Do your teeth need realigning as an adult? Top 5 reasons to choose Invisalign aligners
Many adults think that the time of life for wearing braces has long since passed. They are too old to undergo any dental treatment and anyway, now they are old enough to say no, why would they want to? So, when adults are told by their dentist that they could benefit cosmetically from braces to correct a misalignment, most instantly say no without considering the different options available.It is becoming more popular for adults to undergo cosmetic dentistry than it ever has been, with many opting for clear braces to help correct many common alignment issues.

At Clear Braces Direct in London, we want everyone to feel confident about their smiles, so we are able to offer our patients the Invisalign aligner, a merging of both cosmetic and minor orthodontic care.
Before saying ‘no’ outright, consider the following five benefits of using the Invisalign aligner with Clear Braces Direct in London.
One of the key worries that all adults have about wearing braces is how they will look. Indeed, with careers that may rely a lot on appearance, adults do not want to attract negative attention, especially if during their line of work, they have to smile a lot.
The Invisalign aligner offered by Clear Braces Direct in London, is made of a flexible, clear plastic, customised to fit over your teeth. It belongs to a group of braces known as ‘invisible’ braces, which as the name suggests, are hard to detect in the mouth, even at close range. Perfect!
The Invisalign procedure uses sophisticated technology; scans, computer imaging and even X-rays are all used during the first phases of the procedure.
Using a 3D scan, one of our dental team will show you how each stage of the realignment process will progress and using customised aligners, will allow you to be able to predict with great accuracy each stage of the treatment.
Fast and effective
Invisalign aligners can take up to 18 months for you to gain the desired effect, with the average treatment time being 12 months. Compared to the traditional orthodontic brace, this time period is significantly shorter; the average time of a patient wearing a traditional brace is 2-3 years.
The Invisalign aligner also has a high success rate of 96%, so it is extremely efficient.
Invisalign is fully removable, so you can remove it to eat food, brush your teeth and attend dental check-ups. It is easy to clean and maintain and is therefore suitable for even the busiest lifestyle.
No complications
When wearing orthodontic braces, issues like plaque accumulation and gum disease are more common, solely due to the structure of the brace creating ledges and crevices that are difficult to reach.
Invisalign is removable and therefore, you are less likely to have any issues arising from the wearing of this aligner.
Call us today to see if Invisalign is the right treatment for you!