Category: Invisalign

Helpful tools when using Invisalign

When you begin treatment with an invisible aligner, there are a few additional bits and bobs that may be required to ensure that the treatment is not only comfortable but is functional and that you can see it through to the end.


At Clear Braces Direct our team knows the ins and outs of how Invisalign London works and can provide our patients with targeted advice to ensure that you get the most out of the treatment with the tools provided and that you remain comfortable and confident through the treatment’s duration.

So what are some of the things that you will need to invest in to get the most out of Invisalign London? Read on to find out!

Dental wax

Dental wax can be a godsend to those who are new to the wearing of Invisalign London.

This is because when the aligners are first printed, the edges are still sharp and hard, which

when placed in your mouth, can cause issues with rubbing against the tongue and inner cheeks.

Dental wax acts as a softening buffer, which protects your tongue and inner cheeks against the sharpness of the aligners.

Simply ask our team about how to use this product!

Invisible aligner containers

When you receive your invisible aligners, they will come with a carry case.

And as you go about your day and you take the aligners out, it is important to place them in this carry case as opposed to your pockets or in your bag.

This is because the carry case is specifically designed to shield and protect the aligners against dust, debris and damage. And although you won’t need to purchase a carry case, it is important to keep yours on you. And if you lose it, talk to our team about a replacement.

Travel toothpaste and brush

Have you visited a pharmacy or chemist and seen travel-sized toothbrushes and toothpaste?

When you are using invisible aligners, it is worth investing in these to take with you to work, school or university. As you go about your day and you remove your aligners to eat, before you put them back into your mouth, you will need to give your teeth a quick brush. This is to remove debris and food, which could become trapped between your tooth and the aligner, this can lead to decay and gum disease.

So, to keep your dental health in good condition whilst wearing an aligner, invest in a travel toothpaste and toothbrush.

Pain relief

An invisible aligner is often considered the gold standard of orthodontic treatment because of its comfort.

However, many patients are surprised when they begin using the aligner as to how much pressure and tightness there is. Generally, this is normal and you should invest in over-the-counter pain relief such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to ensure that any discomfort you experience is managed. 

Cleaning products

You could rinse your aligners under a cold tap to keep them clean or, if you want a fresh-tasting aligner, you could invest in specialised cleaning products.

These will keep your aligners clear and functional; just be sure that the products you use are specifically designed for aligners or denture cleaning.

Invisalign in Newcastle: serious about smiles

At Clear Braces Direct, we are serious when we say we aim to get patients their new smile in as little as 4 to 6 months. If you have mild to moderate alignment issues such as crowded or gapped teeth, a crossbite, or even an over or underbite, then Invisalign in Newcastle could be the treatment you need. With our Diamond Apex accreditation from Invisalign, we have treated over 6,800 patients and our staff, therefore, have the experience and expertise you can rely on to achieve a beautiful smile. Invisalign offers many benefits that make it a treatment option to definitely consider and if it is deemed appropriate for you, then why not take up this serious offer?


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign in Newcastle is a system that involves plastic aligners that are see-through when worn over the teeth and gently pushes them into the targeted position over time. You will need to change your aligners on a regular basis, but don’t worry, we won’t be asking you to come and see us each week for your new ones! In fact, the aligners will be sent to you for free, so you can receive them in the comfort of your own home. You will also only have to come and see us at the practice if we feel that we need to see you. We have a remote monitoring system that we use for your bespoke treatment and we will only ever ask you to come in if there is a specific reason, allowing you to have more time to continue with your busy life and saving you money on unnecessary appointments.

The reasons to want Invisalign in Newcastle

If you are the sort of person who would prefer not to have a visible appliance in their mouth, while getting the treatment you need to realign your smile, then you are not alone! Invisalign offers the discretion you may prefer to have, just like the other thousands of patients we have treated with this system. The plastic is clear, so when the aligners are worn over the teeth, only your teeth should be visible. Furthermore, you can also remove your aligners for 2 hours daily. This means that you won’t be required to alter your diet and you will still be able to clean your teeth normally, plus you can remove them when you want to do something like play sports. The choice is yours! The aligners are also really difficult to break, because of the durable plastic material they are made from. This means that you shouldn’t really need to have any emergency appointments, saving you both time and money.

