Author: Clear Braces Direct

How Clear Braces Direct can help you

Straightening teeth offers many perks, some of which are visually obvious like the confidence-boosting effect of a beautiful, straight smile. Then there are those advantages, while incredibly beneficial, that need a bit more clarifying. These perks stem from what it means to achieve a healthier and cleaner mouth by straightening teeth through orthodontic solutions like Clear Braces Direct London.


Improving teeth alignment has a profound impact on the patient that goes far and beyond the cosmetic changes that are achieved. In many instances, Clear Braces Direct London can help improve dental functions, making biting and chewing easier thus earning a plus point for better digestion and nutrient absorption.

One of the challenges that many adult patients who are interested in straightening their teeth face is having their lifestyles interrupted by an orthodontic treatment plan. For patients who don’t necessarily have the time to schedule numerous appointments at a dental clinic, we, at Clear Braces Direct, have made available Clear Braces Direct London to offer a more convenient way to straighten teeth and create an aligned and happier smile. What are some of the other benefits that we offer? We take a look at some of the reasons why patients might consider opting for our orthodontic services.

The Clear Braces Direct difference

We are a UK registered dental practice

It is of the utmost importance that patients choose a professionally qualified person who is affiliated with dental authority organisations in the UK. This is to ensure that they receive good quality care at the highest safety standards. We make accessing orthodontic solutions more convenient will always abide by excellent standards.

We have oodles of experience

Very few factors can provide the same level of assurance as experience, and, in terms of experience, we have that in abundance. Our successful cases, using clear braces treatment plans, total almost 6000, earning us an enviable Diamond Invisalign Providers distinction. This is the highest tier recognised by the manufacturers of Invisalign Align technology.

We concentrate on Invisalign

We specifically use Invisalign to straighten our patients’ teeth as we believe this plays to our advantage; we build on our knowledge of how to use this aligner technology in a myriad of patient situations. Invisalign has established itself as a leading orthodontic brand that has successfully transformed millions of smiles around the globe and is quickly becoming the go-to choice for patients.

We free up patients’ time

With each passing day, time becomes more of a scarce commodity as lifestyles get busier and more complex. Seeking to straighten teeth need not be an additional drain on time, and, with our services, even busy patients can now get their teeth straightened without worrying about appointment schedules. We make use of the Daily Monitoring app, available on smart mobile devices, to track our patients’ treatment progress, provide guidance and communicate any other needs. Another great reason to choose Clear Braces Direct is that we offer interest-free finance facilities. Maximising your smile potential just got a lot easier and simpler. Find out more by getting in touch with us today.

I am unhappy with my smile

Many people are unhappy with how their smile looks. It is normal to wish that your smile looked better. Many people are unsure about how to best combat the issues that they have with their smiles, so they just carry on feeling discontented. It doesn’t have to be this way. There are plenty of things you can do to make your smile appear more like you wished it did. If the issue that you have with your smile is how straight it is, then you are in the right place. If you have a problem with alignment and crossover, then you could benefit from the treatment that will be outlined in this article. You should read on to see if you could be an ideal candidate for this process, how these aligners work and what you should do next.


Do I need braces?

You may want to consider Clear Braces Direct London to enhance your smile. Everyone should have access to a happy, healthy looking smile. These aligners alongside our help can offer you exactly that. If you are unhappy with your smile, then you should consider this treatment. If your smile is uneven or unaligned, we are confident that Invisalign will be of benefit in the majority of cases. It is important to work with our dentist to determine whether this treatment is suitable for you and your unique smile pattern. If this sounds like you, you might want to consider reading on to the next section to see how the clear braces are designed to work. You might then be able to make a decision as to whether this treatment could be a good fit for you.

How do clear braces work?

Clear braces Direct London use a series of aligners that will work in succession to transform your smile. The aligners are made to fit your specific arrangement of teeth. They are carefully made to fit over your teeth and gently coax your smile into the correct formation. You will be provided with a series of aligners each, when worn in the right order, will leave your smile looking and feeling better and better. Once you have been through your dental treatment, you will be provided with a retainer to make sure that your new smile stays in its new position and you can keep smiling. Your aligners are made to be worn for most of the day and whilst you sleep, this allows the treatment to work quickly and effectively. You can read onto the next section to see what you should do next.

What should I do next?

If you think that using the services of Clear Braces Direct London could be for you, then you can easily get in touch with us. You can make contact with us through our website, we will be more than happy to assist you on your journey to your new smile. You will be invited to a consultation where we can determine if you are an ideal candidate for this treatment. This process includes you uploading a smile selfie and having your mouth scanned, this procedure does away with the need for messy moulds. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you become happy with your smile again.

