Category: Invisalign

Invisalign versus internet aligners

It seems that in 2022, there are a lot of treatment options available at home. There are at-home hairdressers and at-home beauticians, and now, there is even the option to have dental aligners delivered to your door to straighten your teeth without the oversight of a dental team.


This may sound great, especially if you have a phobia of attending dental surgeries. But in reality, realigning your teeth without professional oversight can be complicated and dangerous. Therefore, it is important to know how at-home aligners bought from online providers may differ from aligners used in dental surgeries.

At Clear Braces Direct, we are proud to offer orthodontic treatments, which include Invisalign London. This aligner can be used in conjunction with regular checkups with our team, or you can use it at home with regular contact with our team. The professional oversight can make the difference between a straighter smile and one that may be worse after the aligner comes off.

In this article, we will compare internet-bought aligners with Invisalign London so that you can ascertain which one may be right for you.


Let’s start with accuracy. When you come to see our team at Clear Braces Direct to undertake Invisalign London, we will use an intraoral scanner to take a clear and precise image of the inside of your mouth. This will help to create a better-fitting aligner, which will, in turn, result in straighter teeth. With at-home kits, you may be required to make a dental mould of your teeth by yourself; this may sound simple, but it can actually lead to inaccuracies, which can cause the aligner that is made from the mould to be incorrect.

Professional care

You should not attempt to straighten your teeth without the oversight of a dentist. When it comes to invisible aligners, our team knows all there is to know about them and can provide you with higher quality professional care, which will result in a straighter smile. Many online options do not offer this and are, therefore, not as reliable when it comes to straightening your teeth.

Length of treatment

The length of treatment with the invisible aligners that we use varies from between 3 to 6 months on average, but this is due to the constant communication that we maintain with our patients. There is very little data available as to how long it takes for an internet-purchased aligner to straighten teeth, but we are willing to bet that it is a little bit longer than 6 months!

Potential issues

Any treatment that involves moving teeth will come with potential issues. However, these are mitigated by our patients using the associated invisible aligner app once a week. You will need to send us a selfie of your smile so that we can assess any potential issues that may be occurring, such as your aligner not tracking correctly. If we spot an issue, we will call you in. Issues that may arise from internet aligner providers are somewhat similar, but you may not have the ability to resolve them in the same way, thus leading to more complicated alignment problems.

Suitability for Invisalign; a short guide

When it comes to orthodontic care, especially in your adult years, there are many options available.


And, just like most cosmetic treatments, many things can make you an ideal candidate for treatment, or there may be certain issues which can make you unsuitable. When it comes to considering undertaking invisible aligners, we feel it is important to have an idea about your suitability before approaching our team. Just to avoid disappointment!

At Clear Braces Direct, we have extensive experience of working with invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign London and will be able to accurately assess your suitability. Our team will help you every step of the way, answering queries and concerns, to ensure you feel confident and happy using this aligner to straighten your teeth.

But what are some of the requirements for undertaking Invisalign London?

Good oral health

At the foundation of all cosmetic treatment relating to dentistry is good oral health. When you come for a consultation with our team, we may refer you on for additional work before you begin wearing Invisalign London if needed.

If you have active tooth decay, gum disease or loose restoratives, we will need to resolve these issues and get your oral health back on track. That way, no issues will interfere with your orthodontic treatment!

Clinical case

You may have heard that not everyone is suitable for using invisible aligners. And sadly, this is true.

If you have a more complex case of dental misalignment, such as teeth that require twisting or problems with molar alignment, then you may be more suited for a fitted brace. This can also be the only viable solution if you have an extreme bite issue.

Luckily, invisible aligners can correct most problems. If you have rotated front teeth, slight protrusions, crossbite, over or underbite that is not too extreme, spacing or crowding issues, then you may be suitable for this invisible aligner. Just contact our team and set up a consultation with us to be sure.


There is a reason why invisible aligners are not often deemed suitable for children. And this is related to compliance.