Initial consultation

We offer all of our prospective patients a free consultation to find out more about Invisalign and whether or not it is the right treatment for them. You will be able to have your smile examined and find out if this is the treatment for you. If it is, then you will be able to get going right away on gaining your new smile. If you’re serious about getting a great smile, so are we. Let’s do this!

Suitability for Invisalign

In recent years, there has been an upsurge in teenage and adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment with clear or invisible aligners.


And it is easy to see why!

Clear or invisible aligners are, as the name suggests, visually discrete, allowing you to have orthodontic treatment without drawing attention to your teeth.  Not only that, but it is also a good way to straighten your teeth in an accelerated time frame.

But, unfortunately, while this can seem like an ideal solution for dental problems not everyone is suited to these aligners.

At Clear Braces Direct, our team can offer one of the most popular of all invisible aligners; Invisalign London! We have been working with this aligner for many years and know how it can bolster a patient’s confidence and get them the straight teeth that they deserve and want with minimal fuss.

But how do you know if you will be suitable for this aligner? In this article, we will be focusing on suitability for Invisalign London and hopefully, you will be able to determine if this aligner is the answer to your misalignment woes. Enjoy!

Adult teeth only!

While this is more common with young teenage patients, a key factor in using Invisalign London is that you should not have any baby teeth in your mouth.

Why is this important?  Because the teeth are going to be moved and, if they are not going to stay in place for the duration of the treatment, this can present an obvious problem when fitting the aligners and moving the surrounding teeth.

If our team spots that you have a baby tooth in your mouth, we will aim to remove it and allow the adult tooth to erupt before beginning any treatment with invisible aligners.

Good oral health

Another factor that we have to assess when looking at your suitability for invisible aligners is your oral health.

As gum disease can cause teeth to become loose and fall out, if we detect that you are suffering from gum disease, our team needs to treat this first. Similarly, if you have loose fillings, crowns or are suffering from tooth decay, then we will need to ensure that these are all stable and treated before beginning orthodontic treatment.


Invisible aligners are removable and therefore, it can be tempting for patients to leave these aligners out of their mouths for longer than they should.

Each day, you should aim to wear your aligners for a minimum of 22 hours or as directed by our team;  failure to do so will result in either the orthodontic treatment stalling or your teeth reverting to their previous positions in your mouth.

So, if you feel you may struggle to keep your aligners in each day, please alert our team and we will aim to seek out a more suitable treatment for you.

Mild to moderate

The technology surrounding invisible aligners has advanced greatly in recent years. However, these aligners are still more suited to patients who have mild to moderate misalignments with the teeth at the front of the mouth. If you have misalignments with your molars or one of your teeth requires twisting or is protruding, then we may suggest a different type of orthodontic tool for you.

Looking for Invisalign in Newcastle? Look for Clear Braces Direct!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that having a beautiful smile can make you feel good about yourself. If you have a mild to moderate alignment issue, including crossbite, over or underbite, crowded or gapped teeth, then you may well have developed low self-esteem and feel awkward about having photos taken of you smiling, or you may wince when you catch a glimpse of your teeth in the bathroom mirror. Thankfully, you don’t need to let this affect your self-esteem any longer. In as little as 4 to 6 months, you could have an improved smile with Invisalign in Newcastle. At Clear Braces Direct, we are Invisalign Diamond Apex providers and we have been treating over 6000 patients with Invisalign, so we have the experience to give you great reasons to smile all round!


