Category: Invisalign

Invisalign and dental procedures

When it comes to having your teeth straightened as an adult or even as a teenager, it is worth exploring how other types of dental work may impact the success of the overall treatment.


Luckily, even when using a more popular and common type of realignment tool such as an invisible aligner, there are very few examples of dental work that can make this difficult.  And even if you are concerned that the type of dental work you have had will be detrimental to the use of invisible aligners, it is always worth seeking a second opinion from our team.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have helped patients get the straighter smiles that they want, using Invisalign London and know exactly how this aligner responds to previous examples of dental work. So if you are unsure if a crown is going to be a problem or if that filling may be an issue, simply call us for more information.

In this article, our team will highlight the most common types of dental work that we experience in our clinic and how Invisalign London responds to them. And of course, if they may present a problem!


A crown is in essence a very large filling topped with a restoration that seeks to build up a tooth that has been damaged by decay or trauma.

As the work needed for a crown involves the top of the tooth and does not impact the roots, it is unlikely that a crown will be a problem for Invisalign London. But if your crown is loose or decay has set in underneath, this will need to be remedied before you undertake any kind of orthodontic work.

And as invisible braces do not need to be attached to your teeth, this may be more helpful for patients who have multiple crowns or large fillings, as there will be no additional pressure applied directly to the restorative due to brackets.


Pre-existing fillings very rarely present a problem when it comes to undertaking invisible aligners as, in a similar vein to a crown, an invisible aligner does not apply any pressure via a bracket to a filling and so, it is more likely to stay in place.

However, if during your treatment using invisible aligners it is found that you have a cavity and need a filling, treatment may need to be suspended temporarily after the filling is fitted to allow the tooth to heal.


Bridges can present more of an issue with orthodontic realignments, as if they are fitted they cannot be moved and it is unwise to try to move the teeth around them. Or, if they are not fitted there is a very large gap in the mouth.

This can present an issue for invisible aligners and if you have a bridge of any sort, you should discuss it with our team before beginning treatment.


If your veneers are in good condition and are healthy without any decay underneath them, there is no reason why you should not be able to undertake treatment with invisible aligners.

Contraindicated health conditions and Invisalign

If you are considering approaching our team to begin treatment with invisible aligners, it may be worth having a clear idea of the health issues that may make this treatment difficult.


Some of these health problems can be helped by our team and so while you are reading this list, it is important to not become discouraged, and if you would like more advice seek out information from our practice.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have been using clear aligners like Invisalign London to help our patients get the straighter smiles they want for over half a decade and have nearly 4000 successful cases under our belt. So it is safe to say that we know what we’re doing when it comes to realignment with this method!

Remember this list is not extensive and is a general guide; if you would like more advice on contraindicated health conditions and the use of Invisalign London, please seek out a consultation with our team.

Gum disease

When it comes to dental conditions that can be a hazard for dental realignment, gum disease is at the top of the list.

And when you are contemplating using Invisalign London, it is important to be screened for signs of gum disease. Gum disease can cause your teeth to become loose or fall out altogether, which is going to be problematic when it comes to moving your teeth.

If our team detects signs of gum disease at your initial meeting with us, we will suggest that you have this treated before attempting any orthodontic work.

Prior dental work

As unfortunate as it is, there are some examples of dental work that can limit the use of invisible aligners.

And one of these is a fitted bridge; as a bridge relies on the surrounding teeth to be stable, it can be difficult to move them effectively using any orthodontic tool. In a similar vein, if you have had a dental implant fitted, this can complicate any orthodontics procedure that you may want to undertake. While it may not preclude you from the use of invisible aligners, it will require the careful guidance of our team to ensure the treatment is completed without any problem.


Cavities are somewhat common and if due to the recent pandemic you have missed a couple of dental appointments, it is quite likely that you may have a few teeth that need filling!

Luckily, cavities are easily treated and our team will be able to solve this condition usually in a single appointment, after which you can begin the treatment with invisible aligners.

