Invisalign; issues that can slow this aligner down

When it comes to undertaking any kind of new treatment, whether it is to straighten your teeth or your hair, you will likely want to know how to maximise the chances of the treatment working.


And when it comes to straightening your teeth with an invisible aligner, there are a few things you can do to ensure that the treatment straightens your teeth effectively.

With that said, as this is dental care, there are a few conditions and lifestyle choices that can negatively impact the success of these aligners, and in this article, we are going to explore what some of these are.

Because at Clear Braces Direct, we want you to get the straighter smile that you deserve using Invisalign London. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that this treatment works effectively and that we catch any potential issues that you may have early to avoid disruption. Great!

So, what are some of the dental issues and other complications that can negatively impact Invisalign London? Read on to find out!

Gum disease

One of the most insidious diseases known to the mouth is gum disease or gingivitis; it causes your gums to become red, inflamed and bleed when they are touched.

However, when you are using Invisalign London, you will need to be aware of the signs of gum disease; if left untreated, it can cause your gums to recede and your teeth to fall out. Not great when you are looking to straighten your teeth!


In a similar vein as gum disease, smoking can create a wealth of issues when you are using invisible aligners. Firstly, if you leave the aligners in when you smoke, they can become stained, so they will not remain invisible for very long!

Smoking also increases the risk of oral cancer and has a hand in gum disease development too. So, if you want to keep using invisible aligners and get a straighter smile, you may want to undertake smoking cessation.

Lack of engagement

Invisible aligners are removable and as such, our team often has to talk to patients about their lack of engagement with the aligner. In other words, many patients take the aligner out of their mouths, which, when you need to wear the aligner for 22 hours per day to gain any benefits, can slow the orthodontic realignment or may even cause your teeth to revert to their former positions.

So, be sure to keep any invisible aligners in your mouth for as long as specified by our team.

Skipping aligners

When you use Invisalign, you will usually receive between 12 and 14 aligners in each set.

And for the treatment to work effectively, each aligner needs to be worn for around 2 weeks and the aligners need to be worn in a set order.

Even if you feel that one aligner is not worth wearing because it physically resembles the other aligners, you should under no circumstances skip it. Doing so can cause your treatment to fall out of sync and can halt the movement of your teeth.

So, unless you get the green light from a member of our team to skip an aligner, don’t!