FAQs about getting straight teeth at home
In the last couple of years, people have become used to doing things at home. Due of course to the pandemic of 2020 and government guidelines.

But these restrictions created frustration for people who were looking to undertake orthodontic treatment. Surely moving your teeth could only be done with dental appointments and the tightening of braces?
Thanks to the ease of use that accompanies invisible aligners, it is now possible to use these tools in the comfort of your own home. With the help of our dental team of course!
At Clear Braces Direct, we have specialised in using clear aligners to help patients get the smiles that they want and deserve. We are now able to offer straight teeth at home London to our patients who are suitable for using aligners like Invisalign. So if you want a straighter smile without the inconvenience of multiple dental appointments, contact us to see if this could be the treatment for you.
As this is quite a new idea, we have been asked many questions by patients about obtaining straight teeth at home London. Here, we endeavour to answer the most commonly asked that we receive.
Is the treatment different to using aligners in a dental surgery?
Talking about using aligners in a dental surgery is misleading; the majority of the work relating to the use of aligners takes place in the home with the patient switching between aligners every two weeks or so. Therefore, it is easy to get straight teeth at home London using aligners without the treatment being excessively different from how it would be in any other setting.
How long will it take?
Many factors will influence how long you will need to wear your invisible aligners. Generally speaking, the average treatment time is between 3 to 6 months, but this will involve you needing to wear your aligners for 22 hours per day or as recommended by our team. To give you a more accurate prediction of how long your treatment will be, you will need to attend an initial consultation where we can assess your clinical case and can offer guidance relating to time periods.
What should I do if there is an issue?
There can be issues when you are wearing clear aligners and luckily, our team is just at the end of a phone should there be a problem. However, you can also report potential hiccoughs to us via the associated app which comes with this aligner. The app allows you to get in contact with us quickly with photographic evidence of potential problems, minimising the need for dental trips.
Will I have to attend check-ups?
You will only need to attend check-ups with our team if there is a problem with the realignment process. This can be determined by our team weekly when you send off your selfie which will highlight the movement of your teeth via the app.
Will it cost more?
Generally speaking, invisible aligners do not cost more than fitted braces and Invisalign is one of the most cost-effective options for adult patients. This is due in part to its quick treatment time and its lack of clinical appointments.
Invisalign in Newcastle: it’s one for the money, two for the show, three to make ready, go!
When you read or hear the words ‘it’s one for the money, two for the show’, it may conjure up the dulcet tones of Elvis’ baritone voice. However, did you also know that this is actually an old rhyme that used to be said to children before the start of a race? At Clear Braces Direct, we are not trying to race through the dental treatment we provide, but we understand that your time is valuable to you, so having a treatment that is not too time-consuming may be appealing when it comes to having your mild to moderate alignment issues treated. With Invisalign in Newcastle, we could realign your teeth in as little as 4 to 6 months and as accredited Diamond Apex Invisalign providers, we can do so efficiently to get you the fabulous smile you deserve. What’s more, we can do a lot of the monitoring of your treatment remotely, so you have more time doing the things you love doing, rather than trying to find the time to come and see us for check-ups. With our remote monitoring app, we will only call you in for a check-up if we really need to see you, saving you both time and money.

What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a system that consists of plastic aligners that are worn over the teeth – a bit like a streamlined gumshield! When worn, only your teeth should be visible, so you won’t have to worry about other people seeing you wearing an appliance in your mouth while you get your new smile. The aligners push the teeth into the correct position over a period of time. You will need to wear a different aligner at regular intervals and these will be sent to you for free, straight to your home. When you first come in to see us, we will be able to take a digital scan of your mouth using iTero technology. This enables us to get the precise measurements of your mouth to have your aligners made bespoke for you. From this scan, we will also generate a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like once your treatment has been completed, so you can visualise how great your smile will become.
