A guide to Invisalign from Clear Braces Direct
Do you want a straighter smile without the hassle of braces and dental appointments?

At Clear Braces Direct London, we can help you get that straighter smile you want from the comfort of your own home with the help of dental professionals.
Here, our team at Clear Braces Direct London offers you a brief guide about Invisalign aligners, so read on and enjoy!
Who is suitable for Invisalign?
When this aligner was first created, more people were suited for it than weren’t. And today, that hasn’t changed!
When you come to Clear Braces Direct London, we will assess your suitability for Invisalign with a free scan; this will enable us to see the inside of your mouth more clearly than we would be able to with a dental mould.
But before we do this, we will need you to send us a selfie of your smile via our website. By looking at this, our team will be able to make a judgement as to whether or not you will be suited for Invisalign; if we deem you to be suited, we will invite you into one of our centres for a scan. If not, we will recommend that you wear a different type of brace to begin your dental realignment.
In short, if you have a mild to moderate misalignment with your front teeth, and you don’t need to have any of your molars moved, then it is likely you will be suitable for Invisalign.
Daily wear
OK, so once you have your Invisalign kit, you will need to wear the aligners in a set succession for them to be effective.
With each aligner (assuming there is no damage or loss), you will need to wear it for roughly 2 weeks. When it starts to feel loose, then it is time to move on to the next aligner in the set.
By this point, you will probably know that Invisalign is removable and so, you may be curious as to how long each day you need to leave it in for. Our team will usually advise that you keep the aligner in your mouth for 22 hours per day. Failure to adhere to this may result in delays in the realignment process.
Now, on to the cleaning!
As Invisalign is not fixed to your teeth, it is easier to clean than a standard brace and does not require you to invest in interdental brushes and other bits.
To clean your Invisalign aligners, you have to first rinse them under a tap to remove any debris or food; make sure that the water coming out of this tap is cool, as hot water can cause them to warp.
Simply use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove stubborn debris and, if necessary, you may want to invest in some Invisalign cleaning crystals to keep them clean and clear.
With this aligner, the need for check-ups is reduced and you can send our team selfies via the Invisalign app so we can keep tabs on your progress.
If we feel that the aligner is not working correctly, we will invite you into one of our centres for a check-up and assessment.
So, you’ve worn the aligner and now your smile is straightened. Congratulations!
Now is the time where we will send you a retainer, to help keep your teeth in place and to prevent reversion. Please wear it!