Correcting misalignment and malocclusion issues with Invisalign

It is important that you visit your dentist on a regular basis so that any dental issues can be detected early on and treated quickly and efficiently to prevent complications in the future. Most people suffer from malalignment and malocclusion issues of the teeth to a certain extent. No one has a perfectly aligned smile or a perfect bite unless they have undergone orthodontic treatment recently. It is important that you do not ignore these issues or delay addressing these conditions as the longer you wait the more complicated the problem may become. Misalignment issues include protruding front teeth, overcrowded teeth, gaps in the teeth, overlapping teeth and generally crooked, wonky or misshapen teeth. Thanks to advances in dental technology Invisalign London is a highly beneficial method of addressing such issues with us at Clear Braces Direct.


Malocclusion – bite disorders

Some conditions of the teeth are known as bite disorders. A bite disorder is when your upper teeth and lower teeth do not fit together properly. Not only does this affect the appearance of your smile, there are many different issues that can be caused by bite disorders. Firstly they can affect the shape of your face, accentuate the lines around your mouth and give you an overall aged appearance. Bite disorders subject your teeth to greater wear and tear, so you may find that your teeth become thinner and this means that they are more prone to damage in the form of chips and cracks on the teeth. You are more likely to suffer from headaches and jaw pain. You can develop gaps between the teeth and eventually you may suffer from what is known as a collapsed bite. Invisalign London can be used in the treatment of bite disorders. If you suffer from misalignment issues of the teeth or a bite disorder whether it is overbite, underbite or crossbite, you can contact us at Clear Braces Direct and find out about Invisalign London.


Invisalign is one of the most popular methods of teeth straightening and correcting bite disorders, and there are many advantages that it has in comparison to traditional orthodontic treatment. To begin with Invisalign works using clear thermoplastic aligners as an alternative to metal wires and brackets to straighten your teeth. This means that it is comfortable in the mouth and it is highly discreet, therefore, you can undergo teeth straightening without feeling embarrassed or conscious that you are drawing further attention to your mouth. Because of this more people than ever before have straightened their teeth using Invisalign, as many had avoided orthodontic treatment because traditional braces are highly visible in the mouth. The fact that they are comfortable to wear is also a huge advantage. Orthodontic treatment takes approximately 1 to 2 years to complete, therefore, you do not want to be in discomfort for such a long time. With Invisalign the aligners are individually tailored to fit your mouth accurately, so that not only are they comfortable to wear, but they are quick and easy to remove and replace. They can be used to correct a range of alignment conditions of the teeth without the need for fixed braces and by adhering to our guidelines you can have a beautifully aligned smile very soon.