What to expect with Invisalign treatment
In the adult world time is not only money, it is also a factor that many consider when undertaking any kind of treatment. Many adults simply do not have the time to wait around for results and will often opt for faster solutions if possible.

This is no different in dental care, particularly orthodontics. If you are an adult who has misaligned teeth, you may be looking for a quick and easy way to straighten them. Depending on the severity of the misalignment that you wish to treat, there may be a solution for you in invisible aligners.
When you come to see our team at Clear Braces Direct, we may be able to help. We specialise in the use of invisible aligners like Invisalign London, which is a discreet and quick aligner that we have used with thousands of patients to straighten their smiles. So it is safe to say that we know what we are doing!
But how long is it going to take to get the straighter smile you want? And what is involved when you begin treatment with Invisalign London? Here, our team provides a brief guide so you know what to expect.
The first step is a consultation with our team, where we will assess your suitability for Invisalign London. As mentioned before, your suitability will depend on the severity of the misalignment that you want to treat. This orthodontic tool is only really suitable for people who have a mild to moderate misalignment with their front teeth. If we decide that you are suitable, we will then employ our intraoral scanner, which will scan an image of your teeth. This image will then be uploaded to a computer. This is important for the next stage in providing treatment, which can take around 2 to 3 weeks.
The images obtained from the intraoral scan will be sent to a dental laboratory where technicians will use a digital vector map to move the scanned teeth into their desired final positions. This will allow the technicians to predict how many aligners will be needed, alongside the different shapes for each aligner. These images will then be sent to a 3D printer, where they will be printed using clear plastic. This process is straightforward but as mentioned before it can take 2 to 3 weeks for the aligners to arrive at our surgery.
As the aligners are removable, you will need to be disciplined when it comes to keeping them in your mouth. We recommend wearing them for around 22 hours per day. This may differ depending on your clinical need. If you do not wear them for the required time, your realignment treatment may stall or your teeth may revert to their previous positions.
As they come in a set of between 12 to 14, each aligner needs to be worn for around 14 days. Determining when to change the aligner is straightforward; when you first put it in, it will feel tight and as the teeth move, it will become looser. If it wobbles when placed over your teeth, it is time to move on to the next aligner.
It can happen to anyone! A lost aligner will need to be replaced by our team. Simply contact us and we will be able to have a new aligner printed for you. During this time, it is worth putting the previous aligner in the series back into your mouth to prevent your teeth from moving out of sequence.
A comparison between Invisalign and fitted braces
There have always been contenders or rivals, particularly when relating to treatment options for specific aesthetic issues.

Dermal fillers have often been compared to Botox and hair dye to hair chalk. In the world of orthodontic care, this continues with the comparison of a fitted orthodontic tool to a removable one. This is particularly important in adult dental care where you have to take a bit more time to decide which one is worth investing in and which one will have the best benefits for you.
At Clear Braces Direct, we have helped thousands of patients to get the straighter smiles that they want and deserve using Invisalign London. So we know all of the advantages that this aligner can offer to patients and of course, we can assess if it is right for you.
But how does this new orthodontic tool compare to the standard metal brace when taking on adult orthodontic treatments? In this article, we will discuss and compare braces and Invisalign London so you can decide which may be the right treatment for you.
Oral health
Good oral health is a required basis for almost every dental treatment imaginable.
And when you are using an orthodontic tool for teeth straightening, it is important to consider the impact that it may have on your teeth and gums. Invisalign London is removable, so you can easily brush and floss your teeth without inconvenience. Fitted braces will require you to invest in additional equipment such as interdental brushes and hygienist appointments to keep your teeth plaque-free.
As the name suggests, Invisalign aligners are invisible; they are made from clear plastic which is custom-fitted to slot over your teeth and does not protrude. So even those who see you every day may have difficulty spotting that you are undertaking this treatment.
