Author: Clear Braces Direct
Modern teeth straightening with Invisalign
Straightening your teeth can have a wonderful effect on all aspects of your life. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth then this may be on your mind every day, each time you look in the mirror, each time you smile or every time you see someone else with beautiful teeth. If the appearance of your teeth is affecting you then this can have a negative impact on your wellbeing. You will smile less and sometimes this can leave you feeling miserable with low self-esteem. You need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct and find out about straightening your teeth with Invisalign London. Invisalign is a modern, highly effective method of teeth straightening which is ideal for those who want to improve the appearance of their smile without drawing attention to their mouths while doing so. Invisalign London is simple and convenient and it can be used by patients of all ages.

We can address a range of orthodontic issues using Invisalign London so book a consultation today to find out more.
To begin with we will make sure that your teeth and gums are clean and healthy. We will then carry out a smile assessment to identify the issues that are affecting the appearance of your teeth. Most people have a certain extent of misalignment that affects the appearance of their teeth. Unless you have undergone orthodontic treatment recently or unless you have a permanent retainer in place, your teeth can be slightly crooked or wonky. This can be fixed with Invisalign. Invisalign can also rectify more complicated orthodontic issues. This includes teeth that are quite badly crooked or wonky, teeth that are overcrowded, overlapping or protruding in places. We can also address bite disorders with Invisalign.
How does Invisalign work?
Invisalign works using clear thermoplastic aligners, each of which are designed to fit tightly onto your teeth and push your teeth in a certain direction until you have achieved a neatly aligned smile. The aligners are designed using the latest digital dental technology. Models of the aligners are 3-D printed and a patented thermoplastic is moulded over these models for accuracy and precision. They are designed to be comfortable to wear, easy to put in and to replace once you become accustomed to them. These aligners work in small increments. Each aligner is designed to move your teeth by approximately 0.25 mm and then you move on to the next aligner in the set. In this way you can straighten your teeth quickly and easily with an average treatment time of 6 to 12 months. Some patients notice results within 3 months. Once completed you will have a neatly aligned smile that you can show off happily and confidently to everyone around you.
Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today and let us put together a series of Invisalign aligners for you. The number of aligners you need will vary from patient to patient, but we will provide you with all the information beforehand so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for you. We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful new smile very soon.
Straighten your teeth conveniently with Invisalign
Straightening your teeth is not as complicated as it may have been 20 or 30 years ago. Straightening your teeth has now become easier than ever before thanks to the introduction of many different types of braces to suit individual dental needs and personal preferences. You can straighten your teeth without having to visit the dentist too many times and more importantly without drawing unwanted attention to your mouth. If this sounds like what you are looking for then you need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct and find out about Invisalign London.

How does Invisalign work?
Invisalign London is one of the most popular cosmetic teeth straightening treatments across the world. First established in 1999, since then it has helped correct more than 14 million smiles. It is highly discreet so no one will know that you are straightening your teeth unless you wish to tell them. It is also highly convenient. This is because Invisalign London uses clear aligners to straighten your teeth rather than fixed brackets and wires. These aligners can be taken out of your mouth when you need to and replaced when you have finished doing what you are doing.
Invisalign aligners need to be taken out at meal times, you cannot eat with your aligners as this may damage them. You also need to take them out to brush your teeth. This allows you to clean your teeth effectively, brushing them properly and flossing between your teeth before you put the aligners back in your mouth. This keeps your teeth clean and healthy during the treatment.
Invisalign at Clear Braces Direct
To make Invisalign even more convenient, here at the practice we allow you to have them delivered directly to you or if you need to have the initial fitting carried out by one of our dentists then this can be done as well. We also offer an online monitoring system which means that we can follow your progress online so that you do not have to visit us in person unless you really need to.
More advantages of Invisalign
Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct is ideal for the modern generation, especially for those with busy lifestyles. You can take your aligners out for special occasions or those intimate moments but they are easy to become accustomed to, which means having them in your mouth should not be a hindrance either. They are comfortable to wear and they are contoured to fit your gum line without causing irritation or rubbing. The simplicity and convenience of the procedure makes it a popular choice amongst patients of all ages.
We will put together an individually tailored treatment plan according to your unique dental needs. You may require as little as 10 aligners or you may need 30 aligners depending on how crooked or wonky your teeth are. The treatment can be completed within 6 to 12 months or it may take up to 18 months if you have more complex dental needs. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today and let us help you enjoy beautiful, straight teeth very soon.
The advantages of straightening your teeth with Invisalign
If you have crooked teeth then you need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct and find out about straightening them sooner rather than later. Wonky teeth affect the appearance of your smile, they can affect your self-confidence and your self-esteem. Unfortunately they can also affect how other people perceive you and you may feel you attract the wrong type of attention.