Invisible aligners are removable and so for them to move your teeth you will need to keep them in your mouth for a minimum of 22 hours per day, or as directed by our team. If you do not do this, it can cause a delay in the realignment process. Or it may lead to your teeth becoming stuck in one position, or even reverting to their former alignment. So, compliance is key and in the case of children, most dental teams prefer them to wear a fitted brace!

If you are struggling to stick to the 22 hours per day of wearing the aligner, contact our team and we can discuss alternatives which may be more suitable.


Most people who undertake invisible aligners are over the age of 18. However, they are also popular with teenagers.

This is because for the aligner to work, you need to have lost all of your baby teeth. The minimum age for invisible aligners is 13, so if you are this age and want to straighten your smile, ask an adult if you can contact us!

FAQs about Invisalign answered by our team

When it comes to undertaking invisible aligners there is much that the majority of patients do not know about this procedure.


And this can influence whether or not many people who may be suitable for treatment, decide to pursue it or not. Luckily in almost all cases, patients are suitable to undertake realignment with invisible aligners. All you have to do is ask our team!

At Clear Braces Direct, we have been working with Invisalign London for over 5 years and know everything that there is to know about this aligner. We can assess your suitability for it at the initial consultation that you have with our team and we will help you with the treatment every step of the way.

But what are some of the most common queries that our team receives relating to Invisalign London? Read on to find out.

Are the aligners invisible?

Technically, no. But that would be impossible!

Invisalign London is made from clear plastic. It is moulded to the shape of your teeth and does not protrude. Therefore, these aligners are the closest things you can get to being truly invisible alignment tools.

To keep them clean for the duration of the treatment, you will need to rinse them under a cold water tap. This will remove food debris. Do not use mouthwash to clean them, as this can cause them to discolour.

Do they hurt?

Sadly, there is no such thing as a completely comfortable orthodontic tool. Even with invisible aligners!

But they are often deemed to be more comfortable by many patients. Due in part to the fact that they push the teeth into the new desired locations rather than pull them. This reduces pressure in the jaw, which is linked to discomfort as the teeth move.

Can they correct an overbite?

Yes, they can. But it depends on the severity of the overbite.

If it is complex and involves the rotation of teeth, then we may state that the best treatment option for you would be a fitted brace.

If you have any orthodontic issue which involves rotating teeth, molar involvement or extensive spacing or overcrowding, then it may be best to pursue a fitted brace.

How long do they take to work?

This once again depends on the severity of the issue being corrected.

For mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment, you can expect the treatment to be completed in around 3 to 6 months. If the case is more complex, it can take a bit longer. Remember, you will need to wear the aligners for 22 hours per day in order to gain the most from them. Failure to do so may result in your teeth halting as they are being realigned, or they may revert back to their original positions.

Am I suitable for them?

Most people are suitable for invisible aligners. As long as your alignment issue is mild to moderate and you have good overall oral health, then our team would be delighted to work with you to get you the straighter smile you deserve.

Things you need to know about Invisalign

When it comes to dental care and altering the position of your teeth as an adult, you will want to know as much as possible before approaching any dental team about treatment options. And while the internet is a great place to gain this information, there are some things about clear aligners or fitted braces that only professionals in the industry know about.


These are facts that can alter your perception of whether or not the treatment is suitable for you. Luckily, we think our industry secrets so to speak are beneficial for everybody to know and can help you make the right choice for yourself.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have worked with Invisalign London thousands of times and have seen how this invisible aligner can change someone’s smile and confidence in as little as 6 months.  So if you want to get a straighter smile in a short time, come to us and we can assess your suitability.

But what are some of the things that you may need to know about Invisalign London before undertaking it?

It is suitable for most people

In years gone by, the only way to correct any manner of misalignment in adult teeth was with a fitted metal brace. However, as most misalignments that occur in adult teeth are mild to moderate, most people who have them will be suitable for Invisalign London. And there is only one way to know if you are suitable and that is to contact our team for an assessment.