How Invisalign works

Invisalign in Newcastle is a system that consists of plastic aligners that are transparent when worn, so only your teeth will be on show to other people. They are made to fit your mouth bespoke thanks to iTero technology that is used to scan your mouth. From this scan, we can also generate a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like after treatment, as well as providing you with a weekly app to check your progress on. We will also measure your progress remotely and will only call you in for a check-up if we feel you really need one, so that we save you both time and money. What’s more, with Invisalign in Newcastle here at our practice you will be able to receive your new aligners in the comfort of your own home! We will have them delivered to you for free and you will need to wear a new aligner at regular intervals prescribed by us.

Anything else I need to know?

The beauty of Invisalign is that it offers convenience for patients. By wearing the aligners and them being barely visible, it allows people to continue with their day as normal. You may also remove your aligners for up to 2 hours a day, which means that you can take them out when you want to eat and drink, and you won’t need to avoid any food types. What’s more, you will also have time to remove them to brush and floss, and do other things like play sports or when you have a special occasion to attend. The choice and flexibility is all yours!


To find out if Invisalign is the right treatment for you, we offer a free initial consultation, so you can come and find out if this is the right treatment for your specific needs. If you decide to go ahead with Invisalign, we then won’t need to see you unless we feel it is absolutely necessary, although we tend to see all of our patients at the end of treatment as well. If you have any questions during the initial consultation, our knowledgeable and highly experienced staff will be able to answer anything you need to know and ensure that you are fully aware of what will happen on your Invisalign journey. So, if you’re looking for Invisalign, you can find it with our team and get your new smile the easy way.

Invisalign; daily survival tips from Clear Braces Direct

If you have recently attended an appointment regarding orthodontic realignment as an adult, you may have been given the green light to proceed with treatment such as an invisible aligner.


This is a great way to straighten your teeth; as an invisible aligner is, as the name suggests, visually discreet and has the ability to speed up the treatment process significantly, while also being more comfortable to wear in daily life.

But you may have some questions about how to maintain and manage the aligner in day-to-day life.

At Clear Braces Direct London, our team has been using Invisalign London to help patients get the straighter smiles that they want and deserve for a long time. And so we know all there is to know about maintaining this aligner and how you can get the most out of it.

In this article, we offer a short guide into how to use and manage daily life with Invisalign London.

Keep them in!

Invisalign London is a removable aligner and so, it can be all too tempting to take it out and leave it out for longer than needed. On average, you should keep the aligners in for around 22 hours per day unless you are instructed to do otherwise by a member of our team.

If you do not keep the aligners in your mouth for the required time, your teeth may cease to move or, more worryingly, they may revert back to the former positions in your mouth, creating an issue with the next stage of orthodontic treatment and the wearing of a new aligner.

So, in short, keep them in!

Keep them clean

Made from clear plastic, it is important to keep your aligners clean to ensure that they remain discreet and to make certain that your teeth and gums remain healthy for the duration of the treatment.

Luckily, it is not difficult to keep these aligners clean; simply rinse them under a cool tap twice a day and use a toothbrush to remove any stubborn debris. Do not under any circumstances rinse an aligner with hot water, as this can cause them to warp out of shape, which will lead to that particular aligner needing to be replaced.

Keep up with your selfies

For the duration of your treatment, each week you will need to send our team a photo or a selfie to show how the treatment is affecting your teeth.

This is important for keeping your visits to our team to a minimum. So even if you are a bit camera shy, it is important to keep up with your selfies, so our team can determine if the treatment is working or if we need to approach your dental realignment from a different angle.

Keep your appointments

A key advantage of invisible aligners is that they do not require tightening or adjusting, and so you will not need to attend our surgery as often as you would with a traditional brace.

But it is important when you have an appointment with our team that you keep it. These appointments allow our team to check for signs of tooth decay, gum disease and, of course, to assess if the realignment process is working.

If you suspect that there is an issue with your gums or your teeth when you are wearing an aligner, then feel free to contact us at any time.

