What goes into Invisalign cost? A short guide
If you are an adult who has misaligned teeth, it is likely that at one point or another, you have looked into undertaking orthodontic care. And if you are like most adults, you may have been somewhat shocked at the price, as even having a standard fitted brace (which seems to be the bare minimum) can cost quite a bit.

You may also be wondering what exactly is included in that cost, as surely fitting some wire and brackets to your teeth is not that costly, is it? And how exactly is that kind of cost justified when it comes to clear aligners, which are bits of plastic?
At Clear Braces Direct, we have been working with Invisalign for over 10 years and know exactly what goes into and is included in Invisalign cost London. We are always happy to offer a payment breakdown to our patients, and during the first consultation, we will be able to give you an accurate assessment of how much your treatment with this aligner is likely to cost.
With that in mind, in this article, we discuss what is included in Invisalign costs London so that you can assess whether it is worth pursuing.
The aligner creation
The first stage in having an aligner created is undertaking an intraoral scan from our team.
This is included in Invisalign cost London, as is the 3D printing of the aligners. The cost also includes the digital movement of your teeth using specialised computer technology, which will help us to ascertain how many stages are needed in the treatment and how many aligners will be required. Even though they are only 3D printed, they are precise and will be able to move your teeth with minimal fuss.
There may be some instances where you will need to have an assessment from our team throughout the treatment. This is common if you are experiencing excessive levels of discomfort or if you lose an aligner. These checkups are also included in the cost of the treatment, and any additional fees will be discussed with you when you enter our surgery.
Length of wear
If you have a more severe dental misalignment, the process will take longer. This means more aligners and checkups will be required, both of which will also increase the cost of the treatment. Although the average treatment time of invisible aligners is 3 to 6 months, if you have a more complex case, it can take longer.
Additional aligners
As mentioned earlier, you will need to visit our surgery in most instances if you have lost an aligner. However, if you reach the end of the treatment and your teeth are not aligned properly as planned, you may need to undertake additional aligners, which will be added to the cost of the treatment. These are called refinement aligners.
Retainers and follow-ups
Once your teeth are straight, you will need to wear a retainer for an indeterminate period; this will be discussed and set down by our team. The retainers will help to hold your teeth in place and will be included in the cost. If there are any follow-up appointments needed to discuss the realignment process (these may or may not be included), our team will discuss this with you at the time.