FAQs about getting straight teeth at home
In the last couple of years, people have become used to doing things at home. Due of course to the pandemic of 2020 and government guidelines.

But these restrictions created frustration for people who were looking to undertake orthodontic treatment. Surely moving your teeth could only be done with dental appointments and the tightening of braces?
Thanks to the ease of use that accompanies invisible aligners, it is now possible to use these tools in the comfort of your own home. With the help of our dental team of course!
At Clear Braces Direct, we have specialised in using clear aligners to help patients get the smiles that they want and deserve. We are now able to offer straight teeth at home London to our patients who are suitable for using aligners like Invisalign. So if you want a straighter smile without the inconvenience of multiple dental appointments, contact us to see if this could be the treatment for you.
As this is quite a new idea, we have been asked many questions by patients about obtaining straight teeth at home London. Here, we endeavour to answer the most commonly asked that we receive.
Is the treatment different to using aligners in a dental surgery?
Talking about using aligners in a dental surgery is misleading; the majority of the work relating to the use of aligners takes place in the home with the patient switching between aligners every two weeks or so. Therefore, it is easy to get straight teeth at home London using aligners without the treatment being excessively different from how it would be in any other setting.
How long will it take?
Many factors will influence how long you will need to wear your invisible aligners. Generally speaking, the average treatment time is between 3 to 6 months, but this will involve you needing to wear your aligners for 22 hours per day or as recommended by our team. To give you a more accurate prediction of how long your treatment will be, you will need to attend an initial consultation where we can assess your clinical case and can offer guidance relating to time periods.
What should I do if there is an issue?
There can be issues when you are wearing clear aligners and luckily, our team is just at the end of a phone should there be a problem. However, you can also report potential hiccoughs to us via the associated app which comes with this aligner. The app allows you to get in contact with us quickly with photographic evidence of potential problems, minimising the need for dental trips.
Will I have to attend check-ups?
You will only need to attend check-ups with our team if there is a problem with the realignment process. This can be determined by our team weekly when you send off your selfie which will highlight the movement of your teeth via the app.
Will it cost more?
Generally speaking, invisible aligners do not cost more than fitted braces and Invisalign is one of the most cost-effective options for adult patients. This is due in part to its quick treatment time and its lack of clinical appointments.