Get the freedom to discreetly align your smile with Clear Braces Direct in London
Clearly a smart decision

Here at Clear Braces Direct London, we want everyone out there to know about their orthodontic options and the fact that we can offer them an opportunity to quickly and effectively align their smiles – without the need for them to make numerous and lengthy trips to our practice. We understand that life is hectic, and with the unprecedented nature of the past year being the perfect example – you never know what is around the corner.
This is why we have decided to take the Invisalign retainer system, which is one of the world’s most popular forms of cosmetic orthodontics, and streamline it to the point where almost every stage in the process can be carried out from the comfort of your home and at a pace which suits you.
What is treatment at Clear Braces Direct London like?
When a patient chooses our highly respected orthodontic practice here at Clear Braces Direct London for their dental journey, one of the main reasons they have for doing so is the freedom and flexibility which our approach offers them.
Rather than committing to several repeat visits to the dentist’s chair to monitor the success of your treatment, we only require our patients to make one initial visit to our practice, to have their Invisalign retainer created using digitised cutting-edge equipment which negates the need for any physical moulds to be taken. This also enables us to give a virtual rendering of the path your teeth will take step by step to being aligned and the results you can expect from your treatment.
After this, patients can then return home and can have their unique retainers sent out in the post, meaning they are free to carry out the teeth-straightening process at home. We offer the initial consultation to anyone who is interested in Invisalign free of charge, and utilise 3D dental scanners amongst other equipment such as the Invisalign Clincheck to display to patients exactly how their teeth will move whilst undergoing Invisalign and what their smile will look like when treatment is complete.
Following the initial consultation that explains the Invisalign process, our practitioners can then carry out scans in order to get the sizes and proportions needed to craft your bespoke retainer sets. Once scanned, we will then email you the results for your approval alongside a payment link. After we have received confirmation we can post you out your unique Invisalign retainers, or arrange for you to come back to our practice for a fitting.
What happens once I’ve got my aligners?
The beauty of the Invisalign process is that, once your retainer has been made, there is very little else which needs to be done in terms of monitoring. However, in order to make sure that everything is on track we have created our very own mobile app which is available on all leading Android and Apple smartphone devices.
This system, named the Clear Braces Direct Monitoring App, lets you instantly communicate with one of our certified Invisalign experts through its chat function – which lets you get instant feedback from a professional, without having to schedule yourself in for a check-up needlessly.