An introductory guide to Invisalign

Most people are aware of what a 3D printer is and what it can do, alongside how it has revolutionised the health industry overall. But are you aware of its role in the creation and use of invisible aligners?


If you are looking to straighten your teeth using an invisible aligner, then you may want to have a bit more insight into how the aligners are crafted and created, and how you as a patient will need to use them to get the straighter smile that you want and deserve.

At Clear Braces Direct, our team has been using Invisalign London to straighten our patients’ teeth for over 5 years now and knows all there is to know about the creation, usage and daily wear of these nifty invisible aligners. So, if you are looking for a team with expertise in the area of invisible aligners, choose us!

In this short guide, you will be introduced to Invisalign London concerning how these aligners are created, how they are worn and how your smartphone can help you to get the most out of this treatment. Enjoy!


First thing’s first, when you are considering undertaking Invisalign London, you will need to attend a consultation with a member of our team. This is so we can ascertain if you are suitable or not for invisible aligners, which will include assessing the condition of your teeth and taking a 3D scan of your mouth.

If we deem that you are suitable, the scans will be sent to a dental laboratory.


The scans that we collect at your initial consultation are uploaded to a computer and, using a kind of digital sped up orthodontic procedure, your teeth will be moved. From this, we will be able to determine how many aligners are required to make this computer simulation a reality.

Once we are happy that the aligners can move your teeth to the desired result, a 3D printer will create your aligners using a malleable but also fairly firm clear plastic.

This process is incredibly quick, and your new aligners may either be sent to our surgery or direct to your door within 7 to 14 days.

Daily wear

It is important when you are wearing your aligners that you wear them in the correct order and that you wear them for 22 hours per day.

This will ensure that the aligners have the required amount of time to move your teeth and that each step of the realignment process is accomplished.

To keep your aligners clean, simply rinse them under a cold tap twice a day, and if you have any questions, contact our team.

Selfies and appointments

This particular invisible aligner comes with an app, which you will need to use each week to send our team a photograph or a selfie of your smile, so we can assess if the treatment is progressing as needed.

If we detect a problem, we will likely send you instructions via the app or call you in for an appointment. It is important for the sake of your realignment that any appointments made with our team are kept.