Author: Clear Braces Direct

What is this treatment?

Clear Braces Direct London could be a dental treatment to consider if you are persistently unhappy with your smile. Here at Clear Braces Direct, we can offer you a cutting edge dental treatment to gently move your teeth into their correct position. This can have a positive effect on your smile and how you feel about it. This treatment can achieve straighter teeth in a window as small as 4-6 months. This treatment is accessible and affordable. This treatment can be done quickly and within three appointments. This article will run through what procedure these clear braces use in order to gently move your teeth into a better position and then discuss the benefits you could receive, if you decide to go ahead with this treatment. Here at Clear Braces Direct, we believe that everyone should have the chance to achieve their perfect smile.


What is the procedure?

Clear Braces Direct London can provide you with straighter teeth in three easy steps. The first step involves a consultation where you will receive a free Invisalign scan. This scan’s main purpose is to determine whether you would be suitable for this treatment. If unfortunately, you are not suitable for this treatment, then our experienced dentists will advise you on what other solutions could work for your mouth. During this scan our highly trained team members will use top of the range 3D scanners which will determine if this treatment is suitable for you, there is no need for moulds. The second step of this procedure includes the application of these clear aligners. Following your consultation, you will receive a Comprehensive Dental Health Assessment report. The 3D scanner will be used to build your clear aligners. Once you have paid for your treatment your braces will be ordered and then delivered straight to you. Each set of braces will gently move your teeth into the desired position. You can also use the Clear Braces Direct Monitoring App which will track your progress and prevent you from having to attend any unnecessary in-practice appointments. The final step involves maintaining the progress you have made through using the clear aligners. Retainers can be used to maintain your new smile.

What are the benefits?

If you decide that Clear Braces Direct London could be the correct choice for you there are numerous benefits that come alongside the treatment. Through the use of these aligners, you could dramatically reduce your chances of gum disease. These aligners can correct problems with bites such as open bites, overbites and crossbites. Issues with overcrowded teeth can also be relieved through this treatment. Most importantly this dental treatment can have a dramatic impact on your self-confidence. If you have a healthier, straighter smile then your own self image could be dramatically boosted. Everyone deserves to be proud of their smile and no one should have to hide behind their hand when they laugh.

What are the benefits of Dental Monitoring with Clear Braces Direct

At our Clear Braces Direct dental clinic we combine Dental Monitoring with treatments in Clear Braces Direct in London to provide patients with a definitive teeth-straightening experience. Dental Monitoring makes use of Artificial Intelligence technology that helps dentists to monitor progress of teeth movement in their patients’ teeth-straightening treatments without the need for an in-clinic appointment. We have found that many patients find favour with this feature that can be done remotely.


Patients can access the dedicated app on a smartphone or tablet. To use the technology, patients simply take scans or videos of their teeth each week during the treatment, upload it to the app and send it through to the supervising dental practitioner to examine. The dental practitioner will then analyse the scans to ascertain whether the patient’s treatment is on schedule or whether there are worrying symptoms that need to be treated.

In the orthodontic world, artificial intelligence can now be used to top off orthodontic treatments. The app is able to evaluate more than 130 intraoral situations that include: three-dimensional tooth movement, the fit of the aligner trays as well as archwire passivity.

Through this innovative technology patients are enabled to take a more active interest in their own orthodontic treatment. Clear Braces Direct in London paired with Dental Monitoring has a number of sought after benefits for the patient. We take a look at some of the top advantages of this type of treatment.

How patients can use Dental Monitoring to optimise their Invisalign treatment

 Stay on top of treatment

The app facilitates easy communication between patient and dental practitioner through live messaging.

Less need to visit the dentist in person

Patients can save on precious time by not having to schedule dental appointments. Patients can receive updates on their treatment via the app. This communication can be carried out from anywhere in the world so there is no need to interrupt travel plans.

Identify problem areas

Clear Braces Direct in London like Invisalign braces can pose a unique challenge for patients who forget to reinsert the trays after removing them (to have a meal or to rush their teeth) – not wearing the trays for the minimum time recommended may see the treatment time extended. Remote monitoring allows for such issues to be adjusted for.

