Invisalign in 3 easy steps
If you have been thinking about Invisalign, then you have come to the right place. Here at Clear Braces Direct, we are specialists in Invisalign London, the world’s most popular teeth-straightening system designed for the modern generation, helping you achieve a beautifully straight smile comfortably and conveniently at your discretion. We are the UK’s only direct-to-patient Invisalign provider, and we can help you achieve a beautiful smile by correcting the aesthetic issues that are affecting the appearance of your teeth from within the comfort of your own home.

Here at Clear Braces Direct, we have a simple three-step process for you to undergo treatment with Invisalign London.
Step 1 – is Invisalign the right treatment for you?
The first step is to go onto our website and book yourself a free Invisalign scan to find out whether Invisalign London is the right treatment option for you. You can upload a smiling selfie onto our website and leave us your details; we will assess your smile and request that you book an appointment at your convenience. During this appointment, you will receive a free in-house consultation with one of our Invisalign dentists.
Our innovative 3D scanning system will create a digital image of your mouth, and using the Invisalign ClinCheck technology, we will be able to show you how Invisalign can transform your teeth. ClinCheck allows us to put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you, letting us know how many aligners are necessary to transform your smile. It also lets us give you an accurate prediction of how long the treatment will take as well as the cost of the procedure. If you are happy with the plan, then you are ready to proceed.
Step 2 – the treatment
In the second step, you will receive a consent form and a payment link. Your Invisalign aligners will then be ordered and delivered directly to you, or if necessary, you can book an appointment for an initial fitting. The treatment consists of a series of aligners, each of which is designed to be worn for approximately two weeks at a time to help you achieve a neatly aligned smile. We have a Clear Braces Direct monitoring app, on which you can upload regular smiling selfies, allowing us to track your progress using the latest in dental technology and giving you the opportunity to discuss any queries or issues you may have. In this way, you do not have to make time for lengthy appointments unless necessary, and you can speak to our dentist online.
Step 3 – retain your smile
The third and last step involves retaining your new Invisalign smile. Once you have completed the treatment course and you are happy with the results, you can speak to our team and find out about retainers to help you maintain the smile that you have achieved with Invisalign. Visit our website today and find out more about Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct and how you can enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile from the comfort of your own home.