Advantages of undertaking Invisalign

When you begin treatment with invisible aligners, it may feel as though you have found the proverbial golden ticket of dental care. And in many ways, you have!


Invisible aligners have changed the world of adult orthodontic care and not only are they discrete in day to day life, but they can offer you a myriad of other advantages, some of which we will explore in more depth in this article.

Because at Clear Braces Direct, our team is excited to be able to offer suitable patients Invisalign London and are happy to have over 3000 successful realignment cases under our belts using these aligners.

So, what are some of the other advantages of undertaking a dental alignment treatment with Invisalign London? Read on to find out.

Less invasive

When most people picture having braces fitted or other orthodontic tools, they imagine lots of fiddling, cutting of wires and lots of moulds being taken off their teeth.

This is beneficial in the long run but can also be very invasive.

Invisalign London has a simpler fitting process; our team will use a 3D scanner to take an image of your teeth from the inside of your mouth, which will take a few seconds and will then be uploaded to our computer.

The fitting of the aligners when they arrive back at our clinic is more straightforward too. We simply place them in your mouth, assess if they fit and then you can begin treatment.

Faster treatments

Many people assume that because the aligners are clear and are not made of metal, the treatment itself will take longer.

But as invisible aligners are designed to treat mild to moderate cases of dental misalignment, the average treatment time is between 3 and 6-months. When compared to other orthodontic tools such as braces which can take 36 months, this is a definite improvement.


Much like the assumption that the treatment will take longer, many patients also assume that the treatment will be more expensive than traditional braces.

But when it comes to using a traditional brace in adult orthodontic care, there are lots of things that are factored into the overall cost. For one thing, you will need to attend appointments with an orthodontist when wearing a traditional brace, which will add costs along with having the brace adjusted or tightened.

And of course, the longer the treatment proceeds the more costs will be incurred. Invisible aligners do not require you to attend orthodontist appointments, they do not require adjusting and as they have an average period of 3 to 6 months, the treatment is more affordable than most people think.

Expertise (Clear Braces Direct)

Not to brag, but when you come to ClearBraces Direct to have your teeth straightened using an invisible aligner, our team truly has the expertise needed to get you the smile you want.

As mentioned before, we have over 3000 successful cases of dental realignment under our belts using invisible aligners and know the ins and outs of this aligner.

Lifestyle friendly

Few appointments, more affordable and more visually discreet, one of the main advantages of using invisible aligners is that they are lifestyle friendly. You will not need to book expensive check-ups, will not need to attend hygienist appointments, and you can wear them in your daily life without drawing attention. Perfect!