Invisalign; advantages of this aligner

Concerning dentistry in recent years, particularly orthodontics, more and more adults have been seeking treatment to correct misalignments which may be new, or that they simply missed the opportunity to treat when they were younger.


And being adults, many patients have been less than eager to wear a fitted or metal brace. So once dental teams began to expand their use of clear braces and invisible aligners they met with much success.

Fast forward to 2022, and invisible aligners are more prevalent in adult dental care than ever before!

At Clear Braces Direct, we have helped many patients who are seeking treatment for misalignments to get the straighter smiles they want using invisible aligners such as the world-famous Invisalign London. And if you are suitable for treatment using this aligner, we will be more than happy to help you too!

So, what are some of the advantages that Invisalign London can offer you as an adult dental patient? Read on to find out!

Better oral hygiene

Many people may remember a friend at school who wore fitted metal braces.

And they may also remember this friend having to diligently brush their braces and attend appointments with a dental hygienist to keep their dental health in good condition whilst wearing them.

With Invisalign London dental hygiene is not such an issue; these aligners are removable and so you can take them out to brush your teeth every day and attend dental check-ups.  As a result, it is less likely that plaque will accumulate and therefore your teeth and gums will remain in good condition.


As mentioned in the previous point, another advantage of invisible aligners is that they are removable. And the advantages surrounding this extend beyond hygiene.

You can take them out to consume food and it is advised that you remove them when consuming hot beverages. Therefore your choice in food does not need to be altered as it would with other orthodontic tools and you can simply pop them back in afterwards. Great!

Accelerated treatment

You may have heard that if you undertake orthodontic treatment as an adult, you need to wear the brace or aligner for an extended period, with the average treatment time for a brace being between 2 to 3 years.

But with an invisible aligner, the treatment may be faster, with many patients getting the smiles that they want in around 3 to 6 months on average. But this will depend on the severity of the issue being corrected with the aligner.


It is hard to assess comfort levels when it comes to orthodontics, as every person has a different threshold. However, due to the design of these aligners, and the fact that they do not need to be tightened or adjusted, it is safe to assume that they will be more comfortable to wear in daily life.

Also, as the aligners are made from thin plastic, they will not protrude against the inner cheeks or tongue in the same way as a traditional brace.

Excellent results

The results obtained with invisible aligners are equal to those achieved with traditional braces and assuming that you use a retainer for the required period, the results should easily last for the rest of your life.

How we fit Invisalign at Clear Braces Direct

You may have read on the internet or in newspapers about the hype surrounding adult orthodontics, particularly the use of invisible aligners.


And this is no small thing! In years gone by, the only way for adult patients to straighten their teeth successfully was to use metal braces, which could impact their daily lives, not to mention their lifestyle choices. But thanks to the creation and widespread use of invisible aligners, more patients are getting the smiles that they have always wanted and deserved, without needing to worry about fitted braces and the potential complications that can come with them.

At Clear Braces Direct, we know more than our fair share about invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign London. This clear or invisible aligner is ideal if you have a mild to moderate misalignment and if you are on a mission to straighten your smile before an event such as a wedding or graduation.

However, as you read those online articles or newspaper stories about Invisalign London, you may have had some questions as to how these aligners are created, how they work and how they fit into the daily lives of those who wear them. In the following guide, our team breaks this down for you, so you can ascertain if they are the answer to your misalignment woes.

Invisible aligners; assessment

First things first; when you want to undertake any orthodontic treatment as an adult, you need to seek the advice of a dentist trained with the aligner or an orthodontist. Our team at the practice has the expertise needed to determine suitability for Invisalign London, so we are the team to approach!

As mentioned earlier, this aligner is more suitable for you if you have a mild to moderate case of misalignment with the teeth at the front of your mouth. This aligner cannot correct issues with molars and may not be suitable for cases involving protruding teeth or teeth that need to be rotated.

If we determine that you are suitable for invisible aligners, we will proceed to take a scan of your mouth using our intraoral scanner.


