Is Invisalign working? Key signs you need to see us
When you begin the realignment process with invisible aligners, it is a fair assumption that you expect them to work. After all, they have been custom-fitted to match your teeth and you have had every stage of the treatment process explained to you, so you will know what to expect. You will even have access to an app linked to the invisible aligners which can answer the majority of your questions. This is a highly successful teeth straightening system.

For a select few individuals who are undertaking invisible aligner treatment, however, it may not go to plan. This may be due to poor sourcing of the aligners themselves if not from a reputable establishment, or maybe due to issues with adherence to the 22 hours per day recommended use.
At Clear Braces Direct, we know invisible aligners inside out and will always aim to provide our patients with tips to ensure that Invisalign London works for them. However, if you think that your aligners are not working as planned feel free to contact us for advice.
With that in mind, what are some of the key signs that your Invisalign London aligners are not working?
Poor fit
When an Invisalign London treatment is created, our team will use an intraoral scan of your teeth to get the exact position to structure the first aligner. Then, using a series of digital movements to this scan, we will be able to create the other aligners needed to get your teeth to the desired position. But if when you put the aligner into your mouth it does not fit correctly, this is a sign that the aligner is not going to work as planned and you should always aim to contact us to have them refitted.
Teeth not moving
This can be slightly harder to judge, especially if you have a minor misalignment with your front teeth. If after a few weeks of wear, you don’t notice any movement, then you may need to contact our team for an assessment. Aligners not moving teeth correctly could be due to a poor fit or non-adherence to the 22 hours per day of wear.
Excessive discomfort
It should be noted that even when you are using removable aligners there will be some discomfort, as they need to move your teeth. However, if you experience excessive levels of discomfort during wear, this will need to be examined by our team, as it can indicate that they are not fitted correctly. Or that there is an underlying health issue, such as gum disease, which is causing the aligners to feel tight and uncomfortable.
If your aligners are wobbling throughout the entire period of wear, this is also a sign that they have not been fitted correctly and thus they cannot do their job. The aligners are designed to slot over your teeth and look like a clear sports guard. If they are wobbling as soon as you put them in, this is a sign that you will not get any real movement and the aligner will need to be refitted.
Teeth moving incorrectly
Some patients become concerned when they notice that their teeth are not moving as planned. This can signify that there is an unforeseen issue in the mouth, such as a tooth which was loose or issues with daily wear. If your teeth are not moving as planned, you should contact our team.