Similarly, if you have concerns that one of your fillings or your crown is loose, it is worth contacting our team about this before undertaking any orthodontic work.


Osteoporosis can cause an issue with the thinning of the jaw and this, in turn, can be extremely detrimental when it comes to moving teeth, as it can cause them to fall out. Which is not the look you’re going for when you undertake an orthodontic realignment procedure!

If you have osteoporosis and would like to consider having your teeth realigned, please contact our team for more advice and seek out guidance from your doctor.

What can Invisalign aligners treat?

If you search online for information about invisible aligners, you will undoubtedly come across questions and articles surrounding the types of dental misalignments that they can treat or not treat.


And it is obvious that these articles and information overall can be a bit confusing. Typically, there is a setlist of alignment problems that invisible aligners can treat and in the following article, our team intends to explore these in a bit more depth.

When you come to our team to undertake Invisalign London, we will first assess suitability. At Clear Braces Direct, we have extensive knowledge of using invisible aligners to treat misalignments and will only suggest going ahead with the treatment if we think it will be beneficial for you and your smile.

As mentioned before, in this article, we hope to shed some light on what dental misalignments Invisalign London can treat and to help you assess if you are suitable for wearing this aligner.

What can invisible aligners treat?

Bite issues (mild to moderate)-  many people suffer from overbites and underbites with others potentially suffering from crossbite; this is where your upper and lower jaws do not mesh correctly and your teeth may protrude from the upper or lower jaw. Invisalign London may be able to correct these issues depending on their severity.

Misalignments-  general misalignments can be easily treated using invisible aligners but if you have a tooth that is protruding or your misalignment involves your molars, then it is unlikely to be suitable for this treatment.

Crowding- invisible aligners were initially designed to help treat issues with crowding, but as you may have guessed, this depends on severity. If you have tooth crowding around your front teeth, then our team may be able to use invisible aligners to correct this.

Spacing-  spacing at the front of the mouth is a common issue and depending on the gaps between your teeth and the positions of them in general, invisible aligners may be the perfect solution. If your gaps are too extreme and also involve teeth overlapping or protruding, then you may be more suited for a fitted clear brace.

What can invisible aligners not treat?

Molar placement-  the molars are the flat teeth at the sides of your mouth and when you smile, they are generally less visible than the ones at the front. But alignment issues with them can be common and unfortunately more often require the use of a fitted brace to correct, as invisible aligners cannot move molars.

Upper and lower jaw alignment issues-  if your upper and lower jaw does not fit together correctly when you close your mouth, then this will often require more extensive orthodontic treatment such as bridgework and metal braces.

Rotation problems-  if you have a tooth that is twisted or has erupted at a strange angle, then it is unlikely that invisible aligners will be able to correct this. As mentioned before, these kinds of issues will typically require the use of a fitted metal or clear brace.

Extreme bite issues-  if you have an extreme and more complicated over, under or crossbite, then our team will likely advise you to seek an orthodontist, as these issues cannot currently be corrected using invisible aligners.

Advantages of undertaking Invisalign

When you begin treatment with invisible aligners, it may feel as though you have found the proverbial golden ticket of dental care. And in many ways, you have!


Invisible aligners have changed the world of adult orthodontic care and not only are they discrete in day to day life, but they can offer you a myriad of other advantages, some of which we will explore in more depth in this article.

Because at Clear Braces Direct, our team is excited to be able to offer suitable patients Invisalign London and are happy to have over 3000 successful realignment cases under our belts using these aligners.

So, what are some of the other advantages of undertaking a dental alignment treatment with Invisalign London? Read on to find out.

Less invasive

When most people picture having braces fitted or other orthodontic tools, they imagine lots of fiddling, cutting of wires and lots of moulds being taken off their teeth.

This is beneficial in the long run but can also be very invasive.

Invisalign London has a simpler fitting process; our team will use a 3D scanner to take an image of your teeth from the inside of your mouth, which will take a few seconds and will then be uploaded to our computer.

