A quick look at Invisalign accessories

Most people who have undertaken treatment in their childhood or teenage years with a fixed metal brace are aware of the seeming mountain of accessories required to ensure that this tool works correctly. This includes electric toothbrushes, portable electric toothbrushes to clean your braces while at work, and of course, interdental brushes to remove plaque from underneath the archwires.


Unfortunately, while you may think that undertaking invisible aligners will remove the need for accessories, you might be wrong there. But don’t worry! All these accessories are designed to ensure that orthodontic tools work as they need to so that you can get the straighter smile you want in the shortest time possible.

When you approach our team at Clear Braces Direct about undertaking Invisalign London, we will explain to you all the tools of the trade that are needed to ensure that this aligner straightens your teeth correctly and quickly. So you won’t have to wait around due to your aligners not working correctly. Great stuff!

So what are some of the accessories that accompany Invisalign London to ensure that the aligners work as planned? Read on to find out!


Chewies are essentially small rubber foam cylinders that can be used when placing an aligner into your mouth, specifically when you have changed from one aligner to another. You need to ensure that the new aligner tracks correctly in order to move your teeth.

Chewies are reusable and can ensure that your treatment goes as planned with no delays by pressing the aligners against your teeth correctly. Simple!

Washes and crystals

You may have read that invisible aligners can be washed by simply rinsing them under a cold tap, and this is true. But some people want a bit more and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that their aligners taste pleasant when worn. There are multiple washes and crystals designed for use alongside Invisalign London, and they can also freshen your breath at the same time. Just make sure that the type of wash you choose to rinse your aligners with is specified for Invisalign, as some may contain bleaches, which can discolour the aligners.

Removal picks

You may think that aligners can simply be pulled off of your teeth when you need to remove them; they technically can, but this can cause them to become damaged. Therefore, there are removal picks that can be used to simply pick the aligners off of your teeth. Physically, these picks resemble small plastic hooks and are great at preserving the shape of the aligner and ensuring that your fingernails do not scratch or chip at the shape.

Carry cases

When you receive your invisible aligners, they will come in a set carry case. While it can be tempting to simply chuck your aligners into your pocket or bag, this is not advised as this can cause them to become damaged and warp out of shape. If you lose your original carry case, there are many replacements that are just as sturdy and can keep the aligner safe and at a set temperature to prevent them from warping out of shape.

The app

If you are using Invisalign, you need to download the associated app for your smartphone, which allows you to send photos to our team once a week. We can then track how the aligner is progressing with your treatment and send you tips and advice if your treatment plan needs to be altered.