Happy, confident smiles with Invisalign

Invisalign London is a modern and discreet method of straightening your teeth. Invisalign London works using clear, thermoplastic, 3D printed aligners that move your teeth just as efficiently as other types of braces, without anyone knowing that you are undergoing dental treatment. You may think that this sounds too good to be true, but more than 14 million patients across the world have successfully undergone teeth straightening with Invisalign London and it continues to be one of the most popular choices amongst dentists and patients alike.


Who needs Invisalign?

Unfortunately there are some complicated orthodontic cases where Invisalign may not be the best treatment option, for example when patients have severely crooked teeth, a significant overbite or underbite or large gaps between the teeth. These issues are more complex and better suited for fixed braces or traditional braces.

If your teeth are simply crooked, wonky, or you have a mild or moderate bite issue then Invisalign could be the perfect solution for you. Maybe you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and every time you smile you feel self-conscious or worried about what other people are thinking. Invisalign can help solve your issues. Maybe you did not want to undergo orthodontic treatment when you were younger, because you were worried about the braces being visible in your mouth, again Invisalign is an excellent choice for you. You may even have friends and family who have undergone Invisalign treatment, but you did not even notice. This is why it is such an excellent choice of braces. It is highly discreet, quick and efficient and works as a great alternative to traditional orthodontic braces for those who want to straighten their teeth without anyone knowing.

Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct

Here at Clear Braces Direct we are able to offer you a free consultation which includes a 3D scan to create a digital animation of your mouth. We use Invisalign’s own software to calculate how your teeth need to shift in position to create a neatly aligned smile. We can show you what your new smile will look like if you follow through with the treatment. We will also be able to calculate how many aligners you will need, the total duration of the treatment and how much it will cost.

There are different treatment plans according to your dental requirements. You may be able to straighten your teeth within a few months, for example, if you have a small gap between your front teeth or if you have a range of issues then it may take 12 to 18 months. This is still significantly quicker than traditional braces and you can achieve excellent aesthetic results. If you are happy with the treatment plan then we can order your aligners for you. These can be delivered directly to your home or you can visit us in London or Newcastle and we will carry out the initial fitting for you. We have helped more than 6000 patients achieve beautiful Invisalign smiles, so visit our website and leave us all your details and begin your journey with Invisalign so that you can also smile happily and confidently very soon.