Tailored treatment plans with Invisalign

Teeth straightening is a highly productive method of transforming your appearance, improving your dental health and bringing positivity into your life. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth then this can have a negative impact on all aspects of your life. Uneven teeth can prevent you from smiling happily and confidently. It can affect your wellbeing and it can also cause dental health complications which can affect the appearance of your smile further. Dental health issues are significantly more likely if your teeth are crooked or wonky and by undergoing teeth straightening you can avoid such complications and promote better dental health for the future.


Why choose Clear Braces Direct?

There are different types of braces that can help straighten your teeth, but over the last few decades Invisalign London has proven to be the most popular choice. The company which developed Invisalign is a pioneer of invisible braces and more people than ever before have undergone teeth straightening thanks to the discretion and convenience that they offer. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct. We have helped to treat thousands of patients with Invisalign London. We have built up an excellent reputation and are now recognised as one of the top Invisalign providers in Europe. If you are thinking about straightening your teeth then you need to visit our website and send us your details. With our online booking system you can pick an appointment either at our Newcastle or London location at your convenience.

Invisalign treatment plans

Initially Invisalign London was designed to correct minor misalignment issues of the teeth. Thanks to advances in technology, Invisalign can be used for a range of malocclusion issues. There are different treatment plans according to the extent of misalignment that you suffer from. No teeth are too crooked to fix. It may be that you require longer treatment or a combined treatment plan, but we will help you improve the alignment of your smile over time.

If you have minor misalignment issues of the teeth then you may be eligible for our Express treatment plan. This consists of up to 7 aligners, each of which needs to be worn for approximately 2 weeks before you move on to the next aligner in the series. This is suitable for patients who have minor gaps between the teeth or those that may have undergone orthodontic treatment earlier on in life and are looking to perfect their smile. The Lite and Moderate treatment plans are designed to treat mild misalignment issues of the teeth and consist of up to 20 aligners that can help achieve a neatly aligned smile. Those who suffer from complex misalignment issues are better suited to our Comprehensive treatment plan which consists of up to 30 aligners and can take between 12 and 18 months to help you achieve a neatly aligned smile that you can be proud to show off to the world.

Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct and by undergoing a free consultation you can find out how your teeth could look after successful treatment with Invisalign, how long it may take, which treatment plan is the most suitable for you and how much it will cost for you to straighten your teeth.