Each week, you will then use an app to monitor your progress and we will also access this, enabling us to check up on you and if all is moving as we would like it to, then you can continue with your life! Invisalign offers comfort, convenience and discreet treatment for patients.
Any other reasons I should choose Invisalign?
Aside from the comfort, convenience and discretion that Invisalign in Newcastle offers, it also allows for a certain amount of flexibility for patients too. You may remove your aligners for up to 2 hours a day, which means that you can take them out when you are eating and drinking, and you won’t have to clean masticated food off them after your meal. What’s more, you also won’t need to worry about avoiding hard or chewy foods, for example, because you won’t be wearing your aligners when you are eating, so you can’t break them!
Come and see us!
For your first appointment, we will need to see you for a free consultation to assess if Invisalign is the right treatment for you. Why not come and see us for this no obligation appointment to see if you could have a great smile in as little as 4 to 6 months? It’s not a race, but if you want a great smile soon then now’s the time.
What to expect when wearing Invisalign
When you begin treatment with invisible aligners, it can be a bit of an adjustment. Especially if you have never undertaken orthodontic treatment before. So, for you to stick to the treatment you need to know what you can expect when you begin wearing the aligners in your day-to-day life.

Being better prepared will allow you to make the required adjustments, and of course, will ensure that the treatment works and gives you the smile that you want and deserve.
At Clear Braces Direct, our team knows all there is to know about using invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign London. We can advise you on what you can expect with your unique clinical case when you begin wearing this aligner, so there will be no surprises.
But generally speaking, there are some other things you can expect too. And in the following short guide, our team breaks down what using Invisalign London typically entails.
To benefit from using Invisalign London, you need to wear the aligners for a minimum of 22 hours per day. This means in the first few days or even weeks of wear, you will not be too far from your watch or a timer on your phone. While it can be tempting to try and skip this step and wear the aligners as and when you please, be aware that doing so can result in the treatment stalling and may cause your teeth to move back to their former positions. This will make the entire process a waste of time.
One of the benefits of wearing invisible aligners is that you can see your teeth moving with each aligner. However, it is also important to be aware of how the aligners themselves will fit and move. When you first begin wearing your aligner, it will be tight fitting to your teeth and may require a bit of fiddling to adjust. As the teeth move, it will become looser and when the aligner begins to move in your mouth, it is time to switch to the next one in the sequence. This usually occurs every two weeks.
Loose aligners
As mentioned before, when it comes to the end of wearing one aligner, it may feel loose in your mouth. And while uncommon, aligners may not fit correctly to begin with, so when you put them in, they may feel loose. This needs to be addressed by our team, as a loosely fitting aligner cannot move your teeth.
Lots of cleaning!
To ensure that your aligner remains invisible and that your oral health remains in good condition for the duration of treatment, you will need to engage in lots of cleaning. As the aligners are removable, they can be cleaned by simply rinsing them under a cold water tap twice a day or as needed. When you take the aligners out to eat food, before putting them back in, you will need to brush your teeth to remove food and other pieces of debris. This will ensure that you are at a lower risk of developing cavities or gum disease.
Weekly reports
To ensure that the treatment is going as planned, our team will need to see weekly photographs of your teeth. This can be done using the associated app with the aligner and all you need to do is take a selfie and send it across. From this, we will be able to determine what steps are necessary.
Common Questions regarding Invisalign answered
Whether you are new to the world of adult orthodontics, or if you have been looking for a viable treatment for your dental misalignment for some time, you will likely have come across invisible aligners.

But as invisible aligners are relatively new to the world of adult orthodontic care, many patients have a few questions about this treatment option and of course whether or not it can help them with their misalignment woes.
At Clear Braces Direct, we have been offering our patients Invisalign London for over 5 years and can help to answer any questions that you may have about this treatment option. We always take the time to explain each treatment to our patients and will help you to decide and choose the most suitable option to correct your misalignment issues.
So what are some of the most common questions we receive about Invisalign London? Read on to find out!
