Daily wearing of Invisalign; FAQs answered
Do you want to straighten your teeth using invisible aligners but need to know more before committing to them?

When you come to Clear Braces Direct, our team can guide you through every step of wearing Invisalign London, to ensure that you get the most out of this world-famous aligner.
In the following guide, our team at the practice answers common questions from our patients about the daily wearing of Invisalign London.
How often will I need to wear it each day?
To get the full range of benefits from Invisalign London, you will need to wear the aligner for 22 hours per day, or as recommended by our dental team. For the first few weeks of wear, this means that you have to time yourself. Should you not stick to this rule of wear, then your teeth may stop moving as planned or the process may begin to reverse. So be sure to keep the aligners in.
Can I drink coffee while wearing it?
It is generally advised whilst wearing an aligner that you only consume water. If you are going to drink coffee, tea, or another beverage like fruit juice, you need to take the aligner out of your mouth. This is because fruit juices like orange juice can cause the aligner to stain and hotter drinks can also cause it to become misshapen.
How hard is it to clean?
Invisible aligners are very easy to clean; simply rinse them under a cold water tap twice a day, or as required, to remove any debris. If needed, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove any stuck-on food. Though it can be tempting, you must refrain from rinsing your aligner under hot water, as this can cause it to warp out of shape. It is also worth noting that before you place the aligner back into your mouth after eating food, you will need to brush your teeth to ensure that any food debris does not become trapped against your teeth by the aligners.
It’s rubbing against my gums; is there a way to ease this?
This is a surprisingly common issue that many of our patients face when they begin wearing invisible aligners. Even though the aligners are typically more comfortable than braces, the plastic that they are made from is often harder than expected, as it has been printed via a 3D printer. So there are few soft edges, which can irritate the soft tissues of the mouth. There is a way to mitigate this using dental wax. Place this onto the harder areas of the aligner and this will cushion your inner mouth and gums against the pressure until the aligner softens.
I’ve lost an aligner; what should I do?
If you have lost an aligner the first thing to do is put the previous aligner that you were wearing in the series into your mouth. Do not move on to the next one as this can create an issue in the realignment process. Secondly, you need to contact our team at Clear Braces Direct so we can order you a replacement aligner. If you believe that you can move on to the next aligner in the series, please discuss this with our team. Do not attempt this step without the green light from us.