Provides overview of treatment history

Patients have the complete history of their treatment available at their fingertips. They can compare before and after images.

For many patients, remote monitoring encourages a faster turnaround time. Patients should take note that the technology does not replace the need for a dental practitioner. The dental practitioner’s expertise remains an indispensable part in the teeth movement process. This expertise is necessary to use data analysis correctly to identify problems and to make suitable adjustments to keep a patient on track with their treatment.

Want to find the perfect dentist for your Invisalign treatment? Come to Clear Braces Direct today!

When it comes to cosmetic specialties, everyone wants an expert to perform their treatment; and why wouldn’t they?


In the world of dentistry, where people are squeamish about errors and problems with their teeth, cosmetic options require a bit more care and a whole lot of special insight. If you are considering straightening your teeth and you live near London, come to us!

If you are concerned that you may be unsuitable for treatment with Invisalign, you will probably be surprised! Once a brace that could only correct minor orthodontic issues, this brand has grown and developed, and is now capable of reversing some complex orthodontic cases with ease!

Specialising in working with the world-famous Invisalign brace, our team at Clear Braces Direct in London can promise you smooth sailing towards getting your new smile. Using one of the ever-growing family of Invisalign aligners, we will pick the perfect brace for you. It really is that simple!

Why should you choose Clear Braces Direct in London for your orthodontic treatment? Won’t the brace do the same thing, regardless of the dentist? Read on to find out what makes Clear Braces the best choice for adult orthodontics.

Free scan

As you may already know, at the start of your Invisalign journey with Clear Braces Direct in London, our dentists will need to take a 3-D scan of your teeth. This is to help us to accurately predict how this brace will move your teeth over the coming months, so both you and our team can be prepared.

At Clear Braces Direct, we can offer you this scan for free as part of the diagnostic process, so if you decide that you don’t want to undertake this procedure, you are completely free to walk away. Without obligation!

Monitoring app

One of the best things about having a smartphone are the apps; everything from having games to play, to keeping up with world events is literally at your fingertips.  Apps are great for keeping track of stuff too!

Our practice has worked with the team at Invisalign and has devised an app, suitable for any smartphone that allows you to track the progress of your smile with Invisalign.

It also allows you to talk to our team about any issues you are concerned about and offers you tips and advice about your Invisalign brace.


While retainers are nothing new, when you come to Clear Braces for your Invisalign treatment, our team will discuss with you our ‘retainer for life’ option.

This allows you to claim a brand new, custom-fitted retainer every 12 months for the rest of your life. Without this plan, aftercare could prove extremely pricey, and if you have just lost or damaged your retainer, forking out for a new one is probably the last thing you will want.

Contact our team about this plan today!

5,000 smiles

At Clear Braces Direct, our team has helped nearly 5,000 patients get straighter smiles with Invisalign. What more could you ask for in a cosmetic dental team?

Want to whiten and straighten your teeth? Have both treatments at Clear Braces Direct today!

Having a yellow-tinted smile is rarely a good look.


Associated with genetics, smoking or just poor hygiene, yellow teeth can really put a dent in your confidence, causing you to hide your teeth from others.

A trip to any pharmacy will allow you to see the rows of whitening toothpastes, all proclaiming that they can whiten your teeth multiple shades in a set time. Unfortunately, studies have found time and time again that if you want a whiter smile that is striking and looks even, you need to go to a dentist.

Like most things, whitening treatments have changed over the last decade and are now simpler (and more comfortable) than ever. They are also less time-consuming too, meaning you can fit in a quick whitening session in your lunch break!

Along with providing our patients a straighter smile, our team at Clear Braces Direct in London will also be able to offer dental whitening. After all, what is the point of a straighter smile if you are self-conscious about the shade of your teeth? Completed in just under 2 weeks, our team will help you to get a whiter smile, worthy of those who grace the red carpet!

