Questions about the daily use of Invisalign answered
So, you have met with our team at Clear Braces Direct and have been given the go-ahead to use invisible aligners to straighten your teeth.

However, you may be somewhat mystified about the daily use of the aligners, as the internet is full of contradictory instructions which can be confusing at the best of times. But when it comes to realigning your teeth, you don’t want to take any chances and get it wrong.
At Clear Braces Direct, we have helped people to get the straighter smiles that they want using Invisalign London for over 10 years and know all there is to know about this aligner. We can also ensure that the aligner itself works correctly and will always be on hand to answer any questions that you have.
So, back to the daily wear and the questions that we receive about this from our current and past patients who have used Invisalign London.
How do I clean them?
Invisalign London is a removable aligner, meaning that you can take it out to clean it and clean your teeth. Luckily the cleaning process for the aligners themselves is straightforward and you can simply rinse them under a cold water tap. If you want to be a bit more thorough, you can invest in some cleaning crystals, which will allow you to soak the aligner for 30 minutes twice a day and will give them a minty fresh aftertaste too.
Do not under any circumstances run them under a hot water tap, as this can cause them to warp.
Will I need to wear them all the time?
As a general rule, we advise against wearing aligners for 24 hours a day, as this will not give you the time to eat food, but the instructions will vary depending on the severity of the misalignment being treated. For most of our patients, we recommend that they wear the aligners for 22 hours per day to get the best results.
Can I kiss while wearing them?
Yes, you can and luckily the majority of our teenage patients and adult patients who are dating have stated that the people they are meeting have not noticed that they’re wearing the aligners. When it comes to being a bit more intimate, your partner may be able to feel the aligners pressed against your teeth. But it will not be as noticeable or as uncomfortable as kissing whilst wearing metal braces.
I’ve read I can only drink water while wearing them; is that true?
When you are wearing the invisible aligners, you will only be able to drink water; for any other drinks such as fruit juices, teas or coffees, you will need to take them out. This is to not only prevent staining on the aligner, but also to prevent potential warping which may occur if you are consuming hot beverages. After you have eaten or drunk anything, before you put the aligners back in, you will need to clean your teeth to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.
How do I manage sores on my tongue?
It is somewhat common for people who begin using invisible aligners to develop sores on their tongues because the aligner edges can be quite sharp. For this, we recommend that you use dental wax, which will help create a barrier between the sharp edge of the plastic and the soft tissues in your mouth.