One of the first things people notice is your smile, therefore you want your smile to be as pleasing and attractive as possible which, thanks to advances in cosmetic dental treatment, is now very easily achievable. Here at Clear Braces Direct we are pleased to offer you Invisalign London. Invisalign is a simple and effective method of straightening your teeth. Invisalign London has been tried and tested over the last 20 years and has proven to be a great alternative to traditional orthodontic braces. Since 1999, more than 14 million patients have straightened their teeth with Invisalign London and it continues to be a very popular choice amongst patients of all ages. Unlike other cosmetic dental treatments, Invisalign can be used in young teenagers and it is a modern alternative to traditional braces for straightening your teeth. There is no upper age limit for Invisalign, therefore if your teeth are healthy and strong then you need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct and find out how to address your misaligned teeth.
Improve your dental health
Another problem with malocclusions is that they can have serious implications for your dental health. If your teeth aren’t straight then they can be more susceptible to wear and tear which means that they will become worn down, even chipped or cracked more easily than straight teeth. There is also more chance of developing cavities and tooth decay because you may not be able to clean your teeth as effectively as someone with straight teeth. You can also develop gum disease more easily as bacteria and plaque creep underneath the gum line in places which cannot be brushed as effectively. By straightening your teeth with Invisalign you will achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile.
A simple process
The process itself can take as little as 4 to 6 months. This is because at Clear Braces Direct we have extensive experience in teeth straightening and we will put together the best treatment plan for you. We are a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign which means we are one of the top Invisalign providers in the whole of Europe, therefore if you are thinking about straightening your teeth we are the best place for you to do so. You can choose between our London and Newcastle locations and you will be pleased to know that the process itself requires very few appointments with us in person, rather we will monitor your progress online making sure that the process is coming along successfully.
Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today, we have made teeth straightening more simple, convenient, affordable and accessible than ever before. With our help you can straighten your teeth with discretion and at your convenience.
Invisalign London: an alternative option to traditional braces
Invisalign London is a discrete form of orthodontics that works as an excellent alternative to traditional braces. Most of us are familiar with traditional braces; this is a procedure that consists of metal brackets, a wire, and little elastics. They do a fantastic job at straightening teeth, but the only problem is that everyone is aware of the fact that you are having orthodontic treatment as they can draw attention to your mouth. The alternative to traditional braces used to be clear braces, or those with tooth coloured components; however, when attached to your teeth 24/7, these can also become quite obvious. The reluctance to undergo orthodontic treatment with fixed braces resulted in the development and introduction of invisalign London, a highly discrete method of teeth straightening without any brackets or wires.

How does Invisalign work?
Here at Clear Braces Direct, we can carry out an intra-oral examination of your teeth which is then digitised using invisaligns very own software. This image can then be manipulated so that you can see how your teeth will look if you undergo teeth straightening with invisalign London. If you like what you see, we will calculate how to move your teeth into their new positions. Each stage is calculated in 0.2 or 0.25 millimetre steps and each of these steps is printed digitally as a clear thermoplastic aligner.
Each aligner is manufactured to be 0.2 or 0.25 millimetres straighter than your teeth so that it stretches tightly over your teeth, and then the rebound of the stretch moves your teeth into a metre formation. Each aligner needs to be worn for approximately 22 hours a day for two weeks, and then you continue with the next aligner in the sequence. Each aligner is numbered to avoid confusion. The process itself takes between 6 to 18 months on average, and we offer weekly monitoring through our app. You can visit the dentist in person if you would like to make sure that the process is coming along successfully and also to ensure that your teeth are clean and healthy during this time. You will continue with the aligners until you reach the last one in this series; after which, your teeth should be perfectly aligned and straightened. Some patients require 10 aligners whilst others may require 50, depending on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with.
In comparison to traditional braces, when you are wearing your invisalign aligners they are almost invisible in the mouth. You can take the aligners out of your mouth and replace them as necessary. This allows you to enjoy all your favourite food and drinks and brush your teeth thoroughly after your meal. It also allows you to take out your aligners for special occasions or intimate moments. However, it is very important that you remember when you took the aligners out and that you replace them in your mouth as soon as possible to allow the process to come along successfully. For those looking for a discrete treatment option that is convenient at the same time, invisalign London is the perfect solution for you. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today to find out more.
Invisalign London for effective teeth straightening
There are many ways of improving the appearance of your teeth and invisalign London is a highly effective method of doing so. First established in 1999, Invisalign London has been used by more than 14 million patients across the world to address misalignment issues of the teeth. Invisalign London is used for cosmetic purposes in addition to improving your dental health. It is mainly used by adults who are looking for a discrete treatment option after having avoided traditional braces when they were younger. Invisalign London has become a firm favourite amongst orthodontic treatments for patients of all ages and, by speaking to us at Clear Braces Direct, you can find out what Invisalign can do for you. Here at Clear Braces Direct, we are a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign which means we are one of the best places in the whole of Europe to straighten your teeth. We have extensive experience in correcting a range of misalignment issues and we will put together an individually tailored treatment plan to suit your unique dental needs.