How does the aligner work?
Before we talk about how Invisalign London works, let us first think about the traditional fitted brace.
It is attached to the teeth using dental cement and is adjusted periodically every 4-6 weeks using the archwire to move the teeth via the brackets. Invisible aligners are not fitted and require an intraoral scan before you begin treatment. This is used to calibrate the necessary movements required for the aligner to work, after which a set of aligners are printed using a 3D printer, each one slightly different from the last and designed to be worn in a precise order to move your teeth. In short, invisible aligners move the teeth in smaller increments and each aligner is worn for around 2 weeks.
Who is suitable for it?
More people than you think may be suited for invisible aligners. Provided you have a mild to moderate case of dental misalignment and can commit to wearing the appliance for the required 22 hours per day, it is highly likely that you will be suited for it.
How long does it take?
This brand of invisible aligners has an average treatment time of between 3 to 6 months. But as mentioned before, that is assuming that you have a mild to moderate case of dental misalignment and that you commit to wearing the aligners for as long as our team specifies. If you do not wear the aligner for this time, your teeth may revert to their previous positions before you started the treatment, the movement may halt or the misalignment may worsen.
Is it uncomfortable?
Any orthodontic treatment has the underlying job to move your teeth and even with invisible aligners, you can expect there to be some mild discomfort, especially when you are placing a new aligner in your mouth.
Any discomfort that you experience should be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen. If you find that this option does not work, then you need to see our team.
Is it easy to care for?
One of the main things that many patients love about invisible aligners is that they are easy to fit into a daily routine and yes, they are easy to care for. To wash them, you simply rinse them under a cold tap to remove debris or food and pop them back into your mouth.
Invisalign versus other at-home aligners
The pandemic of 2020, which is still partially ongoing, has led many people to seek out treatments that they would usually obtain on the high street from the comfort of their own homes.

And, with the rise in the use of apps, smartphones and at home aligners, nowhere is this more evident than in the field of orthodontic care. Particularly with the use of at-home aligners.
At Clear Braces Direct, we have been offering our patients at home aligners since our doors first opened, and have now extended this service to include the world-famous Invisalign London. But that does not mean that all at home aligners are created equal!
So, what are some of the differences between the at-home aligners that we can offer, such as Invisalign London and off-brand counterparts? Read on to find out!
When you look into Invisalign London, you may notice that there is a brand for teenagers. Therefore, this treatment has a wider age demographic than you may think. But other providers of at-home aligners often have a minimum age of 18 years old, which means many young people who could benefit from this treatment are excluded.
In much the same way that someone who wears glasses should not buy their glasses offline, if you have misaligned teeth, you should not seek orthodontic treatment without the care of a trained professional.
Using an aligner at home can be hazardous; you may be unsuitable for the treatment you have chosen, which can lead to worsening your underlying orthodontic problems. When you come to Clear Braces Direct, we care about getting you the straighter smile you want and are not as driven to turn a profit as some online providers, so we will only recommend invisible aligners if you are suitable for them.
Many people have concerns that when they undertake orthodontic treatment with a branded aligner, the name itself will add a price tag. And if you can get the same treatment online for less, why wouldn’t you?
However, with the price tag that we offer our patients comes our team’s dedication to straightening your teeth, the ability to contact us at any time if you have issues and, of course, the knowledge that our team has experience and training with this aligner to ensure that it works.
Time scale
It is not a secret that when you use invisible aligners to straighten your teeth, many have an average turnaround of between 3-6 months. But this faster treatment can only really be guaranteed if you have a team helping you with each stage of your treatment, which may not be possible if you are using an off-branded online option.
Many issues can occur when using an off-brand aligner that can slow the treatment down; poor tracking, bad engagement from either the patient or the dental team and, of course, delays with shipping out replacement aligners as and when needed. When you come to Clear Braces Direct, we will always ensure that the aligner we provide will fit your teeth well and aim to keep you engaged with the treatment to get desirable results.