But how does Clear Braces Direct in London achieve this?

Staining assessment

At Clear Braces Direct in London, we are very proud of our interactive website.

If you want to have your smile whitened, take a selfie and upload it to our site for our dentists to examine, We will determine the type of staining that you have, and will be able to devise a suitable treatment plan to get your teeth back to their natural pearly-white hue!


Just like the scan we use for Invisalign, our team will take a 3-D scan of your teeth at a consultation. This will help us to make a truly custom-fitted tray that you will use at home as part of the whitening process.

We will provide you with an oxidising gel, to place into the fitted tray, which will lift deeply set stains, and reveal the whiter surface of your teeth. You will need to use this tray for 14 days to obtain the desired whitening effect.

At home treatment!

Gone are the days when all whitening procedures took place in a dentist’s office using an abrasive brush.

Our team at Clear Braces Direct will be able to send your custom-fitted trays to you at home, so you can start the whitening treatment in your own time. Of course, if you are worried about any aspect or have any questions, simply contact our team and we will be more than happy to help.

About whitening

While our team will always make sure that your teeth are whitened using our trays and gels, depending on the initial shade of your teeth and the level of staining, abrasion and damage, the final colour of your teeth may vary. Our techniques can whiten your smile up to 16 shades, so what have you got to lose?

Only heard of the Invisalign classic brace? Other options we can offer you at Clear Braces Direct

So, you’ve decided you want to straighten your teeth – good for you!
Apart from boosting your confidence and improving your smile’s appearance, straightening teeth is also a great way to improve other areas of your life too, such as your dental hygiene.


When looking for a dental surgery to undertake your cosmetic straightening, you may have come across adult based braces, like Invisalign and the Damon System. Indeed, the majority of dental surgeries offer these options and more, so all that you have to do is choose your ideal dental surgery.

At Clear Braces Direct in London, we are proud to offer all of our patients a wider variety of cosmetic braces. With our experienced team of dentists, we can provide you with a more in-depth service for straightening your teeth and can even enable you to undertake more complex realignment procedures using one of our many invisible braces.

Aside from traditional Invisalign, what are other types of invisible brace we can offer you at Clear Braces Direct in London?

Simple Invisalign Lite

An option devised to help patients with minor orthodontic issues, Invisalign Lite is one of our more straightforward braces we can offer you at Clear Braces Direct in London.

Usually completed in 7 months, Invisalign Lite can help reverse common orthodontic issues, such as minor overcrowding, poorly positioned teeth, incorrect alignment between upper and lower teeth and spacing issues between teeth. It is also used as a precursor to other orthodontic treatments or cosmetic procedures.

Typically completed using no more than 10 aligners or trays, this option is also more cost-effective for many of our dental patients.

Moderate Invisalign

A 20 stage treatment option, Moderate Invisalign is designed for patients who need a bit more movement in their teeth than they would get with Invisalign Lite.

Often completed between 5-12 months, Moderate Invisalign can help to correct more moderate malocclusions, including more severe cases of crowding, spacing and more complex cases of misalignments between the upper and lower jaws. Depending on the severity, you may also be offered this brace if you have a minor over or underbite.

Comprehensive Invisalign

And, last but not least, our team at Clear Braces Direct may decide that you are a suitable candidate for treatment with the Comprehensive Invisalign package.

As it is described in the name, this treatment option is perfect if you suffer from more severe malocclusions or misalignments, which are too minor for treatment with traditional metal orthodontic braces.

This process involves more than 14 aligners for the course of the treatment and has an overall completion time of over 7 months or more. This package also involves a more in-depth 3D scan to be taken of your teeth, to allow our team to create your personalised aligners.

Remember, as with most comprehensive treatments, it is vital that you follow our team’s advice to the letter, which, in relation to Invisalign and more complex orthodontic presentations, will involve wearing your aligners for up to 22 hours each day.

Want straighter teeth in London? Come to Clear Braces Direct for a truly superior experience

Do you live in London? Are you looking for an experienced dental surgery to undertake your cosmetic realignment procedure with?