Your teeth may feel loose

If you had a friend in your teenage years or childhood who was wearing fitted braces, you may remember that they complained that their teeth felt loose. This can be very scary but it is not uncommon, even when you are using invisible aligners. Remember this is a tool designed to move your teeth and so, there may be a bit of intermittent wobbling when you are wearing the aligners. If you have concerns about how loose your teeth feel, then please call our team urgently for a check-up.

There may be buttons

There may be additional requirements for your invisible aligner to work successfully. One of these is a button or buttons, which our team attaches to your teeth with dental cement to improve tracking or fitting. These will be tooth coloured so don’t worry and the fitting will not hurt. Try to think of them as almost invisible brackets which will be used to hold the aligners on and improve the realignment process.

Your oral hygiene will improve

There is a lot of brushing and flossing involved when it comes to wearing invisible aligners. You will need to brush your teeth after you finish eating, alongside after drinking sugary beverages. Not forgetting the prerequisite brushing twice a day! So it is highly likely that whilst you wear invisible aligners, your dental hygiene will improve.

It will be quick!

And finally, one more thing is that the treatment is likely to be very quick for most of our patients. Invisible aligners are only usually required for between 3 to 6 months but remember for your deadline to stick, you will need to adhere to wearing the aligners for a minimum of 22 hours per day.

Tips for managing Invisalign

When you begin using invisible aligners, it is indeed an exciting time. After all, you will get the straighter smile you want in an estimated 3 to 6 months. All without the inconvenience of wearing a fitted brace, which can create additional hygiene problems, alongside issues with visual discretion.


But that’s not to say that wearing invisible aligners is straightforward or easier for many patients. Indeed, during the first few weeks of wearing an invisible aligner, you may be surprised at the amount of adaptation that is required for these aligners to fit in with your lifestyle and for you to get used to them.

Luckily, when you come to Clear Braces Direct to use Invisalign London, we can advise you on key ways to ensure that your initial period of wearing the aligners goes off without a hitch. That way you are more likely to engage with the treatment long term and get the results that you want and deserve.

So what are our team’s top tips relating to Invisalign London? Read on to find out!

Tip 1- Keep the aligners in

For Invisalign London to work, you need to keep the aligner in your mouth. Depending on your clinical need, we may give you a deadline per day, but for most people this is around 22 hours. For you to become better accustomed to the aligners, we often recommend initially leaving them in for longer than this so you can adjust to the feel of them in your mouth and get used to talking or singing whilst wearing them.

Tip 2- Eat soft, cooler foods

Sticky foods, while tempting, can cause a glutinous film on your teeth. Acidic foods can inflame the gums. With aligners, you will need to keep them out of your mouth whilst eating, but we recommend altering your diet for the first few days. This is because the newly fitted aligners may cause a bit of rubbing on the gums, which is going to feel a bit sore. So for your comfort, we recommend eating softer or cooler foods until you have adjusted. If soreness caused by the aligners rubbing continues to be an issue, you should talk to our team about dental wax.

Tip 3- New aligner? Bedtime is best

You will need to wear each aligner for around 2 weeks and when it comes to changing between them, we recommend putting in new aligners at bedtime. This is because when you switch between aligners, you are more likely to feel discomfort. For most people, this only lasts for a short time. So why not do it whilst you sleep and then the next day you will feel more at ease with the new aligner in your mouth. Great!

Tip 4- Discuss pain relief options

Clear aligners are by no means completely comfortable. After all, they have to move your teeth! To mitigate the potential soreness that the aligners can cause, we recommend talking to our team about the most suitable options for pain relief, to help you stick to the treatment.

Tip 5- Keep them clean

To ensure your oral hygiene remains intact and to keep the aligners clear, you need to clean them a minimum of twice a day. This is straightforward and can be done by simply rinsing them under a cold tap and using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Pairing this up with your daily hygiene regime can make this easier and will ensure that you are less susceptible to cavities or gum disease while undertaking the treatment.