Keeping Invisalign cost down with Clear Braces Direct
You may have heard it before now; adult orthodontic treatments are expensive.

And you may have heard that, like most cosmetic dental care, there is not much that can be done by the patient to reduce the overall costs. Luckily, this isn’t true!
At Clear Braces Direct, we want to get you the straighter smile that you desire at a price that is reasonable and will always be more than happy to discuss ways that you can reduce Invisalign cost London. After all, we are in it for the smiles and not the money!
So, what are some of the best ways for you to keep Invisalign cost London down? Read on to find out some of our team’s top tips!
Wear the aligners as directed
When it comes to reducing Invisalign cost London, one of the easiest ways to do so is to simply wear the aligners as directed.
How does this keep the cost down? Because it keeps the treatment on schedule and therefore, you will not need to attend check-ups for longer periods or engage in using additional aligners.
If you do not wear the aligners for the periods stated by our team, the treatment may slow down or stop altogether, or your teeth may begin to move back to their previous positions, meaning adjustments will need to be made which can be costly.
So, keep the aligners in!
Keep them safe
When you are sent your aligners by our team they will come with a carry case, in which you will need to place them when they are not in your mouth. This is especially important whilst you are out and about.
We advise you to use it; not doing so can result in the aligners becoming damaged in either your pocket or bag, which can lead to replacements being needed and this, once again, can incur an additional cost.
Maintain good oral hygiene
You may remember a friend of yours who wore a traditional brace needing to undertake trips to the hygienist to keep their teeth and gums healthy.
And while invisible aligners are removable and should not have a direct impact on your dental health, it is still worth maintaining good oral hygiene when wearing them. Aligners can block the flow of saliva, which is essential for keeping your teeth clean and removing debris that can lead to cavities and gum disease.
Aligners can also, if not washed properly, press food against your teeth and gums, which can once again heighten the chances of you developing tooth decay.
So, keep your aligners and your mouth clean!
Attend appointments
This treatment can be undertaken in the comfort of your own home.
However, it is worth noting that throughout the treatment you may need to attend appointments with our team, especially if during the assessment of your weekly selfies, we spot an issue with the realignment process.
To keep costs down and to keep your treatment on track, please attend these appointments! Any issues can be dealt with before they become too extreme and we can offer feedback and tips on how to prevent more issues from occurring in the future.
Invisalign; how to use the app!
So, you’ve been given the green light to start treatment with invisible aligners and are excited to get going. Great stuff!

Unlike regular braces that require you to attend your dentist every 6-8 weeks to have them tightened, aligners do not require such intervention, and each stage of moving the teeth can be done at home simply by changing between aligners after 14 days.
But, there is another feature of using invisible aligners that some patients may struggle with, especially if they are not tech-savvy; the accompanying app.
At Clear Braces Direct, we are proud to be able to offer our patients Invisalign London and want to make sure that you will get the most out of this aligner as possible. And in doing so, we are also happy to talk to our patients about the app that helps us to track their progress with this aligner.
Here, we provide a guide to using the app that accompanies Invisalign London, highlighting some of its key features. Enjoy!
Download and set up
As is the way with most things app related, you will need to download this app for your smartphone from the app store.
To set it up, you will need to create a patient account; the app will send a link to the email address you enter to invite you to complete setting up your account.
Your account will feature information, such as how many aligners are in your set, which aligner you are taking, days of wear, and the next change date that is scheduled, and you can even set up alarms and notifications to remind you to change the aligner.
When using Invisalign London, you will need to send our team weekly selfies of your smile, so we can assess if the treatment is working as predicted or not.
To do this, when you receive the aligners, you will also receive a cheek retractor, which you will need to place in your mouth when you take your selfie; not very flattering, but it is diagnostic!
The app features a guide on how best to take these photos and even a video showing you how to place the cheek retractor correctly, so no time is wasted with awkward photos!