Look no further!


While many private dental surgeries offer their patients cosmetic braces, such as the Damon Aligner, Invisalign and Incognito, few surgeries employ dentists that could be described as masters in the art of realignment. When you are looking for someone to fix your smartphone, so you search for someone who specialises in smartphones or do you look for a general phone repairer? Of course, you look for a specialist and, in the case of choosing a dentist to undertake realignment with, you should do the same.

At Clear Braces Direct in London, our team only uses Invisalign braces and can, therefore, guarantee you a smooth journey with this brace. Our specialist cosmetic team, combined, have helped 4,800 patients get a straighter smile using Invisalign; what more could you ask for from
your dental team?

But why else should you choose Clear Braces Direct in London to undertake your cosmetic realignment? Read on to find out!

Free Invisalign scan

Before you decide that Invisalign is for you, we have to state that, while we offer a range of different braces for different complexities, Invisalign is not for everyone.

While other dental surgeries may charge you to undertake an Invisalign scan, our team at Clear Braces Direct in London will not.

During your initial consultation, a 3D scan will be taken of your mouth to enable our team to see if you are suitable for any of the braces we can offer you. If you aren’t, there is no need to worry about paying for the scan; perfect!

Retainer for life policy

We all remember that child in primary school who had to wear a retainer to keep their teeth straight after they finished treatment with orthodontic aligners.

Today, Invisalign providers use a similar policy; once your teeth are straightened, you will need to wear a retainer to prevent your teeth relapsing. However, unlike other dentists, our team at Clear Braces Direct can offer you a retainer for life; if you break, lose or require a new aligner, we can provide you with one for an affordable monthly cost.

A handpicked team

When you come to us, the team that will oversee your care is comprised of Platinum and Diamond Elite Invisalign dentists, who collectively, have helped nearly 5,000 people obtain straighter smiles. Experienced and dedicated, you could not ask for a better team than the one we can provide you with.

Reduced cost!

Many patients worry that Invisalign is pricey; while the overall cost may look rather steep, our dentists are able to offer it at a much lower cost than other Invisalign providers.

So you can get a straighter smile, without breaking the bank.

Whitening services

Once your teeth are straightened, you can stay with us to undertake whitening services.

Combined with your new smile, you will truly look like a member of the Hollywood elite!

Want to know a bit more about Invisalign? You top 5 FAQs answered by Clear Braces Direct

So you’ve decided you want a straighter smile and have chosen to go with Invisalign to achieve it. Good for you!

While being relatively new to the dental market, Invisalign has boomed in popularity among adults, leading to it becoming one of the most sought after adult orthodontic options.


However, while you know all about the aligners, the fittings and the need to wear it for twenty-two hours each day, you will probably have a few more clinical based questions about the actual treatment process.

At Clear Braces Direct in London, our experienced dental team will be happy to answer any questions you have about Invisalign; we are extremely experienced at using this brace and can offer our patients more insight into how it works and how it can improve your smile.

What are the most commonly asked clinical questions about the Invisalign process? Our team at Clear Braces Direct in London has the answers to these questions, and more!

’Why should I choose Invisalign over some of the other adult aligners?’

As previously mentioned, Invisalign is one of the most popular adult braces due to its visual discretion and ease of use.

One of our dentists at Clear Braces Direct in London may suggest Invisalign to you as it quickly corrects a myriad of dental alignment issues but is also lifestyle-friendly.  If you are self-conscious about wearing traditional metal aligners due to your work or personal life, Invisalign may be the answer.

’How does it straighten my teeth?’

Invisalign works through the use of gently opposing metal coils; these coils oppose each other in the mouth and gently push your teeth into their new positions.

Unlike orthodontic braces that rely on pulling your teeth into position, Invisalign does not use pressure or pulling to move your teeth, creating a more pleasant orthodontic experience.

’Can any dentist fit it for me?’

In a word, no.

To implement and use Invisalign correctly, a dental professional must undertake extensive training to familiarise themselves with the associated software and the brace itself.

