Invisalign; advantages of this aligner

Concerning dentistry in recent years, particularly orthodontics, more and more adults have been seeking treatment to correct misalignments which may be new, or that they simply missed the opportunity to treat when they were younger.


And being adults, many patients have been less than eager to wear a fitted or metal brace. So once dental teams began to expand their use of clear braces and invisible aligners they met with much success.

Fast forward to 2022, and invisible aligners are more prevalent in adult dental care than ever before!

At Clear Braces Direct, we have helped many patients who are seeking treatment for misalignments to get the straighter smiles they want using invisible aligners such as the world-famous Invisalign London. And if you are suitable for treatment using this aligner, we will be more than happy to help you too!

So, what are some of the advantages that Invisalign London can offer you as an adult dental patient? Read on to find out!

Better oral hygiene

Many people may remember a friend at school who wore fitted metal braces.

And they may also remember this friend having to diligently brush their braces and attend appointments with a dental hygienist to keep their dental health in good condition whilst wearing them.

With Invisalign London dental hygiene is not such an issue; these aligners are removable and so you can take them out to brush your teeth every day and attend dental check-ups.  As a result, it is less likely that plaque will accumulate and therefore your teeth and gums will remain in good condition.


As mentioned in the previous point, another advantage of invisible aligners is that they are removable. And the advantages surrounding this extend beyond hygiene.

You can take them out to consume food and it is advised that you remove them when consuming hot beverages. Therefore your choice in food does not need to be altered as it would with other orthodontic tools and you can simply pop them back in afterwards. Great!

Accelerated treatment

You may have heard that if you undertake orthodontic treatment as an adult, you need to wear the brace or aligner for an extended period, with the average treatment time for a brace being between 2 to 3 years.

But with an invisible aligner, the treatment may be faster, with many patients getting the smiles that they want in around 3 to 6 months on average. But this will depend on the severity of the issue being corrected with the aligner.


It is hard to assess comfort levels when it comes to orthodontics, as every person has a different threshold. However, due to the design of these aligners, and the fact that they do not need to be tightened or adjusted, it is safe to assume that they will be more comfortable to wear in daily life.

Also, as the aligners are made from thin plastic, they will not protrude against the inner cheeks or tongue in the same way as a traditional brace.

Excellent results

The results obtained with invisible aligners are equal to those achieved with traditional braces and assuming that you use a retainer for the required period, the results should easily last for the rest of your life.