Invisalign can be used for all orthodontic issues, as part of a combined treatment plan where necessary. This means that If you have complex dental needs, you may need to undergo other dental treatment such as a tooth extraction or dental surgery. Sometimes you may need to wear a different type of braces to begin with and move on to Invisalign later in the process.
How does Invisalign work?
Invisalign works using clear aligners. These are designed to fit over your teeth tightly and apply gradual pressure to the teeth in a certain direction to straighten your teeth. As the aligners apply pressure to your teeth, osteoclasts break down the bone cells that are in front of the teeth so that the teeth can move forward whilst osteoblasts form new bone cells behind the teeth so that they do not relapse. In this way the aligners move your teeth in small increments until you have achieved a neatly aligned smile. The entire process can take as little as six months, in some cases; this is usually if you have undergone orthodontic treatment earlier in life and are simply looking to perfect your smile. Or, it could be that you have a minor gap between your teeth and this can be addressed quickly and conveniently. Thus, minor misalignment issues of the teeth can also be treated very quickly.
The average treatment time is between 12 and 18 months, however this will depend on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with. Each of the aligners need to be worn for approximately 22 hours of the day and you move on to the next aligners after two weeks. During this time your teeth should have moved by approximately 0.25 millimetres. The next aligner will work in the same way, until you have completed the series. You can share your progress with us through our online monitoring app or you can visit the dentist to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today to find out more.
What are the advantages of teeth straightening with Invisalign?
It is sad to see that many people cover their smiles with their hands. Smiling is contagious and helps bring positivity into a situation. Studies show that most adults wish they could improve their smile and almost 81% would like to have straighter teeth. Which means 8 out of 10 people want to straighten their teeth. Not only does teeth straightening improve the appearance of your smile, but there are a lot of health benefits in having straight teeth. By speaking to us at Clear Braces Direct you can find out more about teeth straightening. Here at our practice we are specialists in Invisalign London. Invisalign London is a modern and highly effective method of teeth straightening that can help you enjoy the many advantages that straight teeth have over a crooked and wonky smile.

Healthier teeth and gums
Firstly, crooked and wonky teeth are hard to clean. Plaque and tartar can build up on the teeth causing a range of dental complications, beginning with cavities and gum disease which then develop into tooth decay and periodontal disease. By straightening your teeth with Invisalign London you can prevent the formation of cavities and you can also reduce the risk of developing gum disease. It is important that you maintain good dental hygiene practices to avoid these complications, but if you have crooked teeth then you are more prone to developing them. Therefore, if you straighten your teeth with Invisalign you can enjoy healthy teeth and gums.
Other symptoms such as bad breath, which can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, can be significantly reduced when your teeth are straight and easier to clean. You will find that you are able to bite and chew your food more comfortably and effectively, and your teeth will benefit from less wear and tear, increasing durability and longevity. This is because crooked, wonky, protruding teeth or overcrowding and overlapping of the teeth means that they are more prone to premature wear and tear, as well as accidental damage. Therefore addressing these issues with Invisalign will help your teeth last longer.
Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct
More than 14 million patients across the world have already enjoyed the benefits of straightening their teeth with Invisalign. Here at Clear Braces Direct we can offer you a free consultation where we will identify the misalignment issues of your teeth, take an intraoral scan to put together a digital image of your mouth and show you how your teeth could look after straightening with Invisalign. If you like what you see then we can order a series of aligners that will help you achieve these results. These aligners will be with you within a few weeks and you can begin your journey to transforming your smile.
Invisalign is a discreet method of teeth straightening. It is highly effective and thanks to our payment plans, it is also affordable. It is quicker to straighten your teeth with Invisalign in comparison to other orthodontic treatments, especially for patients who suffer from mild or moderate orthodontic issues.
Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today and find out more about the advantages of Invisalign and how it can benefit you.
Teeth straightening made easy by Invisalign
If you are thinking about straightening your teeth then you need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct and find out about Invisalign London. Invisalign London is a highly popular method of teeth straightening used by dentists across the world and has already helped correct more than 14 million smiles in just over 20 years. Here at Clear Braces Direct we have also helped thousands of patients correct their smiles using Invisalign London making the process easier and more convenient than ever before. We can help you straighten your teeth from the comfort of your own home, with very few visits to the dental practice; rather we monitor your progress online saving you time and effort, allowing you to continue with your busy daily life.

