Author: Clear Braces Direct

Wondering how Invisalign braces can help you? Five reasons to choose Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have almost certainly heard about Invisalign braces taking the dental world by storm.


More convenient and discreet than traditional orthodontic braces, more and more adults are approaching their dentists for treatment with these braces. Offering an accelerated treatment time with few dental check-ups, Invisalign is perfect for busy adults and teenagers, who want a straighter smile without the hassle.

At Clear Braces Direct in London, we are proud to have helped nearly 5,000 patients achieve straighter smiles with Invisalign. Our team of dedicated dentists at Clear Braces Direct in London can offer you a targeted approach to getting a straighter smile sooner, without impacting on your lifestyle choices or causing you any discomfort; what do you have to lose?

But why should you pick Invisalign to help you get a straighter smile?


As an adult or teenager, one of the things you may often worry about is your appearance; whether you are giving a presentation at work or attending a job interview, you want to look professional.

The Invisalign aligner we offer at Clear Braces Direct in London is custom-fitted to slot over your teeth and is made from a clear, durable plastic, that will not attract unwanted stares from strangers or colleagues.

No one will know you are wearing it unless you tell them!


Orthodontic aligners have long been associated with discomfort; from having them tightened to metal rubbing against the inner cheek.

As Invisalign uses a different system to push your teeth into their new positions and is made from smooth plastic, there are no protruding pieces of metal to cause sore spots in your mouth or unnecessary dental pain.

Invisalign is so comfortable, you can sleep soundly in the braces without disruption to your slumber!

Faster treatment

As previously mentioned, Invisalign uses a different treatment system to orthodontic braces. Rather than moving the root and the crown of your teeth individually, it moves them at the same time, allowing for faster treatment.

The average treatment time for wearing this aligner is between 9-12 months.


Many people complain that modern life is too predictable.

While many people crave spontaneity, when it comes to altering your appearance and especially your teeth, you don’t want any unexpected surprises!

When you choose Invisalign, our dentists will take an image of your mouth with a 3-D scanner and then, using Invisalign associated computer technology, show you a timeline of how your teeth will move throughout the treatment.

This allows for more predictability and also enables you to identify any issues that may arise during the treatment promptly.


No one likes being told what to eat and drink, especially when it comes to dental treatments.

Invisalign is fully removable and can, therefore, be taken out before meals, sports events, photos or at any other time you deem it necessary.

As long as you wear the aligner for a minimum of 22 hours per day, your smile will reap the benefits of this aligner sooner.

Advice for nervous patients visiting Clear Braces Direct in London

Patients often joke that visiting the dentist can be stressful, yet for many this isn’t the case. However there is still a subset of people that find going to a dental practice to be quite a nerve-racking experience. So with that in mind our team have come up with a short list of things you can try in order to keep yourself calm when you come in for your next appointment.


Take some time to chat with our team

At Clear Braces Direct in London our team are always happy to talk you through your treatments to put you at ease with what’s involved. Take some time to talk to us when you come in, also let us know how you’re feeling so we can take things at your pace to make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout your visit.

Having a quick chat also lets us establish a system where you can let us know when you may need a break during your treatment if things are getting a little too much. Whether that’s through raising your hand or making a noise, we want to make sure your appointments are always a pleasant experience. At Clear Braces Direct in London our team will strive to provide you with a relaxing and calm environment as you go through your various treatments.

Listen to your favourite tracks

Popping in an earphone with your favourite track playing away is a great way to reduce some of those dentist chair nerves that might crop up, as it distracts your brain from thinking about what’s going on at that moment.

If you do plan on listening to some of your favourite tunes we recommend that you stick to something calm and low tempo, as things like thumping electronic music or screeching guitars in heavy metal can spike your heart rate and make you feel anxious again.

