Tips for daily wear of Invisalign

When you begin treatment with an invisible aligner, it is indeed an exciting time. 


Not only will your teeth become straighter without drawing attention to your orthodontic treatment but you will likely save on time and money that is often associated with undertaking a brace or aligner in adult life.

But to ensure that you get the most out of wearing an invisible aligner, it is important to know how to manage them in daily life. This will not only ensure that they work, but that your teeth and gums remain healthy as well.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have the expertise needed to help you get a straighter smile using Invisalign London. We have helped many patients straighten their smiles using this aligner and if you are suitable, we would be more than happy to help you too!

So, what are some of our team’s tips when it comes to the daily wear of Invisalign London?  Read on to find out!

Time your wearing

It is important to note that Invisalign London is a removable aligner. This means that you can take it out to brush your teeth, eat food or attend dental checkups.

But you will need to keep the aligner in your mouth for a minimum of 22 hours per day unless otherwise directed by our team. If you do not keep the aligner in your mouth, it is likely that your realigning procedure will stall or your teeth will revert to their previous positions.

Keep them clean

As you may know, invisible aligners are made from clear plastic.

And as they are removable, they are easier to clean than other orthodontic devices. In order to ensure that they stay clean, you will need to clean them a minimum of twice a day. Simply rinse them under a cold tap and use a toothbrush to remove any stubborn debris.

Do not use hot water to clean your aligners as this can cause them to warp.

Keep them safe

When out and about, it is easy to simply throw your aligners into a bag or your coat pocket.

Although the plastic that they are made from is durable, this is generally unwise. Because, much like the hot water being applied to the aligners, frequent mistreatment of them can cause them to become damaged, warped or torn, which will then require you to contact our team to have a new set sent out.

Keep appointments

Although we will aim to keep as much of your orthodontic care in the realms of your own home, when you are required to visit our team for a check-up or you need to send us a selfie (so we can assess how your treatment is progressing), please keep these appointments.

Not only do they allow us to see if your teeth are realigning correctly with the use of the aligner but they allow us to spot if you are suffering from the signs of dental decay or gum disease, which can be detrimental to the entire process.

Invest in pain relief

And finally, although the aligners are generally more comfortable to wear in daily life than other orthodontic tools, you will need to invest in pain relief. This will be more prevalent in the days following an aligner change, where the aligner will feel tight against your teeth as it attempts to move them into the desired position.