Tips for managing Invisalign

When you begin using invisible aligners, it is indeed an exciting time. After all, you will get the straighter smile you want in an estimated 3 to 6 months. All without the inconvenience of wearing a fitted brace, which can create additional hygiene problems, alongside issues with visual discretion.


But that’s not to say that wearing invisible aligners is straightforward or easier for many patients. Indeed, during the first few weeks of wearing an invisible aligner, you may be surprised at the amount of adaptation that is required for these aligners to fit in with your lifestyle and for you to get used to them.

Luckily, when you come to Clear Braces Direct to use Invisalign London, we can advise you on key ways to ensure that your initial period of wearing the aligners goes off without a hitch. That way you are more likely to engage with the treatment long term and get the results that you want and deserve.

So what are our team’s top tips relating to Invisalign London? Read on to find out!

Tip 1- Keep the aligners in

For Invisalign London to work, you need to keep the aligner in your mouth. Depending on your clinical need, we may give you a deadline per day, but for most people this is around 22 hours. For you to become better accustomed to the aligners, we often recommend initially leaving them in for longer than this so you can adjust to the feel of them in your mouth and get used to talking or singing whilst wearing them.

Tip 2- Eat soft, cooler foods

Sticky foods, while tempting, can cause a glutinous film on your teeth. Acidic foods can inflame the gums. With aligners, you will need to keep them out of your mouth whilst eating, but we recommend altering your diet for the first few days. This is because the newly fitted aligners may cause a bit of rubbing on the gums, which is going to feel a bit sore. So for your comfort, we recommend eating softer or cooler foods until you have adjusted. If soreness caused by the aligners rubbing continues to be an issue, you should talk to our team about dental wax.

Tip 3- New aligner? Bedtime is best

You will need to wear each aligner for around 2 weeks and when it comes to changing between them, we recommend putting in new aligners at bedtime. This is because when you switch between aligners, you are more likely to feel discomfort. For most people, this only lasts for a short time. So why not do it whilst you sleep and then the next day you will feel more at ease with the new aligner in your mouth. Great!

Tip 4- Discuss pain relief options

Clear aligners are by no means completely comfortable. After all, they have to move your teeth! To mitigate the potential soreness that the aligners can cause, we recommend talking to our team about the most suitable options for pain relief, to help you stick to the treatment.

Tip 5- Keep them clean

To ensure your oral hygiene remains intact and to keep the aligners clear, you need to clean them a minimum of twice a day. This is straightforward and can be done by simply rinsing them under a cold tap and using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Pairing this up with your daily hygiene regime can make this easier and will ensure that you are less susceptible to cavities or gum disease while undertaking the treatment.