Fitted braces may or may not be discreet; lingual options are attached to the backs of the teeth and are harder to spot, but are also only suitable for certain cases. A standard fitted brace is likely to be visible which may not matter if you are not self-conscious about it. But it is not as likely to offer the discretion that many adults want from an orthodontic tool.
Fitted braces have to be tightened and adjusted for them to move your teeth. This will require your orthodontist to alter them and essentially enable the archwire and the brackets to pull them into the desired location. This can create pressure in the jaw which can lead to discomfort. That is not to say that invisible aligners are without discomfort, but they operate on a different mode of action. They push the teeth rather than pull them and do not retain the same level of tension as a fitted brace, so pressure and discomfort are less likely.
Invisible aligners are surprisingly affordable; this is due to the length of time you will be wearing them for around 3 to 6 months. There are financing options that our team can offer you. Fitted braces require more intervention to operate and more dental appointments, so they are often more pricey.
As mentioned before, invisible aligners can straighten your teeth in as little as 3 to 6 months. Fitted braces can take up to 3 years depending on the complexity of the clinical case.
Mistruths about Invisalign cost explored
It is safe to say that when you are looking to straighten your teeth as an adult, invisible aligners certainly have their appeal. After all, they are visually discreet, are often quicker to work than most patients think and can provide a more lifestyle-friendly alternative to fitted braces. They are also removable, and will not impact your oral hygiene as much as a fitted alternative might.

But along with the popularity and convenience come the standard horror stories that fill internet forums about this aligner. These can prevent suitable patients from approaching their dental teams about this treatment. Dental myths have always been commonplace online and when it comes to invisible aligners, it is no different.
Luckily, our team at Clear Braces Direct knows all there is to know about invisible aligners and we will always aim to help you keep Invisalign cost London down. Thus realigning your teeth on schedule and keeping your oral health in top condition, so once the treatment is completed, you have a smile that you will be happy to show off.
So, what are some of the most common myths associated with invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign cost London? Read on to find out and to learn the truth.
Myth 1- Invisible aligners are more expensive than braces
This is one of the most common myths about invisible aligners, and one that prevents many patients from seeking them out as a treatment. When it comes to Invisalign cost London, many things must be factored in. Including how long you will wear the aligners, how often you will need dental appointments with our team (which we will aim to keep low) and if any replacement aligners are needed. With standard braces, the treatment often works out as more pricey due to extensive trips to the orthodontist for braces tightening, and of course, the length of wear.
Myth 2- Online options are better and cheaper
Technically, yes, some online aligners are cheaper than those we can offer at our practice. However, this comes along with the added issues that a lack of dental supervision can lead to, creating problems during the realignment process.
Myth 3- Add-ons are always required
Add-ons during your realignment process with invisible aligners are not always needed. And our team will only recommend them if we feel they can get you the straighter smile you want in a shorter period. So don’t worry! This isn’t a low-cost package where the add-ons create a higher fee.
Myth 4- Invisible aligners need more dental check-ups
Because invisible aligners do not require tightening, there are fewer dental check-ups, which will keep the price down. We do ask that you send in a weekly photograph of your smile via the app, so our team can assess how the treatment is going.
Myth 5- Dentists always choose this option as it is pricier
We choose this treatment for our patients to provide a more affordable service and one that will get your teeth straightened quickly, with as little inconvenience as possible. So no, we do not choose this as an option because it will cost you more.
Myths about Invisalign debunked
When it comes to undertaking any kind of orthodontic treatment, you will want to ensure that you have the facts straight before you begin.

But as is the way with so many online blogs and articles, these can tend to highlight the less successful aspects of treatments, giving a rather biased view that they do not work or that something horrific will happen if you adopt them.
Unfortunately, this can lead to people who would have been suitable to receive treatments like invisible braces not approaching their dental team about them.
At Clear Braces Direct, our team is equipped and knowledgeable about all things surrounding clear braces and invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign London. So when you come to us, you can rest assured that you will receive the highest quality of care for your realignment journey.
But what are some of the most common mistruths that exist online relating to Invisalign London? Read on to find out and to learn the facts behind the fiction.