The photographs taken using the intraoral scanner will then be sent to a laboratory to create the aligners.

Each stage of the alignment treatment will be mapped out using computer software and each aligner required will be planned using vector maps of where the pressure from each one needs to be applied to the teeth. Using a 3D scanner, the aligners are then printed and shipped back to our surgery.

Daily wear

For invisible aligners to work, you need to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours per day, taking them out when you are eating food or consuming hot beverages.

You must also aim to keep the aligners clean, rinsing them under a cold tap a minimum of twice a day and using a soft bristle toothbrush to remove debris.


Once your treatment is complete (usually in around 3 to 6 months), you will need to wear a retainer. This is an important and often overlooked stage of wearing any orthodontic device, as it prevents your teeth from reverting to their former positions.

FAQs about Invisalign answered

If you have misaligned teeth as an adult, you have probably researched the most effective and discreet ways to straighten them.


And you have probably come across invisible aligners in your research. While not a new idea, in the last few years invisible aligners have boomed in dental surgeries and in popularity with adult and teenage patients alike.

At Clear Braces Direct, we are proud to be able to offer suitable patients Invisalign London. One of the most popular of all invisible aligners, this aligner offers discretion, faster treatment and striking results. Great!

But before you contact us about this treatment, you will probably have some questions that you would like answered. In the following FAQs, our team answers the most common questions that we receive about Invisalign London.

How do invisible aligners work?

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign London works due to its unique and custom-fitted shape.

Before you begin treatment with this aligner, our team will take a 3D scan of your teeth to get an accurate image.

Uploaded to a computer, these photographs will then be used to plan your treatment with the invisible aligners. Each stage will be mapped and predicted, allowing us to ascertain how many aligners will be needed and the exact movements that your teeth will need to undertake.

Once this is completed, the aligners will be printed using a 3D printer. And each aligner will need to be worn for around 2 weeks at a time to gradually move your teeth.

Are they uncomfortable to wear?

Many patients who have worn braces in their childhood or teenage years state that invisible aligners are more comfortable. This is probably because invisible aligners do not require tightening or adjusting in the same way that braces do.

But it is important to note that your aligners are designed to move your teeth and so, some pressure and discomfort should be expected during the treatment. To manage this discomfort, we recommend taking over-the-counter pain relief such as paracetamol.

How long will I need to wear them?

The duration of your treatment with invisible aligners depends on the severity of the issue being corrected and how often you wear the aligners.

Typically, you will need to wear the aligners for around 22 hours per day, or as directed by our team. Failure to do so will result in your teeth reverting to their former positions or can halt any movement of the teeth altogether, which can cause delays to the realignment or can create tracking issues with the next aligner in the sequence.

So, keep them in!

Will they be able to fix my overbite?

As suggested before, any aligner or brace may or may not be suitable to correct a misalignment based on the severity of condition presented.

So if you have an extreme overbite, an invisible aligner may not be suitable to correct it and you may need to have a fitted brace.

Are they expensive?

At Clear Braces Direct, we may be able to offer you 0% financing options so you can spread the cost of your treatment with invisible aligners. For more information contact our team.

Invisalign London – a modern approach to orthodontics

Much research and development has been carried out in the field of orthodontics over the last few decades. This has been accompanied by an increase in demand for cosmetic dental treatments and patients are looking for alternatives to conventional orthodontic treatment for teeth straightening. More and more people are looking to improve the aesthetic appearance of their smile, but show a strong reluctance towards using conventional orthodontics.


Although highly effective at teeth straightening, conventional orthodontic braces are highly visible in the mouth and draw further attention to the teeth. This seems to be the major concern amongst patients who are seeking orthodontic treatment. To overcome this issue, significant research has been carried out into materials and techniques which can help address the misalignment issues of your teeth discreetly and conveniently.

Here at Clear Braces Direct we are proud to offer you Invisalign London to address the misalignment issues of your teeth, achieve a beautiful smile and boost your dental health at the same time.