We can offer you different Invisalign treatment plans depending on your individual dental needs. With Invisalign we can straighten your teeth in as little as 3 to 6 months. This is with the Invisalign Express and Invisalign Lite treatment plans. These are suitable for our patients who have minor misalignment issues of the teeth. For those with more complex issues we offer our Invisalign Moderate and Comprehensive treatment plans. These deal with a wide range of orthodontic issues including bite disorders and can take between 12 to 24 months to straighten your teeth.
Here at Clear Braces Direct we are pleased to be able to offer you a free consultation. If you visit our website then you can select the location of your choice or choose a virtual consultation. You will undergo a free intraoral scan of your mouth which will create a digital image and show you how we can improve the appearance of your smile using Invisalign. This will be provided to you in the form of a personal video treatment plan which you can take away and either discuss with your friends and family or carefully consider by yourself before committing to the treatment.
Invisalign aligners
If you are happy with the predicted results then you can order your aligners. You should receive the aligners within a few weeks and you can begin the treatment in the comfort of your own home. The number of aligners that you receive will depend on which treatment plan you are following, determined by your individual dental requirements. Each aligner needs to be worn for 2 weeks and kept in the mouth for approximately 22 hours of the day. To make sure that you achieve optimal results and that you complete the treatment within the predicted time frame it is very important that you adhere to these instructions. The aligners only work when you are wearing them, therefore the longer you keep them in your mouth the more your teeth will move and when you take them out they will stop moving. You should only remove the aligners at meal times and when brushing your teeth. When they are in your mouth they are almost invisible, therefore Invisalign is an excellent choice of treatment for those who do not want to draw further attention to their mouth. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today and find out more about teeth straightening with Invisalign and how we can make it easy and convenient for you.
Teeth straightening with the help of digital technology and Invisalign
If you have crooked or wonky teeth then this can affect your daily life. Every time you speak to someone you may be aware that they are looking at your teeth, you may be inclined to cover your mouth with your hands and sometimes you may avoid smiling all together. This can have a negative impact and even cause mental health issues. Thanks to significant advances in dental technology there is much that can be done to correct crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatment has changed significantly and there are different types of braces to suit your unique dental requirements and your individual preferences.

In this modern era, one of the most popular types of orthodontic treatment is Invisalign London. Serving the world for just over 20 years, Invisalign London has been used by more than 14 million patients already. It has been used by celebrities, the public, and even dentists have used Invisalign London to improve the appearance of their teeth. It can be used by patients of all ages and different orthodontic needs.
To find out if Invisalign is suitable for you, you need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct. We are a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign. We have dealt with over 6000 cases and, therefore, we have extensive experience in teeth straightening with Invisalign.
We will be able to put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you, because we know very well that all smiles are special and unique. We will help you improve your smile, boost your self-confidence and bring positivity into your life.
Here at the practice we have tried to make the process as simple as possible and we even offer a free consultation, which includes an intraoral scan of your mouth and a personal video showing you how your teeth can be transformed with this invisible aligner.
Digital scanning
The iTero intraoral scan is an important tool in digital dental technology. The scan itself takes less than 60 seconds and in this time the scanning wand is inserted into your mouth and gently moved over the surface of your teeth so that it can capture images of the size and shape of each tooth. These images are then put together to create a 3-D model of your teeth and mouth. Our specialist software is then used to change the position of your teeth to create a neatly aligned smile. You will be shown this image and if this is what you are looking for then we can have a series of aligners designed for you that fit in your mouth tightly and securely, so that they apply enough pressure to push your teeth into the new formation. This is a gradual process and each aligner moves your teeth by approximately 0.2 to 0.25 mm over the space of two weeks. You may require 10 aligners or you may require 50 aligners depending on your individual dental needs. Once completed you will have a beautiful, straight smile. Speak to us at Clear Braces Direct today. Take a look at what Invisalign can do for you and let us help you make an informed decision.
The truth about Invisalign
More than 14 million patients around the world have undergone teeth straightening with Invisalign London. This means that there are millions of patient reviews and anecdotes that may cause some confusion about how Invisalign London really works and what it can do for you. To find out the truth about Invisalign London you need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct. Nearly all dental practices offer Invisalign for teeth straightening so what makes us so special? At Clear Braces Direct we are proud to be a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign because we have successfully straightened almost 7,000 smiles in less than 20 years using these aligners and continue to help patients across the country address their unique orthodontic needs. We will put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you, but before we do so let’s look at some common myths about Invisalign which may be confusing you.

