Invisalign and dental procedures

When it comes to having your teeth straightened as an adult or even as a teenager, it is worth exploring how other types of dental work may impact the success of the overall treatment.


Luckily, even when using a more popular and common type of realignment tool such as an invisible aligner, there are very few examples of dental work that can make this difficult.  And even if you are concerned that the type of dental work you have had will be detrimental to the use of invisible aligners, it is always worth seeking a second opinion from our team.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have helped patients get the straighter smiles that they want, using Invisalign London and know exactly how this aligner responds to previous examples of dental work. So if you are unsure if a crown is going to be a problem or if that filling may be an issue, simply call us for more information.

In this article, our team will highlight the most common types of dental work that we experience in our clinic and how Invisalign London responds to them. And of course, if they may present a problem!


A crown is in essence a very large filling topped with a restoration that seeks to build up a tooth that has been damaged by decay or trauma.

As the work needed for a crown involves the top of the tooth and does not impact the roots, it is unlikely that a crown will be a problem for Invisalign London. But if your crown is loose or decay has set in underneath, this will need to be remedied before you undertake any kind of orthodontic work.

And as invisible braces do not need to be attached to your teeth, this may be more helpful for patients who have multiple crowns or large fillings, as there will be no additional pressure applied directly to the restorative due to brackets.


Pre-existing fillings very rarely present a problem when it comes to undertaking invisible aligners as, in a similar vein to a crown, an invisible aligner does not apply any pressure via a bracket to a filling and so, it is more likely to stay in place.

However, if during your treatment using invisible aligners it is found that you have a cavity and need a filling, treatment may need to be suspended temporarily after the filling is fitted to allow the tooth to heal.


Bridges can present more of an issue with orthodontic realignments, as if they are fitted they cannot be moved and it is unwise to try to move the teeth around them. Or, if they are not fitted there is a very large gap in the mouth.

This can present an issue for invisible aligners and if you have a bridge of any sort, you should discuss it with our team before beginning treatment.


If your veneers are in good condition and are healthy without any decay underneath them, there is no reason why you should not be able to undertake treatment with invisible aligners.