Assessing suitability for Invisalign: what we look for
You may have just been for a consultation with your dental team about undertaking invisible aligners and been told that you are not suitable.

While invisible aligners are designed to correct mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment, this is not all that a dental team will look for when assessing suitability. There are many criteria that have to be ticked off, and if you do not meet the set requirements, a different type of orthodontic tool may be better suited to you.
At Clear Braces Direct, we are happy to announce that the majority of patients who come to us to undertake Invisalign London are indeed suitable for this orthodontic treatment. If we find that there is an underlying issue that may temporarily cause the patient to be unsuitable, we will seek to rectify it to help them get the straighter smile they want with as much discretion as possible.
So, what are some of the inclusion criteria that we look for when assessing your suitability for Invisalign London?
The first thing we will assess when looking at your suitability for Invisalign London is the severity of your misalignment. While Invisalign has come a long way since it was first designed and put into practice, it is still better suited for correcting mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment at the front of the mouth. If there are issues with the alignment of your molars, or if you need to have a tooth rotated, you may be better suited for treatment with a fixed clear brace instead.
Yes, there are indeed invisible aligners that are designed for teenagers. However, age will be a factor as we have found that adult patients are more dedicated to undertaking this treatment simply because they have to pay for it! There is work being put into designing invisible aligners for children, but since children are often less than enthusiastic about wearing something for 22 hours a day, dental teams are not overly enthused about this option.
Oral health
Just like before treatment with a fixed metal brace, we will also have to assess the condition of your teeth and gums. If you have signs of active gum disease or tooth decay, you will need to have them treated before undertaking any orthodontic treatment. This is because such issues can affect the realignment process, and the pressure applied to damaged teeth can cause the teeth to crack and require further restorative work.
General health
This is something that is often overlooked, but when it comes to orthodontic care, we need to ensure that you are in good general health too. If you suffer from issues such as osteoporosis or bleeding disorders, this can harm the realignment process. So please be open and honest with us about any problems you currently have with your general health.
This was highlighted briefly earlier, but we need to ensure that you will be committed to the upkeep of your invisible aligners. This will involve the weekly photos sent to our team and your diligence in switching between aligners at the proper time. If we feel that you are less than fully committed to this process, we may suggest a fixed metal brace instead.