The fitting of the aligners when they arrive back at our clinic is more straightforward too. We simply place them in your mouth, assess if they fit and then you can begin treatment.

Faster treatments

Many people assume that because the aligners are clear and are not made of metal, the treatment itself will take longer.

But as invisible aligners are designed to treat mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment, the average treatment time is between 3 and 6-months. When compared to other orthodontic tools such as braces which can take 36 months, this is a definite improvement.


Much like the assumption that the treatment will take longer, many patients also assume that the treatment will be more expensive than traditional braces.

But when it comes to using a traditional brace in adult orthodontic care, there are lots of things that are factored into the overall cost. For one thing, you will need to attend appointments with an orthodontist when wearing a traditional brace, which will add costs along with having the brace adjusted or tightened.

And of course, the longer the treatment proceeds the more costs will be incurred. Invisible aligners do not require you to attend orthodontist appointments, they do not require adjusting and as they have an average period of 3 to 6 months, the treatment is more affordable than most people think.

Expertise (Clear Braces Direct)

Not to brag, but when you come to ClearBraces Direct to have your teeth straightened using an invisible aligner, our team truly has the expertise needed to get you the smile you want.

As mentioned before, we have over 3000 successful cases of dental realignment under our belts using invisible aligners and know the ins and outs of this aligner.

Lifestyle friendly

Few appointments, more affordable and more visually discreet, one of the main advantages of using invisible aligners is that they are lifestyle friendly. You will not need to book expensive check-ups, will not need to attend hygienist appointments, and you can wear them in your daily life without drawing attention. Perfect!

FAQs about Invisalign daily usage answered

If you undertook metal braces as a child or teenager but now require orthodontic treatment again as an adult, it is easy to assume that the use of invisible aligners will be a metaphorical walk in the park.


And while invisible aligners have changed the world of adult orthodontic care, the ideology that they are easy to use in daily life can lead to many patients abandoning their treatment as they do not know how to cope with some of the issues that can arise during the treatment.

At Clear Braces Direct, our team has over 5 years of expertise surrounding Invisalign London and are all too aware of the issues that can arise during the treatment. We are always happy to provide our patients with tips on how to manage the aligners at home and can advise you on ways to minimise discomfort and get the most out of the aligner.

In this article, our team discusses some of the most frequent questions we receive from patients surrounding the issues that can arise while wearing Invisalign London.

My aligners don’t fit; what do I do?

It is vital for successful realignment that Invisalign London fits over your teeth correctly.

This is known as tracking, and a loose tracking aligner is about as good as a chocolate teapot!

If when you receive your aligners they feel loose, then it is worth contacting our team for advice and a potential remeasuring of your teeth.

My aligners look stained; how do I clean them?

One of the best things about invisible aligners is that they are easy to clean for many people.

So to keep them in good condition, simply rinse them under a cold tap twice a day and use a soft bristle toothbrush to remove debris.

You can also invest in cleaning tablets, just be sure that they are designed for aligners or dentures. Do not under any circumstances use hot water to clean your aligners and do not use bleaches or mouthwashes as this can cause issues with staining.

The aligners are hurting me; is this normal?

It is tough to determine if the pain you are experiencing while wearing aligners is normal without seeing our team for an assessment.

If you are experiencing discomfort with a newer aligner after you have put it in, then this is likely normal and should resolve in a few days. If your new aligners are constantly hurting you, then it is worth contacting our team for an assessment to determine the underlying cause.

My tongue is sore; what can I do?

As the aligners are made from plastic and are 3D printed, during the first few days of wear they will likely rub against your inner cheeks and your tongue.

Luckily the application of dental wax can ease this discomfort, acting as a buffer between the soft tissues and the hard plastic.

I have a lisp because of the aligners; any advice?

Experiencing a lisp or other issues with speech is common when you first begin wearing any orthodontic tool.

Our team typically advises engaging in facial exercises, tongue exercises and even singing to help your speech patterns return to normal. For more information about these exercises, contact our team.

