Straighten your teeth in as little as six months with Clear Braces Direct
If you have slightly misaligned front teeth then we at Clear Braces Direct in London could help you become happier when it comes to your smile. Offering our patients the chance to benefit from a discreet, efficient straightening appliance, we want all of them to be proud to show off their smile by the time that they have finished treatment. Invisalign is an innovative treatment that consists of a removable appliance and can straighten peoples’ teeth in as little as four months, depending on individual circumstances. In cases where the misalignment of teeth is more severe, it may take longer than four months to complete treatment, but you will still benefit from the subtle nature of this treatment. A lot of people are reluctant to get traditional braces because they do not like the idea of having a metal appliance permanently fixed into their mouth for years, which is why Invisalign’s clear, plastic aligners offer so many great benefits when compared to a more traditional appliance.

Swapping messy bite impressions for a simple 3D scan
Usually, when people get braces they have to suffer through having an impression taken of their teeth, which normally consists of biting down into a playdough like substance. At Clear Braces Direct in London you will have a 3D scan taken of your mouth instead, so there is no need to undergo any messy impression taking. This scan will form the basis of your treatment, as it will produce a series of images to show your teeth in different positions as they move toward their final straight positions over a period of time. You will have a different set of aligners to wear for each stage of the movement, all custom-made specifically for your teeth. They will be made of thin, clear plastic and should easily fit over the top of your own teeth. They should be comfortable and not impact your ability to speak, and in some cases, people will not even spot that you are undergoing treatment because they are so transparent.
Wear, eat, brush, repeat
Once you have received your aligners from us at Clear Braces Direct in London, it is vital that you wear them correctly to ensure that your treatment works as efficiently as planned. Not wearing them correctly could result in extra time being added to your overall treatment time, or you could need to completely restart it. As well as wearing your aligners in the correct order, you must ensure that each set is being worn for around two weeks at a time. This gives your teeth time to adjust to their new positions. Your aligners will be removable, too, but it is important that you only remove them to eat and brush your teeth. You must always brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in after having something to eat, as this will make sure that there is no plaque build-up and your aligners will not get damaged. Even though they are removable you must be weaning them for twenty-two hours at least every day, otherwise, you risk the chances of your treatment not working properly.