All of our dentists in London have undertaken this additional training, so when you come to us for your Invisalign treatment, you know you are working with experienced professionals.

’How do I know if it’s working or not?’

This can be a bit tricky.

As Invisalign does not require tightening, there are longer gaps between dental visits.  Depending on which surgery you attend, the braces may not be working correctly for an extended period before you find out.

At Clear Braces Direct, however, we offer an innovative app to all of our Invisalign patients, allowing our dentists to check the day-to-day progress of your brace, and to identify any issues as soon as they occur.

’Is there any aftercare I need to know about?’

When your treatment with Invisalign is completed, you will be required to wear a custom-fitted aligner to prevent your teeth from relapsing.

Looking for a dentist to start your Invisalign journey? 5 reasons to choose Clear Braces Direct!

When you are looking for a dentist to help you straighten your teeth, you can feel a bit spoilt for choice.

As more and more dentists are offering adult based orthodontic procedures, it may seem a bit of a daunting task to pick one surgery to entrust your new smile to. Is it always wise to choose the surgery nearest to you? Or what about prices; how do you navigate through all the deals and offers available to select the most suitable dental team?


At Clear Braces Direct in London our dentists are committed to helping you get that straighter smile you want with the use of Invisalign braces. While many dental surgeries may offer a wider range of dental treatments on top of cosmetic options, we focus solely on adult orthodontics, and our team is experienced in helping you achieve that dream smile you deserve.

But why should you pick Clear Braces Direct in London for your new smile? Read on to find out.

Braces Direct App

Before you undertake your orthodontic treatment with Clear Braces Direct in London, you may be concerned about how many appointments will be required with our team.

While Invisalign does not need adjustments or tightening in the same way as orthodontic braces, our team will need to check-in on the progress you are making from time to time. Not to worry though! At Braces Direct, we have created an app, suitable for use on smartphones, to help our team keep track of your progress without calling you into the surgery for unnecessary appointments. Now that’s handy!

Reasonable pricing

Invisalign and other adult orthodontics can be expensive; there is no way around it.

However, when you choose our dental surgery for your realignment treatments, we can offer you the same treatments that you would receive at another surgery, for a fraction of the price.

The best part? Once your treatment is complete, we offer you a free whitening gel to keep your new smile looking its best for as long as possible!

Accelerated treatment

While Invisalign is a fast working aligner by itself, when you come to Braces Direct, our innovative app means our team will be able to identify any potential issues you may experience with this brace. This will allow us to rectify these errors promptly, allowing for a more accelerated treatment time overall!

Complementary scan

When you come to us to begin your Invisalign journey, our team will proudly offer you a complimentary scan, using the Invisalign iTero scanner; this advanced piece of technology takes a 3D image of your teeth without the need for dental clay, allowing our team to get the best image of your teeth to begin treatment. And it’s complementary!

Excellent funding options

As previously mentioned, Invisalign can be expensive. With Braces Direct, we can offer you payment plans and financing options, to help you spread the cost of this treatment. Our low rates will offer you peace of mind, so all you have to do is smile.

Not sure where to go for Invisalign treatment? 5 reasons to come to Clear Braces Direct

When looking for the right dental surgery to undertake your exciting invisible brace treatment, it can feel a bit like being a child in a sweet shop.

Many dental surgeries across the UK are now able to offer their patients orthodontic treatment with products like Invisalign, the Inman aligner and other cosmetic braces designed to provide you with an accelerated treatment time while also being discreet; what else is there to look for?


At Clear Braces Direct in London, our dental team is proud to be able to offer all of our patients the Invisalign brace to help them, and you get the straight smile that you deserve, without compromising your lifestyle.

So, why should you choose Clear Braces Direct in London as your clear brace provider? Read on to find out!

Free Invisalign scan

In the age of selfies through smartphones and apps, our team at Clear Braces Direct in London has not fallen behind.