Invisalign myths debunked

When you are looking into undertaking dental realignment as an adult, you have likely searched online for as much information as you can gather before approaching your dentist about it.


But with the internet being the way it is, it is also likely that you have stumbled across a few horror stories or myths that surround orthodontic realignment, not only as an adult but using aligners overall.

And this can be more than a bit disconcerting!

At Clear Braces Direct, our team has heard all of these myths before and can provide our patients with accurate information surrounding the aligners that we use in our clinic. We have been using Invisalign London to help patients get the smiles they want for over 5 years and have nearly 4000 cases of dental realignment success under our belts. So, we know more than our fair share about aligners!

So, what are some of the most common myths that exist online surrounding Invisalign London?  Read on for our team’s top 5.

Myth 1- Invisible aligners don’t treat complex cases

Initially designed to realign teeth with a mild or moderate issue, as the technology surrounding Invisalign London has advanced, this aligner has become better adapted to treating more complex cases.

You will need to have the go-ahead from our team, but over 90% of people who approach us to undertake the aligner are indeed suitable for it. But if we determine that your dental misalignment is too severe, you will likely need to wear a fitted brace instead.

Myth 2- Older people can’t use invisible aligners

One of our largest demographics of patients seeking dental realignment are patients who are over the age of 40 years old!

And as one of the requirements for starting treatment with an invisible aligner is the presence of a complete set of adult teeth, this aligner is better designed for older people.

As long as your mouth teeth and gums are healthy and you have an appropriate level of misalignment to correct, you should be able to use invisible aligners without issue.

Myth 3- Invisible aligners are more expensive than braces

Many patients assume that because invisible aligners are the new big thing, or are trendy, they will be more expensive than traditional metal braces.

In short, this is not true, as the costs associated with orthodontic treatment typically include the costs of the orthodontic appointments, adjustments, tightening and other procedures surrounding the general movement of your teeth under the guidance of a dentist.

But as invisible aligners do not require tightening or adjusting they are often more affordable than you may think.

Myth 4- Invisible aligners take longer than braces

As invisible aligners are designed to treat mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment, the average treatment time is 3 to 6 months for most patients. When compared to the average treatment time for wearing traditional braces in adult years, which can be as long as 36 months, it is evident which treatment is faster.

Myth 5- Invisible aligners don’t work

Of course, invisible aligners work! Over 99% of all cases undertaken will successfully realign the teeth and leave the patient with a better meshing, improved smile.

Tips for daily wear of Invisalign

When you begin treatment with an invisible aligner, it is indeed an exciting time. 


Not only will your teeth become straighter without drawing attention to your orthodontic treatment but you will likely save on time and money that is often associated with undertaking a brace or aligner in adult life.

But to ensure that you get the most out of wearing an invisible aligner, it is important to know how to manage them in daily life. This will not only ensure that they work, but that your teeth and gums remain healthy as well.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have the expertise needed to help you get a straighter smile using Invisalign London. We have helped many patients straighten their smiles using this aligner and if you are suitable, we would be more than happy to help you too!

So, what are some of our team’s tips when it comes to the daily wear of Invisalign London?  Read on to find out!

Time your wearing

It is important to note that Invisalign London is a removable aligner. This means that you can take it out to brush your teeth, eat food or attend dental checkups.

But you will need to keep the aligner in your mouth for a minimum of 22 hours per day unless otherwise directed by our team. If you do not keep the aligner in your mouth, it is likely that your realigning procedure will stall or your teeth will revert to their previous positions.

Keep them clean

As you may know, invisible aligners are made from clear plastic.

And as they are removable, they are easier to clean than other orthodontic devices. In order to ensure that they stay clean, you will need to clean them a minimum of twice a day. Simply rinse them under a cold tap and use a toothbrush to remove any stubborn debris.

Do not use hot water to clean your aligners as this can cause them to warp.

Keep them safe

When out and about, it is easy to simply throw your aligners into a bag or your coat pocket.

