What are the advantages of straight teeth at home with Invisalign
For decades, patients wanting to straighten their smiles had to have traditional orthodontic devices as their only option and attend frequent dental appointments for manual adjustments to be made to their braces. These visits would be another tick off of an already burdened to-do list.

Fortunately, there is a simpler and more convenient way to have a well-aligned smile. We at Clear Braces Direct are proud to introduce our straight teeth at home London process with the modern Invisalign aligner system. We offer a simple, streamlined and direct-to-patient service that allows patients to straighten their teeth without unwelcome fuss.
Is it really possible to achieve straight teeth at home London? We would like to assure you that it is. And what is more, patients choosing our straight teeth at home London with Invisalign aligners will receive all the benefits of a beautiful straight smile and more. Here’s a look at some of the plus points of our direct-to-patient teeth-straightening service.
Compelling reasons to straighten teeth at home
Most patients cannot ignore the sheer pleasure of convenience. Our process requires little in terms of time from the patient, and much of the process can be managed online.
We do ask patients to attend the 3D scan appointment, which can take as little as 30 minutes. If all goes according to plan and the patient is satisfied with the treatment process and quote, there may be no more need for another appointment.
Once we have received the custom-made aligner trays, we will ensure they are dispatched directly to the patient. There is no need to come in again to pick up the aligner trays unless there is a need for a fitting.
The treatment process is monitored digitally through the Clear Braces Direct Monitoring App. Innovative technology allows patients to provide us with regular images of their treatment process so that the supervising dentist can track the movement of teeth remotely. The app offers additional benefits by opening up a direct means of communication and support.
There are plenty more convincing reasons to choose Invisalign as your orthodontic system of choice. These trays are highly discreet; a benefit most welcomed by professional adults. It is most common for patients on orthodontic treatments to not want their teeth-straightening goals advertised to the outside world. This makes the Invisalign system, which is designed around the use of clear thermoplastic material, a good option for image-conscious patients.
Another desirable benefit of Invisalign is the removable feature of the trays. The fact that the trays can, for a limited time, be removed from the mouth removes the difficulties of dietary restrictions that accompany traditional orthodontic treatment plans. Patients can continue to enjoy their favourite foods.
A secondary benefit of being able to remove the trays is how Invisalign simplifies the oral hygiene process; patients can save time from struggling with toothbrushes and floss. When the trays are removed, patients can go ahead and clean their mouths as usual.
Reach out to us at Clear Braces Direct to book a 3D Invisalign scan and get started on your smile journey.