How we fit Invisalign at Clear Braces Direct

You may have read on the internet or in newspapers about the hype surrounding adult orthodontics, particularly the use of invisible aligners.


And this is no small thing! In years gone by, the only way for adult patients to straighten their teeth successfully was to use metal braces, which could impact their daily lives, not to mention their lifestyle choices. But thanks to the creation and widespread use of invisible aligners, more patients are getting the smiles that they have always wanted and deserved, without needing to worry about fitted braces and the potential complications that can come with them.

At Clear Braces Direct, we know more than our fair share about invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign London. This clear or invisible aligner is ideal if you have a mild to moderate misalignment and if you are on a mission to straighten your smile before an event such as a wedding or graduation.

However, as you read those online articles or newspaper stories about Invisalign London, you may have had some questions as to how these aligners are created, how they work and how they fit into the daily lives of those who wear them. In the following guide, our team breaks this down for you, so you can ascertain if they are the answer to your misalignment woes.

Invisible aligners; assessment

First things first; when you want to undertake any orthodontic treatment as an adult, you need to seek the advice of a dentist trained with the aligner or an orthodontist. Our team at the practice has the expertise needed to determine suitability for Invisalign London, so we are the team to approach!

As mentioned earlier, this aligner is more suitable for you if you have a mild to moderate case of misalignment with the teeth at the front of your mouth. This aligner cannot correct issues with molars and may not be suitable for cases involving protruding teeth or teeth that need to be rotated.

If we determine that you are suitable for invisible aligners, we will proceed to take a scan of your mouth using our intraoral scanner.


The photographs taken using the intraoral scanner will then be sent to a laboratory to create the aligners.

Each stage of the alignment treatment will be mapped out using computer software and each aligner required will be planned using vector maps of where the pressure from each one needs to be applied to the teeth. Using a 3D scanner, the aligners are then printed and shipped back to our surgery.

Daily wear

For invisible aligners to work, you need to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours per day, taking them out when you are eating food or consuming hot beverages.

You must also aim to keep the aligners clean, rinsing them under a cold tap a minimum of twice a day and using a soft bristle toothbrush to remove debris.


Once your treatment is complete (usually in around 3 to 6 months), you will need to wear a retainer. This is an important and often overlooked stage of wearing any orthodontic device, as it prevents your teeth from reverting to their former positions.