Invisalign with a diamond provider

Since its development in the USA in 1997, Invisalign London has been established worldwide as an attractive alternative to fixed orthodontic braces. It has helped correct millions of smiles across the world. Here at our practice we have also helped treat many patients to create smiles that can be shown off to the rest of the world. We are a diamond provider of Invisalign London and you can rest assured that our dental team will be able to provide excellent dental care and fantastic customer service, so that you can enjoy Invisalign London from the comfort of your own home.

Invisalign uses CAD/CAM stereolithographic technology to show patients an accurate prediction of how their teeth and smile will look following successful treatment with Invisalign. This technology is also used in the manufacture of a series of individually tailored aligners using specialised three-dimensional scanning techniques.

Over the last two decades continuous research has been carried out on Invisalign aligners and the system is being improved and enhanced all the time. Since its introduction there have been many changes including different materials and attachments. There are also two different treatment plans, Invisalign Comprehensive and Invisalign Lite which are then individually tailored depending on your dental requirements and the extent of misalignment that you begin with.

Speak to us today to find out more about Invisalign and how it can help address the aesthetic issues of your teeth. If you are suffering from crooked, wonky, protruding, overlapping or crowded teeth, or you have minor gaps in your teeth, then you need to speak to us to see what Invisalign treatment could do for you. We offer our patients a free consultation and a smile assessment. All you have to do is send us a couple of selfies of your smile and your teeth and we will invite you for an appointment at a time and location of your choice, to help you decide if Invisalign is the right option to provide treatment for you.

Discretion, comfort and convenience with Invisalign London

Invisalign London is a highly popular method of teeth straightening which has been designed using the latest in dental technology, providing a discreet, convenient and comfortable treatment option for improving the aesthetic appearance of your smile. First introduced in 1999, since that time Invisalign London has helped correct millions of crooked and wonky smiles across the world. Here at Clear Braces Direct we offer Invisalign London for your convenience, to enjoy in the comfort of your own home and achieve the smile of your dreams without anyone having to know that you are undergoing dental treatment. At our practice we are a diamond provider of Invisalign London which means we have the highest level of expertise in helping patients improve the appearance of their smile whilst promoting better oral health. Check out our five star google rating, read our fantastic patient reviews and learn more about how we have helped successfully treat over 6400 smiles so far.


Significant misalignment issues

If you are seeking to correct your smile quickly and conveniently then Invisalign is exactly what you are looking for. If you have significant misalignment issues with your teeth then the treatment process may take approximately 12 months or more to correct them. If this is the case, Invisalign Comprehensive would be the most suitable choice of treatment for you. The number of aligners that are needed varies from patient to patient and it will depend on the extent of misalignment that you begin with and how much movement is necessary to achieve an optimal smile for you. We are able to offer you excellent payment plans which can be discussed if necessary when you decide whether or not you would like to go ahead with the treatment. Included in the price is your initial consultation, a smile assessment, specialised three-dimensional scanning, incisal contouring, the Invisalign aligners themselves and access to our dental monitoring app. You will upload images of the progress of the treatment directly onto our monitoring app and we will give you feedback in this way too. This helps reduce the number of visits you have to make to the dentist, and helps you focus your time and efforts on other aspects of your life.

Minor misalignment issues

If you have minor misalignment issues or you have undergone orthodontic treatment earlier in life and are looking to perfect your smile once more, then you may need significantly less time to achieve the smile that you are looking for and this will all be decided at the very beginning when we put together a treatment plan for you. In this case, Invisalign Lite may be the best treatment option for you. Invisalign Lite uses 14 aligners to help straighten your teeth or achieve an optimal smile. This includes the same package as Invisalign Comprehensive, however in this way you are able to achieve the smile of your dreams quickly and conveniently to help promote better oral health very soon. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today and find out more about the many benefits of Invisalign for you.