Calming breathing techniques

Another tip for keeping calm when stopping by Clear Braces Direct in London is to try learning and then practising a few meditative breathing techniques. This is because when you feel anxious, your body starts to flood with adrenaline as it tries to kick in your ‘fight or flight’ response, slow regular breaths will allow more oxygen into your system which will help break down the nerve rattling chemicals much quicker. You don’t need to learn any complicated yoga techniques though, as simply breathing in through your nose and back out through your mouth for a few minutes should be enough to calm you down.

Take in a family member

If you’re worried about being alone in the dentist chair with our team, especially if you are a new patient then try bringing along a family member of friend. Having that familiar face to focus on throughout your treatments can be enough to keep those nerves at bay.

So the next time you start to feel the anxiety ramping up just think of one of these helpful tips we’ve provided to try and keep yourself calm. If you are still struggling to keep those pesky nerves at bay then just chat to our team and we will try to make things a little easier for you.

How we use Invisalign to shape your smile at Clear Braces Direct in London

As we get older our teeth naturally shift and move a little and in some cases they can become crooked or start to make your mouth look overcrowded in certain parts. To counter this we recommend our patients visit us for a realignment with Invisalign.


Here’s how we use this treatment at Clear Braces Direct in London to help save your smile from those pesky crooked teeth.

What is Invisalign?

If you’re new to this treatment it essentially involves using a see-through plastic brace to slowly realign any crooked teeth or overcrowded segments of your mouth that you may feel self-conscious about or that are causing any potential health problems.

The braces are custom moulded to fit your mouth and over time they slowly apply a gentle amount of force to your teeth to realign them into new, more aesthetically pleasing positions within your gum line.

Outline of the fitting process

When you come to Clear Braces Direct in London for Invisalign you will find a smooth and efficient treatment waiting for you. A sophisticated scanning machine is used that maps out the shape and topography of your teeth with lasers, or in some cases LEDs, to provide your dentist with a detailed image of your mouth.

Your dentist will then use a 3D image of your teeth that they have created with this information to show you how your realignment will be carried out and how your teeth will look at the end of treatment. At Clear Braces Direct our team will take you through this non-invasive process in a safe, professional setting that will allow us to get you on the path to a straighter smile in no time at all.

What are the benefits of this treatment?

There are quite a number of advantages to going through with this treatment.

As an example, the entire process is non-invasive so there is not the usual discomfort of having impressions made to experience. The braces are also a great for patients that may be feeling anxious about wearing them out and about in public, as they are completely transparent, which makes them hard to spot.

They are also easy to clean and you can remove them at any time for cleaning your teeth, eating meals or to have a short break. Generally you should be wearing your brace for a minimum of 22 hours a day, but short breaks for at least two hours a day shouldn’t impact your realignment.

Tips for keeping your brace clean

To keep your invisible braces looking healthy we recommend that you give them a light scrubbing with a cleaning solution at least once every second day. Doing this regularly will help to reduce staining as well as clear out any plaque or harmful bacteria that may start to build up between the brace and your teeth.

These are just a few interesting facts we can provided on our Invisalign process and how it can benefit our patients. If you’re interested in this treatment or would like to learn how we can help shape your smile then pop by our practice for a chat with our team.

Thanks to modern day technology, it has never been easier to get the smile that you have always wanted

Here at Clear Braces Direct based in London, we pride ourselves in being a leading clear braces provider. With over 4,000 smiles improved, there is nothing standing in your way of the smile that you have always pined for. When your friends and family can have such perfectly aligned teeth, why shouldn’t you?


How do we work?

Are you the type of person that is forever pressed for time, never has a spare minute or doesn’t know how to fit in the task of improving your smile? Allow us, the warm, welcoming professionals at Clear Braces Direct, to assist you as we have done with countless other people chasing after that perfect smile. Fixing your smile at home has never been easier with the Clear Braces Direct Invisalign invisible braces. Following the free online suitability test and the 3D scan of your mouth, you will be sent the moulds in the post. Each set of braces are carefully designed specifically for you, and will guide your teeth gently into the straighter alignment that they should be in. Following this, straightening your teeth is as simple as wearing the braces, until you receive your retainer which will make your teeth stay in line for good.

