A guide to daily wear with Invisalign aligners
If you grew up with a friend who was wearing a fixed metal brace, then you’re probably familiar with their routine. They would need to brush their teeth excessively after eating meals and see their dentist every 2 to 6 weeks on average to have their braces adjusted and tightened to move their teeth.

While seemingly invasive, this routine is fairly well known, and the daily care or fixed metal braces is almost ingrained into most people’s minds due to this interaction. However, when it comes to wearing invisible aligners, there is a cut-off in this kind of information.
Our team at Clear Braces Direct works exclusively with, as you can guess, clear braces and aligners like Invisalign London. We know all there is to know about this orthodontic tool and can provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your aligners every single day to ensure that they achieve their final goal of straightening your teeth without hassle or interruption.
So, with that in mind, what are some of our tips for maintaining Invisalign London in daily life?
Daily wear
For Invisalign London to work, you will need to wear the aligners for around 22 hours a day or as instructed by our team. If you do not do this, then it is likely that your teeth will move slower, or they may actually revert to their former positions, making the entire endeavour a waste of time.
Be sure to keep an eye out for things such as loosening aligners, as this can indicate that it is time to move on to the next aligner in the series.
One good thing about invisible aligners is that they are removable, meaning that you can take them out to brush your teeth. However, you will also have to ensure that the aligners are kept clean in order to keep your dental health in top condition. This will involve rinsing them under a cold water tap to prevent food debris from being pressed against your teeth and gums once you wear the aligner.
Once again, because the aligners are removable, it can be all too tempting to simply take them out when you are at work and stuff them into your pocket or bag. This can cause the aligner to warp out of shape or break, which would render it useless. So be sure to carry your aligners in the carry case provided when you receive them from our surgery.
There are few people who don’t like taking selfies, but as part of your routine, you will need to take weekly selfies, showing yourself wearing the aligner so that our team can assess how well it is working. You can do this with the associated app, which is downloadable for smartphones. Provided that all goes well, you will simply get a “no further action required” message back from our team.
There can be issues whilst wearing invisible aligners that you’ll need to keep an eye out for. One problem is that the aligners are too tight or too loose when you wear them; this can mean there is an issue with the fitting. If you lose an aligner, do not simply skip on to the next one in the series but instead contact our team to have a replacement sent out to you.