Fixed braces or removable Invisalign, which will suit you?
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile then it is time that you speak to our dentist and find out about teeth straightening and the many different options that are available for you. You can straighten your teeth with traditional braces which are made of metal brackets and wires that are fixed to the front surface of your teeth. These are the most popular and have been used for over a century, treating millions of patients across the world with excellent aesthetic results and longevity. However over the last few decades we have seen many different types of braces become established for orthodontic treatment. Teeth straightening can be carried out with clear braces which are the same as traditional braces with more discreet components that are made of ceramic and are either clear or designed to match the colour of your teeth. Lingual braces are braces that are attached to the back of your teeth for even more discreet teeth straightening.

Invisalign – removable aligners
For patients who are reluctant to wear fixed braces you can speak to us and find out about removable aligners. The first removable aligner was developed in 1999 and is known across the world as Invisalign London. Invisalign London pioneered the application of removable aligners and since then many different types of removable aligners have been developed. However Invisalign remains the most popular, and most tried and tested. More than 14 million patients have straightened their teeth in just over 20 years using Invisalign London. Here at Clear Braces Direct we have helped more than 7,000 patients straighten their teeth with Invisalign. We are a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign which means we are in the top 1% per cent in the whole of Europe.
Within removable aligners there are differences too. Some aligners are designed to target certain troublesome teeth, for example you can straighten protruding front teeth with an Inman aligner. Invisalign aligners, however, are designed to correct a range of orthodontic issues that affect the appearance and health of your teeth.
Benefits of Invisalign
Invisalign can be used to treat crooked, wonky teeth that make you self-conscious or affect your self-confidence. It can be used to straighten overlapping teeth, improve the alignment of overcrowded teeth and apply gentle pressure to close gaps between the teeth to create a neatly aligned, symmetrical smile. This improves the appearance of your smile as well as your overall appearance, boosting your self-confidence and your self-esteem. It also improves your dental health, reducing the chance of developing tooth decay and gum disease. You will also find that teeth straightening improves the function of your mouth. When your teeth are neatly aligned you will be able to bite and chew more effectively, which means less wear and tear on your teeth as well as better dental health overall. Invisalign can be used for bite disorders, improving the alignment of your jaw. This also helps improve a range of symptoms promoting better overall health and wellbeing. With Invisalign you can straighten your teeth in as little as 4 to 6 months or it can take 12 to 24 months to address more complex issues. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today to find out more.