Isn’t fixing my teeth going to be expensive?

For those who are also on a budget, we have your back. You needn’t worry about nasty surprises attacking your bank account – we have carefully designed different ways for you to pay for your treatment, making movie star smiles easily accessible and within the reach of everybody. You have two options, either payment in full straight away, allowing you to forget the money side of things and focus fully on the development of your smile, or the Clear Braces Direct payment plan. With this, the payments are spread out over a reasonable time period of 72 months, meaning the smile you dream about can be accessible to you no matter what your current circumstances are.

I don’t have time to go to the dentist

Sound like something you often say to yourself? Going to the dentist is sometimes a very time consuming thing, when including the transportation required to get there and back. However, we pride ourselves in giving our patients the opportunity to feel better about their smile from the comfort of their own living room. Don’t have time to drive in and see us in person due to work or other commitments in the way? No worries. Taking the online suitability test has saved many people, just like yourself, the effort and money of travelling to an appointment, and saves the hassle of fitting the dentist into your already crammed lifestyle. Just send us a selfie from the comfort of your own living room and we will get back to you on whether you are eligible for the clear braces or not. Getting the teeth that you dream of has never been easier, and is only a click away!

It has never been easier to get straight teeth than it is today!

Worried that you don’t have the time to fit fixing your teeth into your busy, hectic lifestyle? Thanks to us here at Clear Braces Direct, it has never been more simple to get the smile that you truly deserve. With the guarantee of straighter teeth in just 6 months time, when some braces can take up to 3 years, what could possibly go wrong?

Clear Braces Direct in London

Who are we?

Here at Clear Braces Direct, the only braces we use are Invisalign. Being a leading clear aligner brand, we pride ourselves in trying to please people just like you, getting them to love their smile like everybody should. Unlike other aligners, these are machine made, allowing them to contour to your gums even more securely, making them more comfortable and effective. And for those forgetful people – we offer a reasonable replacement scheme for  braces. Having improved over 4,000 smiles, what is stopping you from letting us help you today? Modern day technology has allowed us to help people just like yourself, through the latest scanning techniques, our ability to perform 3D modelling, and our extremely successful dental monitoring apps.

I don’t have the time to fix my smile

We pride ourselves in being able to fix your smile from home, meaning the journey of straightening teeth can seamlessly fit into day to day routine. With a 3 step easy guide, allow us to give you the smile you desire. First after booking your scan online, come to one of our scan centres where our friendly team of welcoming, warm professionals will create a personalised treatment plan just for you. Step 2 is even easier. Clear Braces Direct will send you a customised set of Invisalign invisible braces in the post, with an easy to follow guide of when to wear each set of braces and for how long. When you are satisfied with your smile, it is time for it to permanently become yours, thanks to the customised retainer we will provide you with at the end of your treatment journey.

The price of going to the dentist worries me

Here at Clear Braces Direct, we offer 2 different ways for you to pay for your braces. After the initial scan booking fee payment, you can choose which method of payment is best suited to your budget, making sure no nasty surprises hit your bank account. You can do the Clear Braces Direct upfront payment, allowing you to get the money side of things out of the way, allowing you to fully focus on your new and improved smile. Alternatively we also have many other finance options available to those wishing to spread the overall cost over more manageable time periods. Your bank balance no longer has the power to stand in the way of that movie star smile!

What oral issues can Clear Braces Direct in London fix or not fix?

Clear Braces Direct in London, such as the Invisalign system, continues to change the way patients receive orthodontic treatment. Clear Braces Direct in London has become a critical partner in helping countless patients achieve smiles they love to show off. One of the most asked questions we hear at our dental practice is: ‘What types of tooth imperfections can Invisalign help with? While there are a varied range of orthodontic conditions that can be quite successfully treated with these plastic removable aligner-like trays, the suitability of Invisalign tends to favour relatively less complex and less severe conditions.