Your Queries about Invisalign cost resolved

It goes without saying that in the UK, many people have concerns that undertaking orthodontic treatment in their adult years will be expensive. This is due in part to the free orthodontic treatment that is provided by the National Health Service for those aged 18 years or under.


But there are several instances where this is not suitable, due to patients having dental phobias in their teenage years that need to be overcome or experiencing misalignments later in life. So, when searching online for an option to straighten your teeth, you may have come across invisible aligners and may be curious about the costs associated with this treatment.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have been offering invisible aligners to our patients for over half a decade and can answer any queries that you may have about Invisalign cost London. We will always aim to keep the cost of treatment as low as possible for adult patients, as we know that money doesn’t grow on trees. And we believe that everyone should be entitled to have a smile that they can be proud of.

So, what are some of the most common queries we receive about Invisalign cost London from our patients starting this treatment? Read on to find out.

Will using this aligner be expensive?

It is nearly impossible to state in this article how expensive your treatment with invisible aligners will be. However, with Invisalign cost London, there are many things to consider that can drive the treatment price up. One of these is the severity of the misalignment being treated, the length of time that you will need to wear the aligner, and of course, whether you adhere to the treatment option and keep all of your aligners safe. For a personalised treatment breakdown, please feel free to contact our team and book an appointment.

Are they more affordable than fitted braces?

Generally speaking, yes, invisible aligners are more affordable than fitted braces. This is due in part to the time spent wearing them and the fact that they do not require adjusting or tightening to get the result that is desired.

How can I keep the price down?

As briefly mentioned earlier, there are many ways that you can keep the price of this treatment down. Keep your aligners safe in their carry case when out and about, always attend appointments with our team if needed. And be sure to keep on top of your oral hygiene to prevent secondary costs associated with tooth decay and gum disease.

Are other online aligner options cheaper?

Technically yes. You can opt for different online aligners, which may be cheaper. But this comes with an increased risk of the treatment going wrong due to the lack of clinical care from the providers. To get straighter teeth at home using invisible aligners with all of the clinical supervision required, look no further than our practice.

Can I get help with paying for it?

Yes, you can! With our services we are happy to be able to offer suitable patients 0% financing options. This will help you to spread the cost of this treatment into affordable monthly instalments.

Are there accessories needed to help you manage Invisalign?

They have revolutionised and changed the world of adult orthodontic care, due to their discretion and their success. Also their ease of use in daily life.


Of course, we are talking about invisible aligners! Custom-fitted to slot over your teeth and taking around 3 to 6 months to get you the straighter smile you want, more adults and teenage patients are opting for these aligners over standard fitted braces if possible.

When you begin using your invisible aligners, particularly if you have never undertaken orthodontic care, you may be puzzled as to what is required to ensure that the treatment works as predicted by our team. In this article, we aim to explore this area.

At Clear Braces Direct, our team has extensive knowledge of using invisible aligners, especially Invisalign London. We have treated thousands of patients and will always aim to ensure that your time wearing this aligner is fuss-free and straightforward. We want you to get the straighter smile that you deserve and will endeavour to help you to do so.

Back to the initial question; what are some of the accessories that you may require for Invisalign London to work as predicted? Read on to find out.

Clear aligner mints

Clear aligner mints are based on the idea of clear aligner chewies, which are foam cylinders that you can chew on when you put the new aligners into your mouth. But when you are wearing Invisalign London you may want something that you can use on the go. And this is where these mints come in. They are not sticky, so they will not pull the aligners off your teeth, but rather they will help them to fit correctly and reduce air bubbles between the aligner and your teeth. They will also leave your breath smelling minty fresh, so there is no downside.

Clear aligner removal tools

An advantage of using invisible aligners is that they are removable and this can in theory sound like a straightforward task to complete. But if you are in the early days of wearing an aligner, it may be tight fitting to your teeth, and removing it incorrectly could cause it to warp out of shape. This is where removal tools specified for clear aligners can come into play. Looking a little bit like plastic hooks, they ensure successful and accurate removal of the aligners without causing warping.

