Invisalign London: A Modern Approach to Orthodontics by Clear Braces Direct

Welcome to the future of orthodontics, courtesy of Clear Braces Direct right here in the heart of London. We are proud to be leading the way in providing state-of-the-art aligner treatments to our clients, transforming smiles and boosting confidence. As specialists in the field, we understand the impact that a straight, beautiful smile can have on an individual’s self-esteem and overall quality of life. That’s why we’re dedicated to making Invisalign London, an innovative, discreet and highly effective orthodontic solution, accessible to everyone. Our expert team uses the latest technology to customise each aligner treatment plan, ensuring the best fit and results for every unique smile. Join us in embracing this modern approach to orthodontics at our London clinic.

The Evolution of Orthodontics


Orthodontics has come a long way since the days of chunky, uncomfortable metal braces. The driving force behind this evolution? Invisible aligners. As a leading provider of Invisalign London, we’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of these clear, removable aligners. What makes this aligner revolutionary is its subtle, virtually invisible nature, making it possible to straighten your teeth without the world knowing. Furthermore, unlike traditional braces, aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and teeth cleaning, offering a level of convenience unmatched in the field. At Clear Braces Direct, we’re proud to be part of this evolution and offer this modern, efficient and discrete orthodontic solution to our London clients.

Why Choose Invisible Aligners? The Benefits Explained

Invisible aligners offer a wealth of benefits, elevating it above traditional orthodontic methods. Firstly, its transparency –aligners are clear and virtually undetectable, providing a discreet solution for teeth straightening. Secondly, they’re removable, enabling you to eat, drink, and maintain oral hygiene with ease. Thirdly, there’s the comfort factor. Invisible aligners are made from smooth, flexible plastic, meaning no sharp edges to irritate your mouth. Lastly, they’re highly effective, capable of treating a wide range of orthodontic issues from overcrowding to gaps, misalignments to bite problems.

The Process at Clear Braces Direct

The process at our London clinic is straightforward and tailored to each individual. It begins with a consultation where our experts assess your teeth and discuss your smile goals. Next, we use advanced 3D imaging technology to create a precise treatment plan, showing you the transformation your smile will undergo. Once your custom-made aligners are ready, you’ll wear them for 20-22 hours a day, removing them only for meals and cleanings. Every 1-2 weeks, you’ll switch to a new set of aligners, progressively moving your teeth into their ideal positions. Throughout the process, our team will be on hand to support you, ensuring your journey is as smooth and successful as possible.

Our Success Stories

We’re proud of the countless success stories we’ve been part of as a leading provider of Invisalign London. Our clients’ transformed smiles speak volumes about the efficacy of our treatments. One such success story is Sarah, a local professional who suffered from overcrowded teeth. After undergoing our aligner treatment, Sarah now sports a confident, radiant smile. Similarly, James, who had a severe overbite, now enjoys perfectly aligned teeth thanks to our expert care. Every smile we transform is a testament to the power of aligners and our commitment to delivering paramount orthodontic care. At Clear Braces Direct, we’re not just changing smiles; we’re changing lives in London.