Clear Braces Direct in London

Five oral situations where removable braces aren’t effective

For patients who require major orthodontic treatment, traditional dental devices remain the best option. This is because the nearly invisible aligners are not able to shift teeth in quite the same way as metal-based dental devices. The limitations of this game-changing, orthodontic device encompass treatment or situations such as:

1.    Tooth shape

The aligner trays cannot work with teeth that are short, round or those with prominent tips. Irregular teeth shapes present a challenge with the trays not being able to sit properly on the teeth.

2.    Degree of rotation

In the case of overcrowding, the position or rotation of teeth is another influential factor that may prevent Invisalign braces from doing their job properly.

3.    Size of gaps between teeth

Clear Braces Direct in London offer such treatments as Invisalign, as they can be of enormous benefit to closing spaces between teeth that are up to 6mm on each arch.

4.    Limited movement to posterior and anterior teeth

Removable braces are only able to achieve a limited degree of movement. Movement to the anterior teeth is slightly better than shifting teeth placed at the back.

5.    Prior dental work

Patients who have had dental treatments carried out, such as veneers or crowns, may find it a challenge for Invisalign trays to attach properly to their teeth.

Orthodontic issues most suitable for clear removable braces

Clear Braces Direct in London can provide desirable results for situations that involve:

  • An overcrowded mouth
  • Closing gaps or fixing spacing issues
  • Various malocclusion conditions such as: overbite, underbite, open bite and crossbite

Successful treatment is dependent on one extremely important factor – the patient wearing the removable orthodontic device as directed by the dental practitioner. Many patients opt for plastic removable braces for the ease of use, but there is a risk of being negligent and not putting them back in after taking them off for eating, or performing their oral hygiene routine. The longer the dental device is not attached to the teeth, the more ineffective the orthodontic treatment becomes. To ensure the achieved outcome is enjoyed over a long period of time, proper oral hygiene habits are a non-negotiable factor. Failure to brush, floss, use a recommended mouthwash and keep dental appointments, put all the hard work achieved and time taken by the treatment method in jeopardy.

Do you have minor crooked teeth problems you would like to fix? Give us a call at Clear Braces Direct in London to find out how we can help you achieve an irresistible smile.

Are there any orthodontic goals to consider when deciding on clear braces?

One of the first critical steps to ensure that your orthodontic treatment is a success, is to identify and define your goals. What oral health factors should your treatment plan attempt to improve or augment? Cosmetic factors may be the first thought that enters a patient’s mind, but this is not all when it comes to correcting teeth issues.

Clear Braces Direct in London

Whereas in the past, adult patients may have had reservations about using visible dental devices to improve smile aesthetics, this is no longer the case for many. Patients can now take charge of their orthodontic treatment with available Clear Braces Direct in London. One of the most sought after dental device today continues to be Invisalign aligners. It is not just the fact that these aligner trays, made from thermoplastic, are easily removable, in order to improve functions such as oral hygiene or eating. In addition to this, patients find that the trays sit more comfortably on their teeth, when compared to fixed metal devices, and that they do not require numerous visits to the dental clinic, in order for them to be adjusted, as their treatment progresses.

Three types of common orthodontic goals to consider

1.    A cleaner and healthier mouth

Not many patients know that by straightening their teeth with an orthodontic device, such as Clear Braces Direct in London it can play a significant role in keeping their mouths healthy. Straighter teeth not only perfect a smile, but are easier to clean, there is no uneven wear on teeth or jaw and the risk of teeth damage is reduced – unlike in the case where overcrowding or misaligned bites is present. Strong healthy teeth are more resistant to cavity-causing tooth decay. Healthier gums decrease the likelihood of gum disease from occurring, that leads to advanced periodontitis and eventual tooth loss. Without a full set of teeth, all kinds of problems can arise, from poor jawbone integrity to nutritional deficiencies – some food types may be difficult to eat.