Although the plastic that they are made from is durable, this is generally unwise. Because, much like the hot water being applied to the aligners, frequent mistreatment of them can cause them to become damaged, warped or torn, which will then require you to contact our team to have a new set sent out.

Keep appointments

Although we will aim to keep as much of your orthodontic care in the realms of your own home, when you are required to visit our team for a check-up or you need to send us a selfie (so we can assess how your treatment is progressing), please keep these appointments.

Not only do they allow us to see if your teeth are realigning correctly with the use of the aligner but they allow us to spot if you are suffering from the signs of dental decay or gum disease, which can be detrimental to the entire process.

Invest in pain relief

And finally, although the aligners are generally more comfortable to wear in daily life than other orthodontic tools, you will need to invest in pain relief. This will be more prevalent in the days following an aligner change, where the aligner will feel tight against your teeth as it attempts to move them into the desired position.

An introductory guide to Invisalign

Most people are aware of what a 3D printer is and what it can do, alongside how it has revolutionised the health industry overall. But are you aware of its role in the creation and use of invisible aligners?


If you are looking to straighten your teeth using an invisible aligner, then you may want to have a bit more insight into how the aligners are crafted and created, and how you as a patient will need to use them to get the straighter smile that you want and deserve.

At Clear Braces Direct, our team has been using Invisalign London to straighten our patients’ teeth for over 5 years now and knows all there is to know about the creation, usage and daily wear of these nifty invisible aligners. So, if you are looking for a team with expertise in the area of invisible aligners, choose us!

In this short guide, you will be introduced to Invisalign London concerning how these aligners are created, how they are worn and how your smartphone can help you to get the most out of this treatment. Enjoy!


First thing’s first, when you are considering undertaking Invisalign London, you will need to attend a consultation with a member of our team. This is so we can ascertain if you are suitable or not for invisible aligners, which will include assessing the condition of your teeth and taking a 3D scan of your mouth.

If we deem that you are suitable, the scans will be sent to a dental laboratory.


The scans that we collect at your initial consultation are uploaded to a computer and, using a kind of digital sped up orthodontic procedure, your teeth will be moved. From this, we will be able to determine how many aligners are required to make this computer simulation a reality.

Once we are happy that the aligners can move your teeth to the desired result, a 3D printer will create your aligners using a malleable but also fairly firm clear plastic.

This process is incredibly quick, and your new aligners may either be sent to our surgery or direct to your door within 7 to 14 days.

Daily wear

It is important when you are wearing your aligners that you wear them in the correct order and that you wear them for 22 hours per day.

This will ensure that the aligners have the required amount of time to move your teeth and that each step of the realignment process is accomplished.

To keep your aligners clean, simply rinse them under a cold tap twice a day, and if you have any questions, contact our team.

Selfies and appointments

This particular invisible aligner comes with an app, which you will need to use each week to send our team a photograph or a selfie of your smile, so we can assess if the treatment is progressing as needed.

If we detect a problem, we will likely send you instructions via the app or call you in for an appointment. It is important for the sake of your realignment that any appointments made with our team are kept.

Questions about Invisalign answered

When undertaking any dental treatment, from a filling to a dental implant, you as the patient will likely have some questions for your dentist.


And as the rise in popularity surrounding invisible aligners continues, our team has answered a fair few questions about these treatment options and their suitability for the majority of our patients.

But, as we know all there is to know about this aligner, we are more than happy to advise you on the potential usage of it when straightening your teeth.

Because at Clear Braces Direct, our team has been using one of the world’s most famous invisible aligners to help our patients get the straighter miles that they want and deserve.  Invisalign London is suitable for patients with mild-to-moderate misalignment who wish to get straighter teeth with visible discretion.

Now, back to those questions that we are asked about Invisalign London! Here, our team answers 5 of the most common ones that we receive, allowing you to learn more about the aligner before you approach our team about it.

Do the aligners hurt?

When compared to traditional braces, Invisalign London has a very different method of action.  Rather than the brace needing to be altered or adjusted (as is the way with traditional orthodontics), each aligner in the set is designed to move your teeth in smaller increments over two weeks. So, in theory, there should be less discomfort.

