Tips to get straight teeth at home with Invisalign
It is nothing short of an exciting time when you are given the green light to undertake orthodontic treatment with invisible aligners. This option has taken the world by storm and is popular due to its visual discretion, its ease of use and how simply it can fit into a busy lifestyle.

In recent years, it has become easier for people who wish to straighten their teeth with invisible aligners to do so in the comfort of their own homes. As mentioned before, these are extremely easy to use and so they require very little clinical intervention in daily life.
At Clear Braces Direct, we have made it our mission to be able to offer our patients straight teeth at home London, helping you to get the smile that you want and deserve without an excessive number of dental trips. Or of course, the tightening or adjusting associated with fitted braces.
But how exactly do you use an invisible aligner that has been delivered to your front door? Here, our team at Clear Braces Direct discusses 5 key tips to getting straight teeth at home London using Invisalign aligners.
Keep the aligners in
Invisible aligners like Invisalign can be removed and so in order for you to get straight teeth at home London, you need to keep them in for the required time each day. Depending on your clinical needs, this may vary slightly from the standard 22 hours as recommended by our team. But remember, if you do not adhere to wearing the aligners for this time period, it is likely that your orthodontic treatment will stop being effective and your teeth may revert to their previous positions.
Keep in contact!
Of course, a key feature of success with any orthodontic tool is to stay in touch with our team. You can do this via phone or via the Invisalign app. When you are using the aligner, we will need to see weekly updates of your smile and can communicate with you quickly and effectively whether the treatment is going as planned or if we need you to attend our surgery. So stay in touch!
Keep them clean
Keeping your aligners clean is not only essential to them remaining visually discreet, but it also benefits your oral health; as these aligners are pressed against your teeth, any unremoved food debris can become trapped. This may cause cavities to form. It is also worth noting that these aligners prevent saliva from playing a vital role in cleaning your teeth. So you really need to keep the aligners clean.
Keep pain relief on hand
Many patients who are new to using invisible aligners are surprised when they cause slight discomfort. But you must remember that they need to move your teeth and so some pressure is to be expected. It is worth keeping pain relief on hand when wearing these aligners, especially when you have changed to a new one in the series and the pressure is likely to be greater.
Keep your carry case on hand
To keep your aligners in good condition when out and about, you need to keep your carry case on hand. This oddly shaped box is designed to keep your aligners free from damage or warping.