Floss picks

Dental hygiene is always going to be a concern when you are undertaking any orthodontic treatment. If you are out and about eating with friends and not wearing your aligner, it is advised that before putting it back in, you clean your teeth to ensure that your food debris does not become pressed against your teeth. To minimise plaque and decay, it is worth investing in floss picks, which you can use on the go to clean in between your teeth.

Retainer cases (extra!)

Invisible aligners come with a retainer case, which you can use to carry them around in when you are out and about. This is to prevent them from warping out of shape. Our team will provide you with a single retainer case, but for your peace of mind and the longevity of your aligners it may be worth investing in more cases, in the event the original one goes missing.

What to expect with Invisalign treatment

In the adult world time is not only money, it is also a factor that many consider when undertaking any kind of treatment. Many adults simply do not have the time to wait around for results and will often opt for faster solutions if possible.


This is no different in dental care, particularly orthodontics. If you are an adult who has misaligned teeth, you may be looking for a quick and easy way to straighten them. Depending on the severity of the misalignment that you wish to treat, there may be a solution for you in invisible aligners.

When you come to see our team at Clear Braces Direct, we may be able to help. We specialise in the use of invisible aligners like Invisalign London, which is a discreet and quick aligner that we have used with thousands of patients to straighten their smiles. So it is safe to say that we know what we are doing!

But how long is it going to take to get the straighter smile you want? And what is involved when you begin treatment with Invisalign London? Here, our team provides a brief guide so you know what to expect.


The first step is a consultation with our team, where we will assess your suitability for Invisalign London. As mentioned before, your suitability will depend on the severity of the misalignment that you want to treat. This orthodontic tool is only really suitable for people who have a mild to moderate misalignment with their front teeth. If we decide that you are suitable, we will then employ our intraoral scanner, which will scan an image of your teeth. This image will then be uploaded to a computer. This is important for the next stage in providing treatment, which can take around 2 to 3 weeks.


The images obtained from the intraoral scan will be sent to a dental laboratory where technicians will use a digital vector map to move the scanned teeth into their desired final positions. This will allow the technicians to predict how many aligners will be needed, alongside the different shapes for each aligner. These images will then be sent to a 3D printer, where they will be printed using clear plastic. This process is straightforward but as mentioned before it can take 2 to 3 weeks for the aligners to arrive at our surgery.


As the aligners are removable, you will need to be disciplined when it comes to keeping them in your mouth. We recommend wearing them for around 22 hours per day. This may differ depending on your clinical need. If you do not wear them for the required time, your realignment treatment may stall or your teeth may revert to their previous positions. 


As they come in a set of between 12 to 14, each aligner needs to be worn for around 14 days. Determining when to change the aligner is straightforward; when you first put it in, it will feel tight and as the teeth move, it will become looser. If it wobbles when placed over your teeth, it is time to move on to the next aligner.


It can happen to anyone! A lost aligner will need to be replaced by our team. Simply contact us and we will be able to have a new aligner printed for you. During this time, it is worth putting the previous aligner in the series back into your mouth to prevent your teeth from moving out of sequence.

A comparison between Invisalign and fitted braces

There have always been contenders or rivals, particularly when relating to treatment options for specific aesthetic issues.

Invisalign London

Dermal fillers have often been compared to Botox and hair dye to hair chalk. In the world of orthodontic care, this continues with the comparison of a fitted orthodontic tool to a removable one. This is particularly important in adult dental care where you have to take a bit more time to decide which one is worth investing in and which one will have the best benefits for you.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have helped thousands of patients to get the straighter smiles that they want and deserve using Invisalign London. So we know all of the advantages that this aligner can offer to patients and of course, we can assess if it is right for you.

But how does this new orthodontic tool compare to the standard metal brace when taking on adult orthodontic treatments? In this article, we will discuss and compare braces and Invisalign London so you can decide which may be the right treatment for you.

