Easy teeth-straightening with Invisalign at Clear Braces Direct
There are different options available for straightening your teeth, and thanks to advances in dental technology, these options are more comfortable and convenient than ever before. Invisalign London is a highly popular method of straightening teeth, which is available with Clear Braces Direct so that you can carry out the process within the comfort of your own home with minimal visits to the dental practice unless necessary. Visit our website and find out how Invisalign London with Clear Braces Direct could work for you.

Invisalign London is an excellent way of addressing crooked or misaligned teeth. Many patients prefer this method of straightening teeth because it uses clear plastic aligners rather than brackets and wires to move teeth into neater formations. It is an excellent option for those who are worried about the appearance of their mouths since you can hardly notice the aligners on your teeth; this is one of the greatest advantages of Invisalign.
Compliance is essential to successfully straighten your teeth with Invisalign. The aligners need to be worn for approximately 22 hours a day so that there is continuous pressure on your teeth and your bone cells can work efficiently and move your teeth successfully. Osteoclasts work to weaken and break down the bone so that the tooth can move, whilst osteoblasts form new bone so that the new position is strong and sturdy and you can achieve permanent results.
When you remove the aligners from your mouth, it is good to set a timer to keep track of how long they have been out of your mouth. If you wear the aligners for 22 hours a day, this means you would have two hours free.
To manage this time, you may wish to consider 20 minutes for breakfast, 30 minutes for lunch and 40 minutes for dinner, after which you will still have another 30 minutes left for snacks and your daily dental hygiene routine. During these 2 hours, you must clean your aligners by either soaking them in the cleaning solution provided or brushing them with an ordinary toothbrush and toothpaste and giving them a quick rinse before wearing them again. The entire process can take as little as three to 18 months but depends on your dental requirements and the extent of realignment that is necessary to correct your smile.
Mild or moderate dental alignment issues
We recommend Invisalign at Clear Braces Direct for mild orthodontic issues; however, even those with more complicated cases can speak to us and find out whether Invisalign is suitable for them or whether another teeth-straightening treatment option will be better.
With Clear Braces Direct, straightening your teeth will be easier than ever before. There are three different treatment plans, and depending on your dental requirements, we will choose the most suitable plan for you. With our help, you can enjoy a happy and healthy smile that is neatly aligned, aesthetically pleasing and able to promote better dental health for the rest of your life. Speak to Clear Braces Direct today to learn more.