It takes longer than standard braces
Invisalign London typically takes around 3 to 6 months to straighten teeth, provided that the misalignment is considered mild to moderate and that the patient is dedicated to wearing the aligners for 22 hours per day.
When compared to standard fitted braces, which can take up to 36 months to straighten adult teeth, this is an obvious time saver. Invisible aligners certainly do not take longer than standard braces!
It is too expensive
Orthodontic care in adult years is going to make people uncomfortable about possible costs. And many people assume that invisible aligners will be more expensive than their fitted metal counterparts. However, the cost associated with any orthodontic tool is linked to the number of hours required to have it tightened, the number of dental visits, and the length of wear. Based on this, you may find that invisible aligners are more affordable than you thought. At Clear Braces Direct we are also able to offer financing to help you spread the cost if needed.
You will require to have teeth removed
There is no hard and fast rule relating to having teeth removed when you are about to undertake a brace or aligner. If your mouth is overcrowded, our team may suggest the removal of teeth to make room. But generally, you should not need to have teeth removed and we will happily leave them all in your mouth depending on your clinical needs.
It can treat any misalignment issue
We truly wish that invisible aligners could treat any misalignment issue. As mentioned earlier, they are best suited to mild or moderate cases for which they have the best success rate. If you have a misalignment that is more complex and involves your molar teeth, or teeth requiring rotation, then you may need to wear a fitted brace.
It is prone to error
When used correctly, invisible aligners are not prone to error. There can be complications if you do not wear them for the required time each day, but we will always aim to ensure that your treatment with this aligner remains error-free.
Tips to get straight teeth at home with Invisalign
It is nothing short of an exciting time when you are given the green light to undertake orthodontic treatment with invisible aligners. This option has taken the world by storm and is popular due to its visual discretion, its ease of use and how simply it can fit into a busy lifestyle.

In recent years, it has become easier for people who wish to straighten their teeth with invisible aligners to do so in the comfort of their own homes. As mentioned before, these are extremely easy to use and so they require very little clinical intervention in daily life.
At Clear Braces Direct, we have made it our mission to be able to offer our patients straight teeth at home London, helping you to get the smile that you want and deserve without an excessive number of dental trips. Or of course, the tightening or adjusting associated with fitted braces.
But how exactly do you use an invisible aligner that has been delivered to your front door? Here, our team at Clear Braces Direct discusses 5 key tips to getting straight teeth at home London using Invisalign aligners.
Keep the aligners in
Invisible aligners like Invisalign can be removed and so in order for you to get straight teeth at home London, you need to keep them in for the required time each day. Depending on your clinical needs, this may vary slightly from the standard 22 hours as recommended by our team. But remember, if you do not adhere to wearing the aligners for this time period, it is likely that your orthodontic treatment will stop being effective and your teeth may revert to their previous positions.
Keep in contact!
Of course, a key feature of success with any orthodontic tool is to stay in touch with our team. You can do this via phone or via the Invisalign app. When you are using the aligner, we will need to see weekly updates of your smile and can communicate with you quickly and effectively whether the treatment is going as planned or if we need you to attend our surgery. So stay in touch!
Keep them clean
Keeping your aligners clean is not only essential to them remaining visually discreet, but it also benefits your oral health; as these aligners are pressed against your teeth, any unremoved food debris can become trapped. This may cause cavities to form. It is also worth noting that these aligners prevent saliva from playing a vital role in cleaning your teeth. So you really need to keep the aligners clean.
Keep pain relief on hand
Many patients who are new to using invisible aligners are surprised when they cause slight discomfort. But you must remember that they need to move your teeth and so some pressure is to be expected. It is worth keeping pain relief on hand when wearing these aligners, especially when you have changed to a new one in the series and the pressure is likely to be greater.
Keep your carry case on hand
To keep your aligners in good condition when out and about, you need to keep your carry case on hand. This oddly shaped box is designed to keep your aligners free from damage or warping.
