FAQs about Invisalign answered by our team in London

If you are an adult or teenager looking for a way to straighten your teeth without the visual overtness that comes with fitted metal braces, then it’s highly likely that you have been online and discovered invisible aligners.


If you haven’t and are new to the area of adult orthodontic care, you may be curious as to what invisible aligners are, how they could benefit you and of course whether or not they would be suitable for you. This article sets out to explore that in a bit more depth.

At Clear Braces Direct, we are always happy to meet with patients who want to straighten their teeth, but would not be suitable for the traditional metal brace. We specialise in the use of Invisalign London and can advise you as to this aligner’s appropriateness for you, as well as supervise you through the overall treatment.

Of course, as is the way with anything that you are going to be investing a lot of time and money into, you will inevitably have some questions. In this article, our team answers the most common ones that we receive about Invisalign London.

Who can benefit from clear aligners?

The majority of adults who have a misalignment with their front teeth could benefit from Invisalign London. If you have a more complicated case of dental misalignment involving your molar teeth, protruding teeth or teeth that require rotation then it would be highly unlikely that this aligner would be suitable to correct your condition. The only way to be certain that you would benefit from the treatment is to meet with our highly trained team to discuss suitability and undertake an assessment.

How long does the process take?

When you begin wearing your invisible aligner, the process takes between 3 to 6 months to straighten your teeth. If you have a slightly more complicated case, it can take up to 9 months and while this may seem like quite a long time, in comparison to the 36 months on average for a metal fitted brace, it is comparatively short!

Is it uncomfortable?

It would be false to state that invisible aligners are completely comfortable. After all, they are tasked with moving your teeth! However, as there are no tightenings or adjustments needed when wearing this aligner, they are highly likely to be more comfortable. And as there are no metal brackets to rub against your inner cheeks, there will be less soreness and discomfort in daily life, especially when you go to bed!

Is it expensive?

You may be concerned that Invisalign is expensive. Our team at Clear Braces Direct would be more than happy to discuss financing options with you and, if you are eligible, you will be able to spread the cost of this treatment over several months.

Do they work?

If your dental condition is suitable for invisible aligners then yes, they will work at moving your teeth into a more desirable position. But you will need to keep up the orthodontic work, even when the aligners are removed, by using retainers to ensure that your teeth do not revert to their former positions.