Contraindicated health conditions and Invisalign

If you are considering approaching our team to begin treatment with invisible aligners, it may be worth having a clear idea of the health issues that may make this treatment difficult.


Some of these health problems can be helped by our team and so while you are reading this list, it is important to not become discouraged, and if you would like more advice seek out information from our practice.

At Clear Braces Direct, we have been using clear aligners like Invisalign London to help our patients get the straighter smiles they want for over half a decade and have nearly 4000 successful cases under our belt. So it is safe to say that we know what we’re doing when it comes to realignment with this method!

Remember this list is not extensive and is a general guide; if you would like more advice on contraindicated health conditions and the use of Invisalign London, please seek out a consultation with our team.

Gum disease

When it comes to dental conditions that can be a hazard for dental realignment, gum disease is at the top of the list.

And when you are contemplating using Invisalign London, it is important to be screened for signs of gum disease. Gum disease can cause your teeth to become loose or fall out altogether, which is going to be problematic when it comes to moving your teeth.

If our team detects signs of gum disease at your initial meeting with us, we will suggest that you have this treated before attempting any orthodontic work.

Prior dental work

As unfortunate as it is, there are some examples of dental work that can limit the use of invisible aligners.

And one of these is a fitted bridge; as a bridge relies on the surrounding teeth to be stable, it can be difficult to move them effectively using any orthodontic tool. In a similar vein, if you have had a dental implant fitted, this can complicate any orthodontics procedure that you may want to undertake. While it may not preclude you from the use of invisible aligners, it will require the careful guidance of our team to ensure the treatment is completed without any problem.


Cavities are somewhat common and if due to the recent pandemic you have missed a couple of dental appointments, it is quite likely that you may have a few teeth that need filling!

Luckily, cavities are easily treated and our team will be able to solve this condition usually in a single appointment, after which you can begin the treatment with invisible aligners.

Similarly, if you have concerns that one of your fillings or your crown is loose, it is worth contacting our team about this before undertaking any orthodontic work.


Osteoporosis can cause an issue with the thinning of the jaw and this, in turn, can be extremely detrimental when it comes to moving teeth, as it can cause them to fall out. Which is not the look you’re going for when you undertake an orthodontic realignment procedure!

If you have osteoporosis and would like to consider having your teeth realigned, please contact our team for more advice and seek out guidance from your doctor.