Daily wearing of Invisalign; FAQs answered
Do you want to straighten your teeth using invisible aligners but need to know more before committing to them?

When you come to Clear Braces Direct, our team can guide you through every step of wearing Invisalign London, to ensure that you get the most out of this world-famous aligner.
In the following guide, our team at the practice answers common questions from our patients about the daily wearing of Invisalign London.
How often will I need to wear it each day?
To get the full range of benefits from Invisalign London, you will need to wear the aligner for 22 hours per day, or as recommended by our dental team. For the first few weeks of wear, this means that you have to time yourself. Should you not stick to this rule of wear, then your teeth may stop moving as planned or the process may begin to reverse. So be sure to keep the aligners in.
Can I drink coffee while wearing it?
It is generally advised whilst wearing an aligner that you only consume water. If you are going to drink coffee, tea, or another beverage like fruit juice, you need to take the aligner out of your mouth. This is because fruit juices like orange juice can cause the aligner to stain and hotter drinks can also cause it to become misshapen.
How hard is it to clean?
Invisible aligners are very easy to clean; simply rinse them under a cold water tap twice a day, or as required, to remove any debris. If needed, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove any stuck-on food. Though it can be tempting, you must refrain from rinsing your aligner under hot water, as this can cause it to warp out of shape. It is also worth noting that before you place the aligner back into your mouth after eating food, you will need to brush your teeth to ensure that any food debris does not become trapped against your teeth by the aligners.
It’s rubbing against my gums; is there a way to ease this?
This is a surprisingly common issue that many of our patients face when they begin wearing invisible aligners. Even though the aligners are typically more comfortable than braces, the plastic that they are made from is often harder than expected, as it has been printed via a 3D printer. So there are few soft edges, which can irritate the soft tissues of the mouth. There is a way to mitigate this using dental wax. Place this onto the harder areas of the aligner and this will cushion your inner mouth and gums against the pressure until the aligner softens.
I’ve lost an aligner; what should I do?
If you have lost an aligner the first thing to do is put the previous aligner that you were wearing in the series into your mouth. Do not move on to the next one as this can create an issue in the realignment process. Secondly, you need to contact our team at Clear Braces Direct so we can order you a replacement aligner. If you believe that you can move on to the next aligner in the series, please discuss this with our team. Do not attempt this step without the green light from us.
Invisalign and the advantages of use in adult years
When you are an adult who has misaligned teeth you may only consider the negative effects of wearing either a fitted brace or aligner to correct the issue.

However, if you have what is considered to be a mild to moderate misalignment, then you may be suitable for one of the more discreet options that dental teams can offer. This is known as an invisible aligner.
As our name suggests, at Clear Braces Direct, we specialise in the use of clear or invisible aligners to help our patients get the smiles that they deserve. Particularly, we specialise in the use of Invisalign London, which is a fast and efficient way to correct moderate misalignments
But are there any advantages to wearing Invisalign London as an adult? And how does this aligner compare to traditional braces? Read on to find out.
A key advantage of wearing Invisalign London in your adult years is that the aligner is removable, which means you can take it out if you are giving talks, lectures or simply don’t want to have it in your mouth. But be aware that for this aligner to work at its full efficiency, you will need to wear it for a minimum of 22 hours per day or as directed by our team.
This type of aligner is branded as invisible, primarily because it is the closest thing you will get to an invisible orthodontic tool! It is made from clear plastic and is moulded to slot over your teeth. So it will not be bulky or protruding. This means that whilst you are wearing it, few people will be able to spot it unless you point it out. Which has an obvious benefit in the working environment or even if you are dating.
Lifestyle friendly
In the past, undertaking orthodontics in adult life would usually mean extensive trips to the dentist to have the braces tightened or adjusted. As this aligner does not require adjustments, you will not need to see our team at the practice as often. Using the associated app, which is downloadable for smartphones, you can send us weekly updates via a selfie, so we can determine if the aligner is progressing as planned, or if you need to see our team. This saves on a lot of time and money that could have been spent making trips to our surgery.