Common myths about Invisalign
One of the most common myths about Invisalign is that it can only be used for mild or moderate orthodontic issues. This is not true. Invisalign can be used to treat complex orthodontic cases. The difference is that if you have mild or moderate issues then you may straighten your teeth with Invisalign aligners alone, whereas if you are a complex orthodontic case then you may require a combined treatment plan to straighten your teeth. This could include having to undergo a tooth extraction to make space in your mouth for the teeth to be aligned into a neater formation. It could include undergoing a bone graft or a gum graft to improve your dental health following gum disease or periodontal disease. It could also include replacing missing teeth with dental implants, or cosmetic treatment such as teeth whitening, composite bonding or even veneers for a complete smile transformation. Bite disorders can also be treated using Invisalign under the supervision of our specialist team. We will assess your individual orthodontic issues and put together a special treatment plan for you.
Another common myth is that because Invisalign uses removable aligners to straighten your teeth, patients assume that the treatment will take longer than traditional braces. Again this is incorrect. The length of the treatment depends on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with. Most studies show that for similar orthodontic issues Invisalign and fixed braces work at a similar rate. As the aligners are removable it is very important that you adhere to the treatment plan and wear the aligners correctly for 22 hours a day for 2 weeks per aligner, so that the treatment does not take longer than necessary.
Some people believe that Invisalign is only for adults. This is wrong. Invisalign can be used by teenagers as well who are looking to improve the appearance of their teeth, but want a discreet treatment option as an alternative to traditional fixed braces that often attract unwanted attention to the mouth.
Visit us at Clear Braces Direct today, learn more about Invisalign and find out if it is a suitable choice of orthodontic treatment for your unique dental needs.
Why choose Invisalign for teeth straightening?
The field of orthodontics has progressed significantly over the last few decades. Many different types of braces and orthodontic appliances have been introduced to meet individual dental requirements. All types of misalignment issues can now be addressed and you can even choose which type of brace you would prefer to straighten your teeth. Clear aligners have become a popular choice amongst young people and adults. Clear aligners are highly effective at straightening your teeth, without the need for metal wires and brackets. This means that they are very discreet and they are also comfortable to wear. Another added advantage is that clear aligners are removable in comparison to fixed traditional braces. Due to their growing popularity, over the years many companies have produced clear aligners for teeth straightening. With so many clear aligners now available on the market it may be confusing as to which is the best for you.

Invisalign clear aligners
Here at Clear Braces Direct we are proud to present Invisalign London. Invisalign London has pioneered clear aligner systems and currently provides the most popular type of clear aligners on the market. Over 14 million people, including more than 4 million teenagers have already used Invisalign London to straighten their teeth. This means that there is a lot of data and artificial intelligence that has been used to continuously improve the aligners, making sure that they meet patient needs. Invisalign is the most widely known provider of aligners and over the years it has become the gold standard of clear aligner systems. With an excellent track record they are the favourite clear aligners amongst dentists across the world.
Invisalign aligners are made of medical-grade polyurethane resins, which are a blend of thermoplastic polymers that are safe to use inside the human body. Polyurethane is regarded as the best material for clear aligners. They are BPA free and one of the biggest advantages is that they are almost invisible when worn in the mouth. If you want to correct the misalignment issues of your teeth comfortably and at your discretion then you need to speak to us at Clear Braces Direct and find out about Invisalign. We will put together an individually tailored treatment plan to meet your dental requirements. Each treatment plan is different according to the severity of your orthodontic issues. You can straighten your teeth in as little as 3 to 6 months with this invisible brace, if you suffer from mild or moderate orthodontic issues. If you have complex dental needs then it can take between 12 to 24 months to straighten your smile and sometimes you may require a combination of other treatments for optimal results.
Invisalign with Clear Braces Direct
At Clear Braces Direct we have treated more than 6,000 smiles and we are recognised as a Diamond Apex provider of Invisalign. We are one of the top Invisalign providers in the whole of Europe and we can offer our extensive knowledge and experience to put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. In comparison to other Invisalign providers we can help straighten your teeth in less time, costing you less money and allowing you to achieve and enjoy the benefits of teeth straightening sooner.