Who are Clear Braces Direct?

We have brought together a team of dentists who are committed to making sure their patients have access to the treatments that they need, in order to make their smiles as straight as possible. Invisalign is used exclusively to assist in creating beautiful, even smiles, and each clear aligner is made to fit a patient’s dentition exactly. The aligners fit snugly over the teeth in order to carry out their straightening work. Clear Braces Direct London are committed to supporting their patients through their journey to a healthier and happier smile. This article will run through why you should consider this treatment, as well as outlining how the process works. You will then be able to make an informed decision about whether you think this is the right treatment for you.


Why should I consider your treatment?

You should consider Clear Braces Direct London if you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile and wish that your teeth were better aligned. You might consider this treatment as an alternative to more traditional straightening methods. Invisalign is known to be fast, allowing you to get to your goal quicker. With the use of clear aligners, you will be able to smile with confidence, sooner. The clear aligners are comfortable when worn throughout the day to allow them to exert the force to straighten your smile. The aligners are made to fit you perfectly, so they are easy to wear for long periods of time. This treatment is made to fit around your life, you don’t need to make any changes to your lifestyle. You can continue to eat and drink your favourite food and beverages. You should read onto the next section to see how our treatment works.

How does the treatment work?

There are three easy steps that you take to enhance your smile. The first step is to book your free Invisalign scan. You will be required to upload your smile selfies to be evaluated by our professionals. Our well-versed dentists use high-tech, innovative 3D dental scanners to assess your smile. This does away with the need for moulds. Following this, you will be offered a free in-house consultation with one of our experienced professionals. You will then be shown how Clear Braces Direct London will work for you and how your teeth will move week by week. You will be advised how long your treatment will take, as well as how much it will cost. Following this, you can make an informed decision as to whether this is a treatment that you would like to continue with.

The second step will see your clear aligners being made and then delivered either directly to your door or you can be booked in for a fitting. Each set of braces will be tailored to your unique smile and will fit over your teeth perfectly. You will wear the clear braces in succession and slowly your teeth will move to the correct position. In the final step, you will be supported to keep your smile in its new position. This includes the use of retainers. We look forward to hearing from you and being able to help you transform your smile into one that you are proud of.

What is it like to have clear aligners?

At Clear Braces Direct London, we’ve guided nearly 6000 people through the aligner treatment process, and therefore we know quite a bit about the treatment. So what’s it really like to live with a clear aligner?


Clear aligners from Clear Braces Direct London are some of the UK’s top orthodontic tools and can only really be compared to the reach of traditional braces in their widespread popularity. Not that you notice clear aligners; patients can go out by day without a second look from those around them, therefore it is understandable how iconic they have become through their subtlety.

But the popularity of these aligners is due to more than just appearance. For instance, the fitting of an orthodontic brace can take more than an hour, whereas the fitting process for a clear aligner is more like being measured for a tailored suit. The priority is to take the most accurate possible measurements of a patient’s teeth; we found the best way to do this is with an intraoral scanner. This device makes a 3D model of your mouth from the inside far less invasive and a lot more comfortable than dental moulds.

Living with and using clear aligners every day

One of the better things about clear aligners over the standard metal brace is their greater degree of flexibility for the wearer. You can remove your aligner at any time, unlike a fixed brace.

From a medical perspective, aligners are definitely a double-edged sword, as the responsibility of continuing treatment is entirely placed on the patient rather than on the orthodontist at the clinic. Aligners are only effective if they are being worn 20-22 hours per day; this is considered the minimum use in order to maintain the treatment schedule. Removing aligners for extensive periods will not only slow down the overall treatment time, but could also result in having to restart treatment from the beginning.

This is very much a case of commitment, Thankfully aligners are very comfortable to wear and rarely create an issue for patients, who often forget they’re wearing them at all. Being completely transparent, the patient can see the changing tooth position, reassuring them as to how effective the treatment is and helping them to remain motivated and wearing their aligners. This is not the case with traditional braces which obscure the progress of realignment until they are removed.

Damage to aligners and accidents

In everyday life, accidents happen and it is likely that any orthodontic brace will take a few knocks on the way; traditional braces are designed to be hardy in order to survive the entire treatment schedule. Each aligner is only meant to function for 2 weeks and works in sequence with many others. This allows them to be thin and more comfortable. Unfortunately this also makes them easy to break; if you attempt to eat with them in or wash them in hot water, they can become irreversibly damaged. We at Clear Braces Direct London can rapidly replace damaged aligners in less than a week in order to minimise any delay in the treatment.