It is newer and it is trendy, so surely it is more expensive! This is a common thought that many of our patients have when it comes to using invisible aligners. However, as you will not need to see our team as much and as there is no need to adjust or tighten the aligners, the cost of undertaking this treatment may be more affordable than you think. We also offer financing options to help you spread the cost if needed. So talk to our team about this option today.
Time saving
It may sound surprising but an invisible aligner can straighten your smile in as short a time as 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity of the issue being corrected and your adherence to wearing the aligner. So you can begin wearing this tool before a wedding or another important event and have your teeth straightened in time. Perfect!
Tips on keeping Invisalign costs down
When you have been researching orthodontic options online to correct dental misalignments in your adult life, you may have come across invisible aligners. But if you are like most dental patients, you may assume that these options are simply too pricey for you to be able to afford and that a fitted brace might be a suitable alternative.

However, many dental patients are happy to learn that invisible aligners are surprisingly affordable, but that there are conditions that will make the treatment more expensive. Some of these can be mitigated and some of them cannot. However, in this article, we are going to discuss some of the key features that can make using invisible aligners more expensive.
Because at Clear Braces Direct, we have helped thousands of patients to get straighter smiles using invisible aligners. And we know all there is to know about reducing Invisalign cost London and how to mitigate against additional fees for this treatment. Great!
So, what are some of the features that can make the Invisalign cost London spiral and what can you do to prevent them? Read on to find out!
Your presentation
When you have a more complex case of dental misalignment, you still may be able to get the results you want using invisible aligners. This is an example of a factor that can drive up Invisalign cost London that cannot be mitigated. Should you have a more complicated case, it is likely that you will be wearing the aligners for longer, which can push the costs up due to intervention from our team, the printing of the aligners and general dental care whilst wearing the orthodontic tool.
Lost aligners
Losing an aligner is not uncommon, as they are removable and many people feel that they can adequately store them when they are at work or university in their bag or coat pocket. However, it is not only lost aligners that can drive up the cost due to additional printing. Inadequate care of aligners can also cause them to become damaged. In this instance, it is best to keep your aligners in the carry case, to reduce the chance of losing them or damaging them and help to keep costs down.
For these aligners to work, you will need to wear them for 22 hours per day, and you will need to attend appointments with our team if we suspect that there is an issue. But there are some instances where certain patients need to attend more appointments due to secondary factors impacting the effectiveness of the aligners. And as you may have guessed, more appointments equate to more cost. The best way to prevent these is to aim to take good care of your dental health and adhere to the treatment.
If you do not wear the aligners for the required 22 hours per day, the treatment will likely take longer, due to the teeth not moving correctly, or due to the teeth reverting to their former positions. This can lead to additional aligners being needed and this will push the overall cost up.
Secondary issues
As mentioned earlier, dental hygiene is important to maintain, even whilst wearing removable aligners. Secondary issues with tooth decay or gum disease due to poor hygiene or inadequately cleaned aligners can increase the overall treatment fee.
Super smiles with Invisalign in Newcastle and Clear Braces Direct!
Do you ever wake up in the morning and wish your smile looked different when you bare your teeth in the bathroom mirror? Do you grimace when asked to have a selfie taken with your BFF, or do you spend your time wistfully looking through glossy magazines with models and million dollar smiles? If so, you could improve your self-esteem by realigning your smile with Clear Braces Direct and it won’t cost you the earth! We offer free initial consultations to assess your suitability for Invisalign in Newcastle, that treats mild to moderate alignment issues. If you decide to go ahead with Invisalign, we then only ask you to come in for check-ups when it is really necessary, saving you both time and money. The rest of the time, we will be monitoring you remotely with our bespoke monitoring system and you can keep a check on your progress using the app we will provide you with.

How does Invisalign in Newcastle work?