2.    Improving the appearance of the smile

Fixing a smile holds more weight than just considering cosmetic value. A lot of stress is placed on the smile to deliver confidence and improved self-esteem – factors that have far reaching implications on a patient’s professional and personal lives. Clear Braces Direct in London can help to improve dental aesthetics.

3.    Maintain structural integrity of mouth and functions

A functional harmony needs to exist among the following interrelated masticatory parts including: lower and upper teeth, posterior and anterior teeth, lips, cheeks and tongue. Structural integrity is important to teeth stability. Without this critical factor, symptoms such as hypermobility and excessive wear of teeth are more likely to occur.

In order to achieve your orthodontic goals and see optimal results it is vital that you find a dental practice that is aligned with your goals. At Clear Braces Direct in London, our philosophy builds around the idea that by providing our patients with forward-thinking treatment options they can take proactive care of their oral health.

Do your teeth need realigning as an adult? Top 5 reasons to choose Invisalign aligners

Many adults think that the time of life for wearing braces has long since passed. They are too old to undergo any dental treatment and anyway, now they are old enough to say no, why would they want to? So, when adults are told by their dentist that they could benefit cosmetically from braces to correct a misalignment, most instantly say no without considering the different options available.It is becoming more popular for adults to undergo cosmetic dentistry than it ever has been, with many opting for clear braces to help correct many common alignment issues.

Clear Braces Direct in London

At Clear Braces Direct in London, we want everyone to feel confident about their smiles, so we are able to offer our patients the Invisalign aligner, a merging of both cosmetic and minor orthodontic care.

Before saying ‘no’ outright, consider the following five benefits of using the Invisalign aligner with Clear Braces Direct in London.


One of the key worries that all adults have about wearing braces is how they will look. Indeed, with careers that may rely a lot on appearance, adults do not want to attract negative attention, especially if during their line of work, they have to smile a lot.

The Invisalign aligner offered by Clear Braces Direct in London, is made of a flexible, clear plastic, customised to fit over your teeth. It belongs to a group of braces known as ‘invisible’ braces, which as the name suggests, are hard to detect in the mouth, even at close range. Perfect!


The Invisalign procedure uses sophisticated technology; scans, computer imaging and even X-rays are all used during the first phases of the procedure.

Using a 3D scan, one of our dental team will show you how each stage of the realignment process will progress and using customised aligners, will allow you to be able to predict with great accuracy each stage of the treatment.

Fast and effective

Invisalign aligners can take up to 18 months for you to gain the desired effect, with the average treatment time being 12 months. Compared to the traditional orthodontic brace, this time period is significantly shorter; the average time of a patient wearing a traditional brace is 2-3 years.

The Invisalign aligner also has a high success rate of 96%, so it is extremely efficient.


Invisalign is fully removable, so you can remove it to eat food, brush your teeth and attend dental check-ups. It is easy to clean and maintain and is therefore suitable for even the busiest lifestyle.

No complications

When wearing orthodontic braces, issues like plaque accumulation and gum disease are more common, solely due to the structure of the brace creating ledges and crevices that are difficult to reach.

Invisalign is removable and therefore, you are less likely to have any issues arising from the wearing of this aligner.

Call us today to see if Invisalign is the right treatment for you!

‘Am I suitable for invisible braces?’ Things to consider before Invisalign treatment with Clear Braces Direct

Modern life is all about appearances. More and more people are seeking cosmetic treatments than ever before, to provide them with a needed confidence boost and as a means of treating themselves to a makeover.

It seems an odd point that in dentistry today, certain braces are considered a type of cosmetic treatment. Of course, they have always realigned teeth and created symmetry, but in traditional dentistry they were primarily used to restore functionality to the mouth. Now there are numerous braces used in private practice, solely to improve the appearance of teeth.