Who is Suitable for treatment with Clear aligners?

Clear braces Direct in London is a major supplier of aligners in the UK. Most people can receive treatment with clear aligners but here, we look into it further and see how they could help you.


Clear braces are an orthodontic tool and should be seen that way, not as a cosmetic treatment procedure. Starting the journey with Clear braces Direct in London will begin with an assessment. Here, we will assess your suitability for treatment with aligners, and ask about any medical issues that you may have. That said, if you have a minor misalignment and no pre-existing conditions it is highly likely that clear aligners would not only be effective but also a convenient and useful procedure for you.

Aligners are not suited for more severe or complicated misalignments, for which you would have to be seen by a more skilled dentist. If you suffer from severe crowding or there is an issue with the position of your molars, then clear aligners would probably be ineffective.

Minor gapping a sloped retrograde (or forward slant), as well as rotated teeth, can be corrected by aligner treatment. Even crooked or front teeth that have malocclusion can be effectively treated but this is only if these issues are minor. For more complex cases of rotation or to correct more gapping, you may need to seek treatment from a more skilled dentist in relation to using metal braces.

Can adults use clear aligners?

There are no restrictions on treatment for orthodontic tools related to age; assuming you possess all of your adult teeth, there should be no issues. In fact, while many think that restrictions in the NHS on braces are due to success related to age, they are actually more to do with how the NHS funding works. And so, if you aren’t sure if you are suited for braces or aligners, just give us a call.

There is no medical evidence supporting the idea that orthodontic correction needs to occur within a certain age range but in the case of very senior patients, it can be linked with how structurally sound their teeth are making any application of aligners complicated.

Can I use both clear aligners and braces?

There is currently a great deal of work exploring the use of mixed treatment involving using an aligner and braces, just not at the same time. The brace is used first and the aligners are used afterwards for a shorter treatment period. This allows more conditions to be treated but in less time than a full metal brace. But you would require an assessment in order to work out if this is a viable option for you.

If this isn’t an option for you, you could explore ceramic braces. They are structurally similar to the traditional brace of a glass polymer mix and are completely transparent and more subtle.

If you have any further questions or would like to explore the option of using clear aligners for yourself or for a family member, please feel free to get in contact with Clear Braces Direct in London.

Clear braces Direct and how we do what we do!

Here at Clear Braces Direct in London, we are proud to be an Invisalign provider and part of Invisalign’s Partnership Programme achieving Diamond Status. This was achieved not by achieving some form of arbitrary sales target but by providing the highest standard of care and the highest success rate of their design providers.


How did we do this? With relentless focus. Clear Braces Direct in London (although it may seem like a simple online provider) is a dental clinic but one that is simply entirely focused on providing and maximizing the use of Invisalign aligners. By allowing our medical staff to focus entirely on this subspecialty of orthodontics, we have become an industry leader and we couldn’t be happier. If you have an orthodontic issue or concerns about how your teeth line up or are working, we would be happy to provide an assessment. But for more general dentistry or any form of filling, scrape and polishing, you really should go to your local clinic.

Why Invisalign?

There are multiple other clear aligner manufacturers on the market but Invisalign was the first to establish themselves; they not only hold several patents on the best way to make aligners and provide them, but they also have established the largest base of local partners. This partnership works on the basis that Invisalign provides manufacturing skills and software whereas the local partners provide dental expertise and individual patient care. This allows us to maximize the journey and results that we can give and Invisalign, as the manufacturer, to ensure that their goods are being used with the guidance of fully qualified dentists to their greatest potential.

What problems can we and can’t we fix?

Not only have clear braces direct in London specialised in orthodontics, but we are actually sub-specialised in a category of orthodontic work, which would be considered nonspecialist, mild or cosmetic orthodontics. This is due to the limitations of clear aligners; there are some aligner providers who have a habit of over-promising the possible results of the use of an aligner and treating aligners like a silver bullet that can cure-all. This is a disservice, not only to the patient who is bound to be disappointed but to the manufacturers who are having false promises associated with the products. We do not accept patients simply to boost sales or service but we advise them when it is in their best interests to join us on an orthodontic journey using Invisalign.

Clear aligners are best suited to working on the front teeth, where milder overcrowding or gapping needs to be corrected. If a pallet needs extending or widening, then more advanced orthodontic treatment will be required; this is also true with any bridgework. We provide free assessments for anybody curious about the possibility of treatment with clear aligners in order to maximize the availability of aligners, whilst also directing those who require a different level of care to the appropriate services. Please see the ‘Am I suitable?’ section of the website for the online form and brief questionnaire to get you started.