But remember, an aligner still needs to move your teeth so, you may need to invest in some over-the-counter pain relief for those days when you switch between aligners.

Is the treatment expensive?

Invisible aligners do not require adjusting or trips to a hygienist to keep your teeth and gums healthy for the duration of the treatment.  Ergo, despite them being more trendy amongst dental patients, many see them as more affordable, especially when compared to other orthodontic tools.

At Clear Braces Direct, we are aware that money does not grow on trees and so, we are happy to offer suitable patients financing options to help them spread the cost of their treatment into monthly increments.

Do aligners take longer than regular braces?

In a word, no. It is very unlikely that wearing an aligner will take longer to straighten your teeth than a regular brace, especially in your adult years.

Traditional braces can take up to 3 years to straighten your teeth, whereas an aligner on average, takes between 3 to 6 months. But this period is based on the severity of the misalignment being treated, and how dedicated you are to wearing the aligners for the required 22 hours a day.

How do I care for the aligners at home?

Aligners are easy to care for and each day, you should aim to clean them under a cold tap to remove any debris. This will keep your gums and teeth healthy and will keep the aligners clear.

You should also aim to carry your aligners when you are not wearing them in the carry case provided. If you have an issue with a lost aligner or a damaged aligner, contact our team.

Will I need to wear a retainer afterwards?

Yes, you will need to wear a retainer after using an invisible aligner to ensure that your teeth do not revert to their previous positions.

Comparing Invisalign to braces; what you need to know

When you are looking for the right kind of orthodontic tool to straighten your teeth, there are many things that you need to consider.


And unfortunately, few of them are to do with discretion!

While there has been a movement in adult orthodontic care towards making aligners more visually discreet, there are other factors that need to be compared to determine the most suitable orthodontic tool for you.

At Clear Braces Direct, as our names suggest, we are bigger fans of the more discrete aligner or brace and are proud to be able to offer our patients Invisalign London. And while we do not disparage the use of the traditional brace, it is worth noting how the two treatments differ when considering orthodontic care.

In this article, we will be comparing Invisalign London to the traditional metal brace, so you can get a better feel for each of these treatments and which one may be the right one for you.

Length of treatment

Brace-  With adult patients, a traditional metal brace may be worn for up to 3 years. This is due to traditional braces being able to treat more complex cases of dental misalignment but also needing the additional time to do so.

Aligner- Aligners like Invisalign London typically take between 3 to 6 months to straighten someone’s teeth. But, as you may have guessed, aligners are better suited for people who have mild to moderate cases of misalignment or protrusion.


Brace-  There is no way around it; metal braces are very visible! But many people now view metal braces with a hipster ideology, in that they are cool because they are retro.

Aligner-  An invisible aligner is made from clear plastic and while they can become stained, with correct cleaning every day, your invisible aligners will remain visually discreet and those around you may not even know you are wearing it.


Brace-  It is hard to compare the comfort of a brace to an aligner, as each person has their unique comfort thresholds. However, when wearing a traditional brace, you will need to attend tightening or adjusting sessions with your dentist, which require the over wire to be tightened to move your teeth. This usually creates pressure in the jaw, which is not comfortable but can be managed with over the counter pain relief.

Aligner-  Aligners use small increments of change in their shape to move the teeth gradually over two weeks. This does not mean they are completely comfortable, as this still creates a feeling of pressure, which may need to be remedied with over-the-counter pain relief.


Brace- The cost of having a brace in adult years includes trips to the dentist, adjustments and any hygienist treatments required to keep your teeth and gums in good condition.

Aligner-  Aligners can be used at home and as they are removable, you will not need to attend hygienist appointments and there is no need to visit a dentist to have the aligner adjusted.


Brace and aligner- The results achieved using a brace or an aligner can be striking and life-changing. But to achieve these goals, you will need the oversight of a trained dental professional who can advise you on the most suitable tool for your orthodontic needs.