General FAQs about Invisalign answered
There has never been a better time to undertake orthodontic realignment as an adult. When you visit a dental clinic in 2022, there is a multitude of options available to help you get the straighter smile that you want and deserve.

One of the most popular options that modern dental surgeries can offer is invisible or clear aligners. These have taken the world of adult orthodontics by storm, as they are easy to wear, do not require adjusting and are, of course, invisible or the closest thing to invisible that you can get!
When you come to us at Clear Braces Direct, our team will be able to offer you invisible aligners to straighten your teeth in the form of Invisalign London, as this is one of our most popular options.
But before you rush to book your appointment, you will likely have some questions about these aligners. In this article, our team answers 5 of the standard questions that we receive about Invisalign London from our patients. So, read on and enjoy!
How do the aligners work?
Invisalign London works due to its unique shape. The aligners themselves are custom-fitted to slot over your teeth well, and during the course of the treatment, they gradually apply pressure to your teeth, pushing them into shape. An average set of aligners contains between 12 and 14 aligners, which will slowly move your teeth into the desired positions. Our team will take an intraoral scan of your teeth during the first appointment and then use computer technology to simulate the movements needed to get the result that you want. These images are then transferred to a 3D printer and printed. And voila! The aligners are complete!
Can anyone wear them?
Unfortunately no, not everyone is suitable for undertaking treatment with invisible aligners. Originally designed to help with mild to moderate cases of orthodontic misalignment, this option is not suitable for people who require more complex movement of their teeth, such as movement of molars, rotations of teeth or extreme protrusions or bite issues. But our team at Clear Braces Direct will be able to assess your suitability when you attend a consultation.
How long do they take to work?
Invisible aligners take on average between 3 and 6 months to work, but this will depend on the severity of the misalignment being treated and whether or not you adhere to wearing the aligners for the required 22 hours per day. For more complicated cases of misalignment, you may need to wear the aligners for up to 18 months, but our team will be able to offer a more specific breakdown of your treatment timeline.
Can I afford them?
Orthodontic care in adult life can be intimidating, especially when you consider the potential costs. However, our team can offer financing options to suitable patients, which will help break down the overall cost into affordable monthly repayments. So you won’t have to worry about your budget being affected!
Will I need to wear retainers afterwards?
Yes, irrespective of the tool that is used to move your teeth, you will need to wear a retainer afterwards to ensure that your teeth remain in the final positions.