Invisalign London for effective teeth straightening
There are many ways of improving the appearance of your teeth and invisalign London is a highly effective method of doing so. First established in 1999, Invisalign London has been used by more than 14 million patients across the world to address misalignment issues of the teeth. Invisalign London is used for cosmetic purposes in addition to improving your dental health. It is mainly used by adults who are looking for a discrete treatment option after having avoided traditional braces when they were younger. Invisalign London has become a firm favourite amongst orthodontic treatments for patients of all ages and, by speaking to us at Clear Braces Direct, you can find out what Invisalign can do for you. Here at Clear Braces Direct, we are a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign which means we are one of the best places in the whole of Europe to straighten your teeth. We have extensive experience in correcting a range of misalignment issues and we will put together an individually tailored treatment plan to suit your unique dental needs.

Invisalign can be used for all orthodontic issues, as part of a combined treatment plan where necessary. This means that If you have complex dental needs, you may need to undergo other dental treatment such as a tooth extraction or dental surgery. Sometimes you may need to wear a different type of braces to begin with and move on to Invisalign later in the process.
How does Invisalign work?
Invisalign works using clear aligners. These are designed to fit over your teeth tightly and apply gradual pressure to the teeth in a certain direction to straighten your teeth. As the aligners apply pressure to your teeth, osteoclasts break down the bone cells that are in front of the teeth so that the teeth can move forward whilst osteoblasts form new bone cells behind the teeth so that they do not relapse. In this way the aligners move your teeth in small increments until you have achieved a neatly aligned smile. The entire process can take as little as six months, in some cases; this is usually if you have undergone orthodontic treatment earlier in life and are simply looking to perfect your smile. Or, it could be that you have a minor gap between your teeth and this can be addressed quickly and conveniently. Thus, minor misalignment issues of the teeth can also be treated very quickly.
The average treatment time is between 12 and 18 months, however this will depend on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with. Each of the aligners need to be worn for approximately 22 hours of the day and you move on to the next aligners after two weeks. During this time your teeth should have moved by approximately 0.25 millimetres. The next aligner will work in the same way, until you have completed the series. You can share your progress with us through our online monitoring app or you can visit the dentist to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today to find out more.