Invisalign care guide from Clear Braces Direct

When you begin using an invisible aligner to straighten your teeth, it can feel like a bit of an adjustment at first.


Luckily, as many dental teams have been using invisible aligners for a while now, they can offer advice on how best to use them. But few dental surgeries specialise in the use of invisible aligners and that is where our team is different and can help clear up any worries you may have.

At Clear Braces Direct, we know all there is to know about clear aligners, especially Invisalign London and we can offer you advice on how to manage this aligner in your daily life to ensure you get the most out of wearing it. Great stuff!

In the following guide, we break down some of our top care tips on how to use and care for Invisalign London, so you can go about your day knowing exactly what is needed for you to get the straighter smile you want using this aligner.

Carry the case!

When you begin using Invisalign London, you will be sent a plastic carry case that takes the shape of the letter ‘c’. We advise you to use this when you are not wearing your aligner as it is designed to keep the aligner at the right temperature and safe from any external damage. We do not advise simply tossing your aligner into your pocket or your bag, as this can cause it to warp out of shape and then require you to invest in a replacement aligner.

Cold water only!

The aligners themselves are made from clear plastic, which is both malleable and hardy. But it is worth noting that these aligners are not Indestructible and when you are cleaning them, it is advised that you use cold water only to remove debris. Do not use hot water or even slightly warm water, as this can cause the aligners to warp out of shape.

If you have any stubborn debris on your aligners, we will advise you to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove it. Do not under any circumstances apply a heavy-handed approach to cleaning your aligners as this can cause irreparable damage.

Cleaning crystals

Alternatively, you can use cleaning crystals to keep your aligners fresh and clear. Just be sure that the cleaning crystals you choose are suitable for use with aligners. You can even use denture cleaning products, as these are designed to not be harsh on the gums and will keep your aligners minty fresh. Just use them twice a day!

Time yourself

To get the most out of your invisible aligners, you will need to keep them in your mouth for a minimum of 22 hours per day. And while this may sound easy, our team advises you to time yourself to get an idea of how long it takes you to eat, clean your teeth or engage in other activities that require you to remove the aligner.

Replacing aligners

If you lose or damage an aligner, you will need a replacement and our team at Clear Braces Direct will be happy to send you one. But we advise that you do not move on to the next aligner in the series if you lose an aligner, as this can cause the misalignment to worsen, or for your teeth to move out of sync.