Oral health

Good oral health is a required basis for almost every dental treatment imaginable.

And when you are using an orthodontic tool for teeth straightening, it is important to consider the impact that it may have on your teeth and gums. Invisalign London is removable, so you can easily brush and floss your teeth without inconvenience. Fitted braces will require you to invest in additional equipment such as interdental brushes and hygienist appointments to keep your teeth plaque-free.


As the name suggests, Invisalign aligners are invisible; they are made from clear plastic which is custom-fitted to slot over your teeth and does not protrude. So even those who see you every day may have difficulty spotting that you are undertaking this treatment.

Fitted braces may or may not be discreet; lingual options are attached to the backs of the teeth and are harder to spot, but are also only suitable for certain cases. A standard fitted brace is likely to be visible which may not matter if you are not self-conscious about it. But it is not as likely to offer the discretion that many adults want from an orthodontic tool.


Fitted braces have to be tightened and adjusted for them to move your teeth. This will require your orthodontist to alter them and essentially enable the archwire and the brackets to pull them into the desired location. This can create pressure in the jaw which can lead to discomfort. That is not to say that invisible aligners are without discomfort, but they operate on a different mode of action. They push the teeth rather than pull them and do not retain the same level of tension as a fitted brace, so pressure and discomfort are less likely.


Invisible aligners are surprisingly affordable; this is due to the length of time you will be wearing them for around 3 to 6 months. There are financing options that our team can offer you. Fitted braces require more intervention to operate and more dental appointments, so they are often more pricey.


As mentioned before, invisible aligners can straighten your teeth in as little as 3 to 6 months. Fitted braces can take up to 3 years depending on the complexity of the clinical case.

Myths about Invisalign debunked

When it comes to undertaking any kind of orthodontic treatment, you will want to ensure that you have the facts straight before you begin.


But as is the way with so many online blogs and articles, these can tend to highlight the less successful aspects of treatments, giving a rather biased view that they do not work or that something horrific will happen if you adopt them.

Unfortunately, this can lead to people who would have been suitable to receive treatments like invisible braces not approaching their dental team about them.

At Clear Braces Direct, our team is equipped and knowledgeable about all things surrounding clear braces and invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign London. So when you come to us, you can rest assured that you will receive the highest quality of care for your realignment journey.

But what are some of the most common mistruths that exist online relating to Invisalign London? Read on to find out and to learn the facts behind the fiction.

It takes longer than standard braces

Invisalign London typically takes around 3 to 6 months to straighten teeth, provided that the misalignment is considered mild to moderate and that the patient is dedicated to wearing the aligners for 22 hours per day.

When compared to standard fitted braces, which can take up to 36 months to straighten adult teeth, this is an obvious time saver. Invisible aligners certainly do not take longer than standard braces!

It is too expensive

Orthodontic care in adult years is going to make people uncomfortable about possible costs. And many people assume that invisible aligners will be more expensive than their fitted metal counterparts. However, the cost associated with any orthodontic tool is linked to the number of hours required to have it tightened, the number of dental visits, and the length of wear. Based on this, you may find that invisible aligners are more affordable than you thought. At Clear Braces Direct we are also able to offer financing to help you spread the cost if needed.

You will require to have teeth removed

There is no hard and fast rule relating to having teeth removed when you are about to undertake a brace or aligner. If your mouth is overcrowded, our team may suggest the removal of teeth to make room. But generally, you should not need to have teeth removed and we will happily leave them all in your mouth depending on your clinical needs.

It can treat any misalignment issue

We truly wish that invisible aligners could treat any misalignment issue. As mentioned earlier, they are best suited to mild or moderate cases for which they have the best success rate. If you have a misalignment that is more complex and involves your molar teeth, or teeth requiring rotation, then you may need to wear a fitted brace.

It is prone to error

When used correctly, invisible aligners are not prone to error. There can be complications if you do not wear them for the required time each day, but we will always aim to ensure that your treatment with this aligner remains error-free.