Invisalign at home – FAQs answered
Thanks to the use of apps on smartphones and 3D printers, it is now possible for you to get the straighter smile you want in the comfort of your own home.

While this was common in the years leading up to 2020, the global pandemic has somewhat pushed the use of at-home aligners into overdrive with more people seeking this treatment, as it minimises contact with other people and adheres to social guidelines set down by the government.
And although our team at Clear Braces Direct was offering this service before 2020, we have noticed an upsurge in demand for our services.
At Clear Braces Direct, we are proud to be able to offer our patients straight teeth at home London with the use of Invisalign aligners, an app and selfies. Our expertise revolves around invisible aligners and we can advise you on each step of the treatment and your suitability without any obligation from you.
But you may have some questions about how you will get straight teeth at home London and about the Invisalign process overall. Here, our team offers you answers to some of the most common questions that we are asked in our surgery.
Do I need to take a mould of my teeth?
In a word no.
To get straight teeth at home London, you do not need to take a mould of your teeth and one will not be sent to you when you come to Clear Braces Direct for this treatment.
We will instead invite you to one of our surgeries and our team will use an intraoral scanner to take a scan of your teeth to begin treatment. This procedure is non-invasive and only takes a few seconds and the images that we obtain will be uploaded to our computer for future reference.
Will the aligners be sent to my door?
In most cases, we will aim to send the aligners to your door, unless we have some concerns that there may be an issue with suitability. In this instance, we may need to call you into the surgery so we can assess how well the aligners fit.
But generally speaking, once we have had your teeth scanned, there may be a waiting period of up to 4 weeks for the aligners to arrive at your door. This may vary depending on government guidelines and restrictions that may be in place at the dental laboratory.
What do I do if I need help?
Invisalign treatment comes along with an app for your smartphone, so if you need help you can contact our team via the app or you can simply call us at the surgery.
The app also features an FAQ section which, hopefully, will have all the information you need about the aligner. But if you are not sure, just give us a call and we will do our best to help you!
Will I need to visit the surgery?
Unless we determine that you need to visit us through the use of the app and the weekly selfies that you send to us, your only trip to the surgery will be required at the beginning of your treatment. And potentially once again at the end to have you fitted for a retainer.