Key ways Invisalign can improve your day-to-day life
When the majority of people think about orthodontic care or getting their teeth straightened, they automatically assume that the only benefit that this will have is that they will get a straighter smile.

If you are looking to undergo orthodontic care as an adult, then it’s highly likely that the only reason you are doing so is to get the attractive smile that you want and deserve. But were you aware that if you are using invisible aligners that there are many other benefits having your teeth straightened can offer?
At Clear Braces Direct, we know how important it is for our patients to have a straighter smile that they feel confident showing off. When you come to see our team, we will assess you for our most popular aligner, Invisalign London and will be sure to answer any questions or concerns you have relating to this treatment, to ensure that you know what to expect and how it can better improve your situation.
So, what are some of the advantages of using Invisalign London to get a straighter smile?
Straighter smile
OK, so of course, the core advantage of using any kind of orthodontic tool is that you will get a straighter smile and with Invisalign London this could be within a reduced time frame. A pleasing smile is more likely to be shown off and studies have found that when you smile, your brain releases feel-good neurochemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine has also been linked to higher levels of creativity, so having a straighter smile is more than simply an aesthetic improvement for many.
Better oral health
Straighter teeth are easier to clean, not only for patients but for dental teams as well. So, when you have your teeth straightened, it will be easier for you to brush them and even use accessories like water flossers in your home. This will reduce the incidence of tooth decay and gum disease.
Better physical health
There have been numerous studies that have found a link between excessive plaque in the mouth and secondary health-related concerns, such as cardiovascular disease, cancers, strokes and even gastrointestinal issues. As mentioned earlier, it is harder to remove plaque if you have misaligned teeth so by getting a straighter smile, you can also improve your physical health.
Varied diet
If your teeth are not correctly aligned, it can make it harder for you to bite into and chew certain foods thoroughly, meaning that you may have removed these from your diet. Invisible aligners allow you to straighten your teeth faster, meaning that you can add foods to your diet that you may have excluded, such as corn on the cob and other bitty foods that may get stuck in between your teeth.
Improved sleep
Even if you have a slight dental misalignment, you may be suffering when you lay down to get your 40 winks. Why? Because misalignments increase the chances of you grinding your teeth, which can cause disturbed sleep and waking up with a headache. Thus, straightening your teeth usually leads to more restful sleep too!