Invisalign and the advantages of use in adult years

When you are an adult who has misaligned teeth you may only consider the negative effects of wearing either a fitted brace or aligner to correct the issue.


However, if you have what is considered to be a mild to moderate misalignment, then you may be suitable for one of the more discreet options that dental teams can offer. This is known as an invisible aligner.

As our name suggests, at Clear Braces Direct, we specialise in the use of clear or invisible aligners to help our patients get the smiles that they deserve. Particularly, we specialise in the use of Invisalign London, which is a fast and efficient way to correct moderate misalignments

But are there any advantages to wearing Invisalign London as an adult? And how does this aligner compare to traditional braces? Read on to find out.


A key advantage of wearing Invisalign London in your adult years is that the aligner is removable, which means you can take it out if you are giving talks, lectures or simply don’t want to have it in your mouth. But be aware that for this aligner to work at its full efficiency, you will need to wear it for a minimum of 22 hours per day or as directed by our team.


This type of aligner is branded as invisible, primarily because it is the closest thing you will get to an invisible orthodontic tool! It is made from clear plastic and is moulded to slot over your teeth. So it will not be bulky or protruding. This means that whilst you are wearing it, few people will be able to spot it unless you point it out. Which has an obvious benefit in the working environment or even if you are dating.

Lifestyle friendly

In the past, undertaking orthodontics in adult life would usually mean extensive trips to the dentist to have the braces tightened or adjusted. As this aligner does not require adjustments, you will not need to see our team at the practice as often. Using the associated app, which is downloadable for smartphones, you can send us weekly updates via a selfie, so we can determine if the aligner is progressing as planned, or if you need to see our team. This saves on a lot of time and money that could have been spent making trips to our surgery.


It is newer and it is trendy, so surely it is more expensive! This is a common thought that many of our patients have when it comes to using invisible aligners. However, as you will not need to see our team as much and as there is no need to adjust or tighten the aligners, the cost of undertaking this treatment may be more affordable than you think. We also offer financing options to help you spread the cost if needed. So talk to our team about this option today.

Time saving

It may sound surprising but an invisible aligner can straighten your smile in as short a time as 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity of the issue being corrected and your adherence to wearing the aligner. So you can begin wearing this tool before a wedding or another important event and have your teeth straightened in time. Perfect!