When we receive your photo, you will receive information known as ‘feedback.’ There are 2 types of feedback; on track or instructions. As the name suggests, being on track means everything looks good and to keep up with the routine, whereas instructions mean you will need additional guidance.
If you receive instructions via the app, it means we have seen a potential issue in your photographs and need you to take some additional steps.
These can be switching aligners, wearing them for longer each day, or we may invite you for a virtual appointment. If we have concerns about secondary issues such as gum irritation, gum disease or tooth decay, you will require an appointment to correct these issues.
Yes, invisible aligners are primarily an at-home treatment, but if our team calls you into the surgery for an appointment, please attend it!
We may need to change the stage of the aligner treatment, or if the misalignment is worsening, we may need to change the tool altogether. So, please keep your appointment with us!
FAQs about straight teeth at home answered
Curious about getting straighter teeth using Invisalign?

At Clear Braces Direct, we can offer our patients straight teeth at home London using Invisalign and can support you at every step of the way too. Great!
In this article, our team at Clear Braces Direct answers the most common queries we receive from patients who want to get straight teeth at home London. So enjoy!
Do the aligners work?
Of course, they do!
At Clear Braces Direct, we know what we are doing when it comes to using Invisalign, and can assure you that this aligner can get you straight teeth at home London, with all the added discretion and ease you want.
How long will I need to wear them?
The course of your treatment with Invisalign may take anywhere between 3-12 months, depending on the severity of the misalignment being corrected.
Per day, our team will advise you on how long they need to be worn but you should aim to keep them in for around 22 hours per day.
How often will I need to see you?
As is the way with Invisalign aligners, you will not need to have them tightened or straightened. And so, there will be fewer visits to see us and of course, as this treatment is home-based, we intend to only call you into the surgery when necessary.
We aim to keep our patients at a distance; it’s not that we don’t want to see you, it is simply that we shouldn’t need to! You will be required to send us weekly updates of your smile via the Invisalign app, and we will send you instructions using this method too. But we don’t want to encroach on your life unless needed, so hopefully, we will only see you a few times in surgery throughout this treatment.
Are there any downsides to this option?
You may have heard rumours online that having your teeth straightened at home is riddled with complications.
And that it can lead to irregularities with your teeth alignment due to poorly taken dental moulds or a lack of input from the dental team. Luckily, this is not the case when you choose Clear Braces Direct to undertake your dental realignment.
We will be in contact with you every step of the way; you will be able to contact us either by phone, email or using the Invisalign app. Using this app, you will need to send us weekly selfies of your smile, so we can assess how the treatment is progressing.
And of course, we will need to see you for an initial assessment, during which we will use an intraoral scanner to take an image of the inside of your mouth, so no need to worry about dental moulds causing problems! We take care of everything!
Is it pricey?
Money doesn’t grow on trees, and with any kind of cosmetic dental care, you will want to know that it is money well spent.
With Clear Braces Direct, we offer you many options to pay for this treatment, including financing, so you can spread the cost of the treatment over many months without draining your savings. If this sounds like an option you would be interested in, please contact our team for more information today!
Invisalign; issues that can slow this aligner down
When it comes to undertaking any kind of new treatment, whether it is to straighten your teeth or your hair, you will likely want to know how to maximise the chances of the treatment working.

And when it comes to straightening your teeth with an invisible aligner, there are a few things you can do to ensure that the treatment straightens your teeth effectively.
With that said, as this is dental care, there are a few conditions and lifestyle choices that can negatively impact the success of these aligners, and in this article, we are going to explore what some of these are.
Because at Clear Braces Direct, we want you to get the straighter smile that you deserve using Invisalign London. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that this treatment works effectively and that we catch any potential issues that you may have early to avoid disruption. Great!
So, what are some of the dental issues and other complications that can negatively impact Invisalign London? Read on to find out!
