Treating bite disorders with Invisalign London
Your bite describes the way your teeth fit together and the alignment of your jaw. If the upper teeth fit slightly over the lower teeth and the upper molars fit comfortably into the grooves of the lower molars then this is described as having a healthy bite. If you have a healthy bite then this creates a neatly aligned smile and it also helps you enjoy optimal function of your mouth. A healthy bite enables effective biting, chewing, swallowing, and digestion. It is important for normal breathing and prevents sleeper disorders. A healthy bite also means that there should be no pain or discomfort in your mouth, jaw or muscles around your jaw. If you do feel any pain or discomfort then you need to speak to your dentist and find out if you are suffering from a bite disorder.

Bite disorders
A bite disorder is when there is a misalignment of your upper teeth and lower teeth which can cause a range of different issues. An easy way to determine for yourself whether or not you have a bite disorder is if you bite your tongue or the sides of your mouth often. If you are suffering from a bite disorder there is an increased chance of biting your tongue or sides of your mouth which can result in cuts and sores. If so you need to speak to your dentist. If you visit the dentist on a regular basis they will be able to identify a bite disorder very early on. Bite disorders can be corrected by straightening your teeth using Invisalign London. Here at Clear Braces Direct we are a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign London and we can correct overbite, underbite and crossbite using Invisalign London.
With an average treatment time of 12 to 18 months, Invisalign London can help improve the alignment of your teeth and reduce the impact that a bite disorder can have on your teeth long term.
The causes and symptoms of bite disorders
Bite disorders can be caused as a result of genetics, birth defects such as a cleft palate, childhood habits such as sucking your thumb, drinking from a bottle for a long period of time, or the use of a dummy. Bite disorders can be caused later on in life if the size of your upper and lower jaw differ from one another, if you have misshapen teeth or if you suffer from early tooth loss. Wisdom teeth and impacted teeth can also cause bite disorders so speak to your dentist today and find out about improving your bite with Invisalign.
Bite disorders can cause TMJ symptoms. This includes pain and discomfort when you move your mouth. You may feel stiffness, soreness or tightness every time you open and close your mouth. The muscles in your jaw may be tense or strained and this can result in pain and headaches that may begin as mild but over time becomes severe. You may also find that you have difficulty biting and even speaking or pronouncing certain words. By speaking to your dentist about Invisalign these issues can be addressed and you can enjoy better dental health, reduce or alleviate pain and discomfort and improve your quality of life for now and the future.