While we are not the only dental practice offering Invisalign as a treatment, we are established Diamond Apex providers having successfully treated over 6800 patients with Invisalign. The treatment comprises plastic aligners that are worn over the teeth to move them into the targeted position by applying pressure to them. You will need to change your aligners on a prescribed basis, but don’t worry! You won’t need to come and pick up new aligners each week; we will post the aligners for free to your own home, so you can sit back and relax knowing that your treatment will come to you!
Are the aligners comfortable to wear?
One of the advantages of choosing Invisalign in Newcastle is the fact that the aligners are arguably more comfortable to wear. We have a digital scan that uses iTero technology and allows us to get the precise measurements for your mouth. From this, we will have your aligners manufactured and we will always check to ensure this suits your mouth spot-on! Your personalised, bespoke treatment is what allows us to yield results in as little as 4 to 6 months, depending on your alignment issues, and you should feel comfortable throughout the treatment.
What alignment issues can you treat?
Invisalign is used to treat issues such as crowded or gapped teeth, under or overbites, as well as crossbites. The best way to find out whether or not this would be the right treatment for you is to come and see us for a no-obligation, free consultation. We will examine your mouth thoroughly to ascertain whether or not Invisalign is the right treatment for you.
Anything else I need to know?
When the aligners are worn, they are transparent, so only your teeth should be seen by other people, offering you a discreet and convenient treatment for getting your super smile. You may also remove your aligners for up to 2 hours a day, which means that you will be able to continue eating and drinking as normal, as well as brushing and flossing with nothing in your mouth to prevent you from doing so comprehensively. To find out more about what we can offer, why not call us today and get started on the road to smiling freely?
Does Invisalign impact oral hygiene?
When most people think about orthodontic tools such as braces, they picture pieces of food being trapped under the archwire or around the brackets, creating a not very aesthetically pleasing look.

And if you are an adult who is looking to undertake dental realignment, you may be curious as to how other orthodontic tools, such as aligners, will impact your oral hygiene. Will you need to avoid certain foods? Or will you need as many hygienist appointments as you would wearing a fitted brace?
At Clear Braces Direct, our team specialises in the use of Invisalign London, a removable aligner that is not only easier to fit into your daily routine, but an aligner that also does not have such a dramatic impact on your oral health whilst wearing it.
So how does the wearing of Invisalign London differ from that of a fitted brace relating to dental hygiene? Read on to find out.
A common concern that many adults have when undergoing orthodontic treatment is how it will impact their diets. Many people are aware that when wearing a fitted brace, you have to avoid softer foods that can get trapped under the archwire and of course sticky foods like toffee. With Invisalign London, as the aligner is removable, you will not need to alter your diet at all and can enjoy the same range of foods as you did before starting treatment.
Brushing and flossing
When wearing invisible aligners, you can remove them to brush and floss your teeth and you should aim to do so twice a day. However, when you are about to eat food or consume hot beverages, you will need to take the aligners out of your mouth to prevent them from becoming damaged. It is worth investing in a travel-size toothbrush, as before you put the aligner back in your mouth, you will need to clean your teeth to remove food debris. This will prevent cavities and periodontal disease.
Gum disease is always a concern when it comes to dental care. When you are wearing an aligner or a brace, you will want to ensure that your gums are healthy and that there is no risk posed to your teeth. While you will not need to visit a hygienist as part of standard invisible aligner treatment, it may be worth attending biannual hygienist check-ups while undertaking this treatment, to ensure that your gums and teeth are healthy and free of periodontal disease.
As the aligners are made from clear plastic, you will need to keep them clean to prevent issues from occurring with your oral hygiene. This is very straightforward; simply rinse the aligners under a tap twice a day, or as required, to remove debris and food particles that could cause cavities or gum disease. Do not use hot water to clean your aligners or mouthwash, as this can lead to the aligners becoming misshapen or stained.
Of course, when undertaking realignment treatment with invisible aligners you will still need to attend your biannual check-ups with our team. This will ensure that your teeth and gums remain in good condition.