Clear Braces Direct in London: How we can put a smile on your face!

If you have been looking for a way to realign your teeth then Clear Braces Direct in London can help you do so in a discreet and more comfortable way. Having misaligned teeth can affect people’s confidence to smile naturally, and we don’t want that; we want you to be able to smile from ear to ear without feeling anything other than confidence that your smile is one to rival a Cheshire Cat’s!


But, how can we help you to achieve a realigned smile if you don’t want to wear metal braces, you may well be thinking. At Clear Braces Direct in London, we offer a solution to realigning mild to moderate alignment issues that don’t involve wires and brackets.


Invisalign is a convenient way to realign your teeth that is virtually invisible when worn, thanks to the clear plastic aligners that you wear over your teeth, rather than having metal fixed braces. The aligners apply pressure to your teeth to gently move them into position over time and they are custom-made to fit your mouth, so they should be far more comfortable to wear. There are lots of positive reasons to wear Invisalign and gain a smile to be proud of.

Why should I choose Invisalign?

There are many reasons why patients are choosing Invisalign. Aside from being able to wear them without other people realising, Invisalign’s clear plastic aligners are removable and they only need to be worn for around 22 hours a day, leaving you with plenty of time to remove them for eating and drinking, or participating in your favourite sports, for example. By removing them when you eat and drink, you don’t have a messy cleanup operation afterwards and you can continue to eat and drink as normal. You won’t just be drinking lots of soup for 6-18 months!

Another benefit of being able to remove the aligners is that you can continue to brush and floss as normal, allowing you to maintain good oral hygiene. You also will only need to visit us every 6 weeks or so, because we will provide you with sets of aligners to change between every couple of weeks as directed by us. You shouldn’t need emergency appointments as the aligners are very difficult to break and don’t consist of small parts as fixed metal braces do, leaving you with less impact on your busy schedule!

How would I get Invisalign?

First thing’s first, if you want to find out if Invisalign is suitable for you, you will need to book in with us for a consultation. We will examine your mouth and possibly take x-rays as well. We will then be able to tell you if Invisalign is the right treatment for you. It is typically used for issues such as gapped teeth, overcrowding, crossbite, under or overbites. Once we have determined if we are recommending Invisalign as a treatment and you have talked this through with us, asking any questions you may have, we would then use iTero technology to take a digital scan of your mouth to get the measurements needed for your bespoke aligners. From this we can also create a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like after treatment – it’s clever stuff and certainly great for helping you to visualise the end result.

So, why not contact us today and our friendly staff will be happy to put a smile on your face.

Straighten your teeth in as little as six months with Clear Braces Direct

If you have slightly misaligned front teeth then we at Clear Braces Direct in London could help you become happier when it comes to your smile. Offering our patients the chance to benefit from a discreet, efficient straightening appliance, we want all of them to be proud to show off their smile by the time that they have finished treatment. Invisalign is an innovative treatment that consists of a removable appliance and can straighten peoples’ teeth in as little as four months, depending on individual circumstances. In cases where the misalignment of teeth is more severe, it may take longer than four months to complete treatment, but you will still benefit from the subtle nature of this treatment. A lot of people are reluctant to get traditional braces because they do not like the idea of having a metal appliance permanently fixed into their mouth for years, which is why Invisalign’s clear, plastic aligners offer so many great benefits when compared to a more traditional appliance.


Swapping messy bite impressions for a simple 3D scan

Usually, when people get braces they have to suffer through having an impression taken of their teeth, which normally consists of biting down into a playdough like substance. At Clear Braces Direct in London you will have a 3D scan taken of your mouth instead, so there is no need to undergo any messy impression taking. This scan will form the basis of your treatment, as it will produce a series of images to show your teeth in different positions as they move toward their final straight positions over a period of time. You will have a different set of aligners to wear for each stage of the movement, all custom-made specifically for your teeth. They will be made of thin, clear plastic and should easily fit over the top of your own teeth. They should be comfortable and not impact your ability to speak, and in some cases, people will not even spot that you are undergoing treatment because they are so transparent.

Wear, eat, brush, repeat

Once you have received your aligners from us at Clear Braces Direct in London, it is vital that you wear them correctly to ensure that your treatment works as efficiently as planned. Not wearing them correctly could result in extra time being added to your overall treatment time, or you could need to completely restart it. As well as wearing your aligners in the correct order, you must ensure that each set is being worn for around two weeks at a time. This gives your teeth time to adjust to their new positions. Your aligners will be removable, too, but it is important that you only remove them to eat and brush your teeth. You must always brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in after having something to eat, as this will make sure that there is no plaque build-up and your aligners will not get damaged. Even though they are removable you must be weaning them for twenty-two hours at least every day, otherwise, you risk the chances of your treatment not working properly.

