Invisalign London: an alternative option to traditional braces
Invisalign London is a discrete form of orthodontics that works as an excellent alternative to traditional braces. Most of us are familiar with traditional braces; this is a procedure that consists of metal brackets, a wire, and little elastics. They do a fantastic job at straightening teeth, but the only problem is that everyone is aware of the fact that you are having orthodontic treatment as they can draw attention to your mouth. The alternative to traditional braces used to be clear braces, or those with tooth coloured components; however, when attached to your teeth 24/7, these can also become quite obvious. The reluctance to undergo orthodontic treatment with fixed braces resulted in the development and introduction of invisalign London, a highly discrete method of teeth straightening without any brackets or wires.

How does Invisalign work?
Here at Clear Braces Direct, we can carry out an intra-oral examination of your teeth which is then digitised using invisaligns very own software. This image can then be manipulated so that you can see how your teeth will look if you undergo teeth straightening with invisalign London. If you like what you see, we will calculate how to move your teeth into their new positions. Each stage is calculated in 0.2 or 0.25 millimetre steps and each of these steps is printed digitally as a clear thermoplastic aligner.
Each aligner is manufactured to be 0.2 or 0.25 millimetres straighter than your teeth so that it stretches tightly over your teeth, and then the rebound of the stretch moves your teeth into a metre formation. Each aligner needs to be worn for approximately 22 hours a day for two weeks, and then you continue with the next aligner in the sequence. Each aligner is numbered to avoid confusion. The process itself takes between 6 to 18 months on average, and we offer weekly monitoring through our app. You can visit the dentist in person if you would like to make sure that the process is coming along successfully and also to ensure that your teeth are clean and healthy during this time. You will continue with the aligners until you reach the last one in this series; after which, your teeth should be perfectly aligned and straightened. Some patients require 10 aligners whilst others may require 50, depending on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with.
In comparison to traditional braces, when you are wearing your invisalign aligners they are almost invisible in the mouth. You can take the aligners out of your mouth and replace them as necessary. This allows you to enjoy all your favourite food and drinks and brush your teeth thoroughly after your meal. It also allows you to take out your aligners for special occasions or intimate moments. However, it is very important that you remember when you took the aligners out and that you replace them in your mouth as soon as possible to allow the process to come along successfully. For those looking for a discrete treatment option that is convenient at the same time, invisalign London is the perfect solution for you. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today to find out more.