, and your smile could be next!