You can get your teeth whitened as well at Clear Braces Direct

At Clear Braces Direct in London we are well known for helping people to straighten out their smile. However, not a lot of people know that we provide our patients with the ability to whiten their smile too. Having discoloured teeth can leave people feeling incredibly insecure and at Clear Braces Direct we believe that everyone should love their smile. Discolouration can be caused by all sorts of things and may make your teeth seem slightly yellowish, or you may have larger, more noticeable stains that are browner in colour. Either way, we want to help you get rid of your imperfections and leave your insecurities behind. We offer convenient treatment that can be carried out in the comfort of your own home, and our dental practitioners will always be on hand to answer any questions that you might have.


Wishing that your smile was a few shades brighter?

People only get one set of adult teeth, and as people age, these teeth can become stained or appear to have a yellowish tint to them. Having discoloured teeth can age someone, making them appear older than they really are. At Clear Braces Direct in London we offer teeth whitening treatment to keep your smile looking refreshed and youthful. Stains can occur for all sorts of reasons, and teeth will become less bright naturally as they age, but things such as drinking tea and alcohol can increase your chances of having stained teeth. Lifestyle habits such as smoking can also cause yellow or brown stains to appear, but having a good brushing regime where you use both mouthwash and floss could dramatically increase your chances of having a brighter smile too. We can help people to brighten their smile by several shades so they can feel proud to show off their smile in public, without worrying about having stained teeth.

Convenient treatment in your own home

Once you have made the decision to get your teeth whitened with us at Clear Braces Direct in London you will have to send us a photo of your teeth so we can assess what types of stains you have. After this, you will come into the practice so you can have a 3D scan taken of your mouth, and from this, you will have custom made trays created just for you. These trays are easy to put in and take out, and you will also be provided with the bleaching gel that is needed. Once you have your custom made trays and bleaching gel, you are in charge of the rest of your treatment. Your dental practitioner will provide you with instructions on how to put the gel into your tray before use, and they will also explain how you will need to wear them at night whilst you sleep. Being able to carry out your treatment at home means that you can avoid having to interrupt your normal daily routine and undergo your treatment in a comfortable environment. The results teeth whitening treatments produce will always vary in relation to your unique circumstances.

Why choose Clear Braces Direct?

When you are looking for a dentist to provide you with Invisalign, you want to know that you will be taken care of and that the service will be high quality. Here at Clear Braces Direct in London, you get just that, due to us only focusing on and providing Invisalign, which means it is of the highest quality.


Why only Invisalign?

The reason why we only use Invisalign aligners is because they are the world’s leading clear aligner brand, and our patients’ results help prove this. Our team consists of a group of Diamond and Platinum Elite Invisalign dentists and orthodontists, who have helped thousands of people achieve a straighter smile.

What are the benefits?

There are so many great advantages that you can enjoy with our high-quality Invisalign treatment. More people than ever are looking for a way to straighten their teeth without having to deal with any surgeries and this treatment does just that. The ease of the process is such a big part of why Invisalign is growing in popularity. It simply consists of scans and wearing aligners, it is as simple as that.

These aligners are machine-made, which means the precision is next to none. This is due to the use of your x-rays taken in your first appointment, mixed with 3D technology and the modern machine that creates the aligners.

When you come to us here at Clear Braces Direct London, you know you will be in good hands due to our dentists having experience working with Invisalign for over 12 years. They were some of the first dentists in the UK to use this Invisalign system, which shows just how knowledgeable they are.

How does it all work?

When you choose us for your Invisalign journey, we will begin by having a consultation appointment with you. This allows us to discuss the treatment and determine whether you are eligible.

If all goes well, you can book an appointment at one of our scan centres. Our dentists use innovative, high-tech scanners so there is no need for any moulds. Once we have taken the scans, we will then use a program called Invisalign Clincheck, which allows us to show you how your teeth would move week by week with the aligners in, as well as the end result. Our patients love this as it excites them to know what their teeth could look like after the treatment is done.

Once you have received your aligners, your Invisalign journey can truly begin. You will change between the different aligners from the comfort of your own home, usually every week or two. The treatment time varies depending on your needs, but can be as quick as 6 months or 18 months, it all comes down to the severity of your case.

Once you have completed our London Clear Braces Direct Invisalign treatment, it is strongly recommended that you get retainers from us to make sure your smile doesn’t revert back to its original position.