Our website offers you the choice of uploading either a full face selfie or a smiling selfie, both of which allow our dental team to get an idea of how your teeth are arranged and to assess for any issues, such as protrusions or overbites. Both conditions may be helped by the Invisalign aligner.

If our dentists decide you are not suited for Invisalign treatment, don’t panic! We may still be able to offer you treatments to help you get that straighter smile, at your free dental consultation.

Free consultation

When you choose our team as your Invisalign provider, we will also be able to offer you a free oral health assessment and a dental consultation, with a report if you choose to pursue treatment elsewhere; no strings attached!

During this consultation, our team will assess your suitability for Invisalign braces and suggest alternative options if required. We will also examine your overall oral health and screen for issues that may impact on the success of the aligner, such as gum disease or untreated tooth decay.

Retainer For Life

We understand that Invisalign is a big investment in your smile and can offer you our ‘Retainer For Life’ programme.

For a small payment each month during your treatment with Invisalign, you will be able to claim one upper and one lower retainer every 12 months, should your retainer become damaged, lost or broken.

This works in a similar way to an insurance policy for your smile and offers you the same peace of mind.

Finance options

Money doesn’t grow on trees and is a major factor for many people who come to us for Invisalign treatment.

Our surgery is able to offer all Invisalign patients the choice to either pay the entire cost upfront or, alternatively, we are able to offer 0% finance, which will help you spread the cost into monthly chunks.

Professional team

Our dental team has worked with Invisalign for over 12 years and has helped nearly 5,000 patients get straighter, healthier smiles; we are professional, compassionate and experienced in working with the Invisalign aligner.

Wondering how Invisalign braces can help you? Five reasons to choose Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have almost certainly heard about Invisalign braces taking the dental world by storm.


More convenient and discreet than traditional orthodontic braces, more and more adults are approaching their dentists for treatment with these braces. Offering an accelerated treatment time with few dental check-ups, Invisalign is perfect for busy adults and teenagers, who want a straighter smile without the hassle.

At Clear Braces Direct in London, we are proud to have helped nearly 5,000 patients achieve straighter smiles with Invisalign. Our team of dedicated dentists at Clear Braces Direct in London can offer you a targeted approach to getting a straighter smile sooner, without impacting on your lifestyle choices or causing you any discomfort; what do you have to lose?

But why should you pick Invisalign to help you get a straighter smile?


As an adult or teenager, one of the things you may often worry about is your appearance; whether you are giving a presentation at work or attending a job interview, you want to look professional.

The Invisalign aligner we offer at Clear Braces Direct in London is custom-fitted to slot over your teeth and is made from a clear, durable plastic, that will not attract unwanted stares from strangers or colleagues.

No one will know you are wearing it unless you tell them!


Orthodontic aligners have long been associated with discomfort; from having them tightened to metal rubbing against the inner cheek.

As Invisalign uses a different system to push your teeth into their new positions and is made from smooth plastic, there are no protruding pieces of metal to cause sore spots in your mouth or unnecessary dental pain.

Invisalign is so comfortable, you can sleep soundly in the braces without disruption to your slumber!

Faster treatment

As previously mentioned, Invisalign uses a different treatment system to orthodontic braces. Rather than moving the root and the crown of your teeth individually, it moves them at the same time, allowing for faster treatment.

The average treatment time for wearing this aligner is between 9-12 months.


Many people complain that modern life is too predictable.

While many people crave spontaneity, when it comes to altering your appearance and especially your teeth, you don’t want any unexpected surprises!

When you choose Invisalign, our dentists will take an image of your mouth with a 3-D scanner and then, using Invisalign associated computer technology, show you a timeline of how your teeth will move throughout the treatment.

This allows for more predictability and also enables you to identify any issues that may arise during the treatment promptly.


No one likes being told what to eat and drink, especially when it comes to dental treatments.

Invisalign is fully removable and can, therefore, be taken out before meals, sports events, photos or at any other time you deem it necessary.

As long as you wear the aligner for a minimum of 22 hours per day, your smile will reap the benefits of this aligner sooner.