Clear Braces Direct in London

At Clear Braces Direct in London, we are proud to be able to offer our patients the famous Invisalign braces treatment at an affordable price. But before you rush into booking an appointment with us, there are a few things you need to know about this brace.

How Invisalign works

Invisalign is an invisible aligner, made from flexible, clear plastic that fits over your teeth snugly and uses coils to push your misaligned teeth into their desired position. Our dental team at Clear Braces Direct in London will take scans of your teeth and provide you with a set of aligners for each stage of the treatment.

You will need to wear the aligners for up to 20 hours a day to gain the full benefit of the treatment and you will need to visit our dentists, to ensure the treatment is progressing correctly, every few months.

Are you suitable?

Our dental team at Clear Braces Direct in London doesn’t want to waste your time with appointments that aren’t necessary; we have simplified the suitability procedure. Just take a picture of your smile (selfie time!) and send it to us through our website. Then, we will inform you whether we feel you are suitable or not. If you are, we will send you a suitability questionnaire and book you an appointment.

Please allow up to 24 hours for us to assess your photograph.

How long does it take?

Depending on the severity of your misalignment, the Invisalign brace may take up to 18 months to work, however, the average length of time is around 12 months (wearing the aligner daily) to full completion.

If you have worn an orthodontic or clear brace before Invisalign, your treatment time will probably be shorter.

Is it costly?

At Clear Braces Direct, we are aware that money often puts people off of the idea of undergoing cosmetic dental treatments. Therefore, when you choose our surgery for your Invisalign treatment, you can either pay up front or you can pay for your treatment on finance, breaking it down into affordable monthly payments.

If you pay for private health insurance in the UK, please contact our team for more information about paying for Invisalign treatment using this method.

What are you waiting for? Send us your smile today and let’s help you get the smile you deserve!

Providing clear braces direct to your door

Clear Braces Direct in London is an innovative way in providing you with the freedom to correct your smile without needing to resort to multiple dental visits, uncomfortable and awkward straightening devices and strict rules to adhere to, whilst undergoing the procedure to ensure results.

Clear Braces Direct in London

We are determined to make the process as smooth and easy for you as possible, so that you can focus on what you need to in order to get ahead in your life. Braces are no longer just for teenagers. In fact, we have found that a significant proportion of people who have some form of teeth straightening device, or are looking to get one, are adults. By specifically catering to the specific needs of a working person, we have streamlined and perfected the process for your benefit.

By taking the free online suitability test, you will be able to discover whether this programme is right for you. A simple selfie is all that it takes and you can be on your way to having the picture perfect smile that you have always dreamed of having.

A straight smile can do wonders for a person’s self-esteem and those with crooked teeth can find that their social and business ventures can be hindered by the appearance of their teeth. First impressions last and unfortunately, people have a natural association of crooked teeth with untrustworthiness, lower levels of intelligence and attractiveness.

By investing in your future, you can continue to make progress in the present with Clear Braces Direct in London. There is no need to put your life on hold whilst you undergo treatment and since everything is delivered straight to your door, you are free to work through the process in your own time, with full support from us.

How do we do it?

By coming in for a scan after finding out that you are suitable for our teeth straightening system, we can discuss with you the process and take all of the necessary digital scans that we need to build a successful treatment plan, based on your personal needs.

You will receive the results in the post, so you can look over them as well as a proposed treatment plan, at your own leisure. When you are ready to commit to the treatment plan, give us your approval and we can digitally create your first set of aligners.

The aligners themselves are clear and removable, meaning that you are able to eat the food that you enjoy without fear of it getting caught in your braces and needing the assistance of a dentist to keep them clean. To avoid bad breath and unnecessary plaque build up, you should brush your teeth after eating and replacing the aligners.

We recommend that you wear the aligners for a minimum of 20 hours each day in order to see expected results. As they are barely visible when worn, we find that many of our patients using Clear Braces Direct in London are fine with this recommendation.

The length of the treatment varies, but you can expect that on average in around a year, you can have the smile that you have always wanted to share with the world.