Gum disease
One of the most insidious diseases known to the mouth is gum disease or gingivitis; it causes your gums to become red, inflamed and bleed when they are touched.
However, when you are using Invisalign London, you will need to be aware of the signs of gum disease; if left untreated, it can cause your gums to recede and your teeth to fall out. Not great when you are looking to straighten your teeth!
In a similar vein as gum disease, smoking can create a wealth of issues when you are using invisible aligners. Firstly, if you leave the aligners in when you smoke, they can become stained, so they will not remain invisible for very long!
Smoking also increases the risk of oral cancer and has a hand in gum disease development too. So, if you want to keep using invisible aligners and get a straighter smile, you may want to undertake smoking cessation.
Lack of engagement
Invisible aligners are removable and as such, our team often has to talk to patients about their lack of engagement with the aligner. In other words, many patients take the aligner out of their mouths, which, when you need to wear the aligner for 22 hours per day to gain any benefits, can slow the orthodontic realignment or may even cause your teeth to revert to their former positions.
So, be sure to keep any invisible aligners in your mouth for as long as specified by our team.
Skipping aligners
When you use Invisalign, you will usually receive between 12 and 14 aligners in each set.
And for the treatment to work effectively, each aligner needs to be worn for around 2 weeks and the aligners need to be worn in a set order.
Even if you feel that one aligner is not worth wearing because it physically resembles the other aligners, you should under no circumstances skip it. Doing so can cause your treatment to fall out of sync and can halt the movement of your teeth.
So, unless you get the green light from a member of our team to skip an aligner, don’t!
What is the difference between Invisalign and braces?
When most people think of orthodontic treatment, they immediately think of a standard or stereotypical metal brace which is composed of metal brackets affixed to the teeth using an archwire as the connector.

In recent times, however, there has been a shift in the use of metal braces towards treating more extreme cases of dental misalignment. And for most people who have mild to moderate dental alignment issues, the use of clear or invisible aligners has become the standard practice.
But what are the differences between clear aligners and fitted orthodontic tools?
At Clear Braces Direct, our team (as our name suggests) specialises in clear or invisible treatment options to correct dental misalignments. One of our most prevailing methods which are proving exceedingly popular is Invisalign London. So if you want to have your teeth straightened without drawing attention to your smile, contact our team for more information about this treatment option.
So, back to the initial question that this article is aiming to answer: what are the differences between braces and Invisalign London? Read on to find out!
Fitting a traditional brace will require your dentist to place dental cement onto your teeth, fix the brackets and then the archwire. With Invisalign London, all we need to do to properly fit the aligner is to take a 3D scan of your teeth using an intraoral scanner. This will then be used to create the aligners, and when they are sent either to your home or to the surgery, you can pop them right into your mouth.
And the fitting is done!
Treatment time
There is a wide range of differences between the treatment time for both aligners and traditional braces.
With adults using traditional braces, it can take up to 36 months to straighten your teeth. However, with an aligner, the average treatment time is between 3 to 6 months depending on the severity of the dental misalignment and the patients’ adherence to the treatment schedule.
There is no way around it; traditional braces are certainly more versatile and can fix a wider range of dental issues, from issues with molar alignment and severe protrusions. Invisible aligners are better suited to issues occurring with the six teeth at the front of the mouth on the upper and lower jaw and providing they are mild to moderate issues, they can easily correct them.
The cleaning of a standard brace typically requires a hygienist, interdental brushes at home and a high-intensity electric toothbrush to remove the debris from under the wires and around brackets.
Aligners, however, are removable and simply require you to rinse them under a cold water tap and use a soft bristle toothbrush to remove debris.
Many people now do not have an issue with wearing a standard fitted brace, as it has almost become a hipster icon among adult patients, but there is no way to avoid the fact that they are visually obvious.
Invisible aligners, however, are visually discreet and made from a clear plastic that can be slotted over your teeth without the use of an archwire or brackets, making them easier to conceal in daily life.